Friday, July 6, 2012

Flogged Monkey

How I yearn for her arms like sheets of silk and a chest to lie upon
Like a cushion of time to hold her like cotton stitched in a towel of time
To wash away this insecurity of partiality of where the real me begins and the version
I must retort in courts of externally imposed postponed verbalization
Accuse me of being. 

To trust like a treasure trove of crystal-laced words
Of love and concern, reciprocal and symmetrical fragile and held in care
So unsure if that place will ever exist but in my own hope
And such fear of a vapid landscape to explore like a wanderer into a shadowed moor
Of crag and murk with soaked steps of regret knowing the banshee behind the shawl

With all her misplaced aggression, like I am some cursed monstrosity bellowing
At the nadir of our private moments a rage and a demand on our everyday
That her perception berates me into submission like a flogged monkey taught to fetch her playthings like prismatic chandeliers and white-painted porches with this canyon moat
To guard my entry from infecting their beauty. 
Back in the cage, and we will all be silent dictated from prissy privileged positions 

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