Friday, July 6, 2012

Faded Parchment

A decade to explain of where I went inside the silence
Of the parchment faded out with ink that isn’t linked to any
Varied color on the page, to leave each other with ghost like
Specters of decision to imagine where the other has been living

Inside of a movie of a present that has faded into a memory
You may never know or never show, but project up on the screen
Drive in theater of a labor of communication held out on mute
It may refute some fact we never saw all of that,

But at least I know it goes to show somewhere out in America
There is a girl on a beach on the Atlantic somewhere between
Florida and Maine, I have to train my radar of perception to detect in
To call out her fluttered name, and once a friend I’m trying to send

A reason for a crease in this emotion just a ledge upon a word
To hide a sliver of my sensation to allow for another turn
To tell you about my travels and live out where it matters
Come and grab me, come and find me or at least send a signal,

Like a flare that you are there inside a purple haze on a night sky
Sitting there by the shore line with a pinkish hue on the aura of the
Ring around the thoughts that I still exist in your stories like an
Adjunct sort of man somewhere mentioned, somewhere scripted,

But still necessary to your plan of life held out in logical equations
That to get to where you are I was a variable of need, without which
The path would fold out into a different place, a separate craft upon the path
That my words were of comfort, of friendship, of a sight that in that

Atlantic pathway hued in pink the color would not shine as bright
For my syllables had impact in a way I hoped they might, but
Alas I can not find you, the footprints of your name have washed away
I will write you in glassware, scrolled and corked and wait

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