Friday, July 6, 2012

Last Request

I run to you with drenched pockets
Flipped out over the street like faucets unhinged blabbering 
Buckets of munched up nonsense
Crinkled like derailed train cars in an accordion of information

Gasping to extol upon your doorstep as if
Edison and Bell had never conjectured a time frame for conversing
From any greater distance, I ran from Negril to Seattle to say
Change your mind and find my exasperation trepidation

Of all you are leaving behind to seep back in your conclusions
Like water sliding across the top of a glacier slipping in and melting that
Which always-would-be like solid granite melting in panic

That what-if what-was, was not what you thought
Counteracted in raw decision making absent the logic and needs
That spent you to say you were leaving could some how reverse
And bring us back to something in-tacked

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