Friday, July 6, 2012

First Crush

How do I express my ignored teenage certainties about what I was feeling
Like a drunk puppy on ecstasy and Xanex mixed with rainbows showering lollypops
Everybody has that virgin vomiting all-in emotion
Illogical and overwhelming intoxication that is
Carried out in a completely non-pragmatic fashion

That is destined for failure in its complete lack
Of structural integrity of an emotional overture
Due to the lack of self-confidence, randomized promises
Overt desires saddled on unsubstantiated reciprocation

That if ever possible is totally demolished and nipped
Before fertilization by the arrogance of the assumption
That the paradox of wanting someone so infinitely
To intertwine with their future daily occurrences
Despite a functional ignorance about the true
Historical content of that other person’s life

In the nature of attraction to magnetize to the polarized
Of who ignores us and implores us to sniff up other legs
Batting our noses away like extra hundred dollar bills
Hellicopter-ing off rooftops in down-town Manhattan
For a millionaire super-model who seems trifled by our presence
More concerned with manicure appointments and saving the whales

Such superstars in our visions colliding with our own indecisions
Acting and not-acted out in the dream halls of our own heads
Of what he or she would say if only we had our day
To explain all of who we are and why this was meant to be

God-damn beautiful judged by the crowd and that is the only sound
Ever needed to put us on the scent trailing a never-lover to bathe him or her in compliments, Never becoming real or tangible
Just a testament to attraction to keep it manageable

One day we’ll look back and laugh at this hoopla littering our path
Of a face that won’t remember that we’ll remember until our life’s December

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