Friday, July 6, 2012

Assumption Combustion

Circling in supposition, hovering for a landing place
A runway amongst the traffic of honking goose-down accords
Soft in sight and commonly distant and taken
Fresh lips stuck to other moving men

An arm, a ring finger, a glance while standing alone
For a motion to the counterpart approaching
In my deaf silence with mouths undulating messages
Into smiles and welcoming kisses drenched in censure

To my approach of another shaken thought clenched
Under foot to stamp out projection into an open countryside
With a roadway and a passenger seat occupied
With the shoulder belt abreast in line to the curvature of

A sentiment expressed without sound belonging to another
But a sound heard inside my own eardrums
Bursting in connection that the radio had competition
But delayed landings continue as the weather dries out the winter’s grip
Fog shrouds the chatter hoping for a soap box
To stand before the spectators as applicants

To rip open the words inside rib cages
Like stretched plastic bags of frozen vegetables
Of concealed greens, yellows, and oranges pent beneath
The frames of commercial marketing and dietary factoids
To unleash the content of a soul’s story read out in the light of the sun’s caress

And a sorted placement could be arranged between
Strangers standing in silence to bask in such new-found nutritional content
To fulfill the famished with human knowledge of substance
Not bathed in glamour or candy-coated congealed fabricated frocks

But raw individualism stampeding outward with the tone of an open ended question
Perusing the concert halls of a previous alien’s identity
To channel Puccini and expand the embrace of a glance to entwine
The fingers of lips upon a shoulder to turn in correspondence
And welcome someone new into a life exposed

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