Friday, July 6, 2012


Run, run, and all the sum of these days piling up on my shoulders
Like the phantom image of you hunched over invisible but heavy
On my back like a caravan of regret and pent up mess of your legs
Entangled over my torso and asphyxiating my neck with a sadistic faceless glee

That you could stay with me despite my shakes and stutters to break the lines
Of where you and I entwined into one another as a one-of marching onward
Carrying and kicking sand frenetic to discard your dead-fish hands
Flapping against my cheeks as your skull knocks my ear lobe with nefarious placid energy glued on like a bullet lodged from time-bombed shrapnel clogged

Up in my bloodstream segregating the momentum of a completed circuit
Off I go and how I know I won’t ever get to go inside a tomb of us to exhume the
Rooted crux of why you anesthetized the body of our marriage left your half pale
And flaccid with my legs bowing out from the weight wanting me to crash it

Like a Hindenburg still deflating from where I thought you were leaving me with
A parasitic memory of a shell to contain your guilt like a moment of duplicity
And off the acacia flies exoskeleton into her southern night,
Antebellum porch retrained sipping her elixir’s deranged, she escaped this weight

Like fluttering wings and sent a solo explanation to hum the duet of a violin sting
In tune with the hum on a Louisiana summer night
From a cypress tree she was finally free
But memories are spectral and shift upon the breeze as I sped these steps to shed

The sentiment off like a crust of sawdust pulverized in time the bones of you
Remain inside your own body up on that porch stoic inside the part,
You’d rather forget, but calcify in time and broken in nine
The marrow infested with a hollow joy that an ersatz escape could not find

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