Monday, July 9, 2012


Monday, (put my head down on my desk for a minute, when no one was looking)
One more paycheck, one more nut
One more two-weeks to ceasing this inescapable rut
Idle bodies mouthing the difference between food going in
Prepared by whose kitchen

Hand-carved, grilled, chopped, prepared, not
Services for whom, dollars indifferent to pandemic astringents
Logo-therapy, purpose, meaning
Struggling, commuting, breathing

Release inquiries, indifference to the response
Sign the paper independent of if the answers fit the form
Fall asleep drift into the oblivion of chatter-less Monday mornings

Alone, retired staring at the Price is Right audience sycophants
Bartering for cans of tuna fish and motor-coach crapulence
Showcases of marketing lures for the unemployed
At home, subsidies and soy beans mixed in the drive-through lane

An opportunity to escape, press the pedal and plot a date
In the future to pray for work, to pray to quit working
Undulation of keeping a head in the yoke
Hunting a trophy chucked in the trash with the television remote

Upon return to the domicile, prepare dinner, box the meal
Noodles, steroid chicken and sugar-charms sparkling in cola
Eat the enamel in a modern dystopia
Stare at the concrete, suck up the straw, milkshake missing

The tax return starts to gnaw, the marrow of one for the fat of another
Churn the decision of staked claims, flag holes and beautiful stains
Blurred in the UPC code of robots at the factory, import the cohorts
Brown hands, yellow hands, white hands new
Brown dogs, yellow dogs, blue dogs, red dogs, who

Ill suited to climbing a tree full of cats, pawing and purring
In a leopard-skin habitat of pill box hats
No faux sliced off the beast cover the covers and carnivores need meat

Red State

Red State

Behind the curtain interwoven, stitched in rations
Of self-allocated logic swallowed in pathological
Addiction to the allocation of fate by self-direction and God
Simultaneously as if fortune and burden are in no way systematic

War is a proving ground, a righteous act of musts
No debate, because the monsters are forcing the bishop
To take the pawn, threaten the queen and the knights play along
Revving pick up trucks, rattling gun racks

White-tail trophies bagged in Iraq
Rural jobs programs for military sacrifice
Justified like a prayer that every son and daughter comes home tonight
Honest love and swallow the cause

Like bacteria in the bread tinting the yellow on the front lawn
Eat this in remembrance of me
Those that died so that you may breathe
The Trojan horses are coming to fell our buildings

United airliners gas tanks and squealing
Memories on loop newscast playback
Moses hold up his hands over the Amalekites’ attack
God’s favored people

Exodus social programs, not in my red state
Atlantic cross to farm cotton rows and clans formed
Williams, Johnson, Smith, names assigned after the ship
Generations divergent, put a tint on the culprit

Failure, poverty, tragedy, society,
Flip the script empower the hint
Of a constitution being trampled
Founding fathers and amble

Wisdom from aristocratic slave-holders
Who framed the scenes,
Billion-dollar corporations lobbying the means
Of production, health care, retirement, stock price adjustments

Externalize the mathematics and find home in the blame tragic
White-out of logic, pray to God, for a lower tax rate for a prospect
Of the pie is so big I might just get to taste
Apple-flesh-skinned blood from the red state

Mexican building my roof, off-the-books labor
Booming cheap Texas land
Californian debt apocalypse over promised
Terminated and characters amalgamated

Into one face blue or red castrate
The one-party system pachyderm or jackass 
Procreating in assumptions that we could never see each other
In the other

Voting against our self-interests
Based on a marketing campaign and Jack Abramoff
Promising congressional staff options once this payoff has passed
Muster on the floor, no vitriolic filibuster to detour

The flag of freedom, everybody pick a color, claim a spot
Because we go told all you could choose was a dot
Think one way, pick a side, moral obligation
Ideology of the mob, self-identity morph the illusion

Question the capacity of a pickup truck to a prius
Resources and delusions, of doing more together
Than apart, bickering for benefit of puppet strings
That profit from a billion hands supporting a single shoe

Keeping the barrels pointed, two men standing 
In an elevator aiming at each other’s forehead
Books quoted, lights flickering, pockets empty
Close camera security monitoring the whole thing

Standoff, two-thousand and twelve floors
Up and down, up and down
Wires shaking, but the men ignore the sounds
Thump to the basement free fall in place

Trigger fingers itching and at the last minute
Over the intercom in comes the phrase,
Pardon me sirs, the election results are in
Presidential exchange democracy again

You sir get a free shot to peg Mr. Red in the leg
When we get back to the top Mr. Blue you get to do the same
Repeat, reload, repeat, reload, new names, same show
When the hell will we exit the elevator and see the purple in the penthouse?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Shelly in Silence

One day I will recognize your face as my compatriot
With skin like a cresting wave trickling fingers
Dribbling from the bone below my iris sliding down
On a curvature to connect with the partnered apex of my smile
Joining a semi circle completed in your own

I will see you stepping out of your car taking off your sunglasses
And looking up at the sight of me on at a table shadowed by an over-sized patio umbrella
On a Wednesday afternoon in spring and you could just drop everything
To spend an afternoon approaching June with me

Sandals and a summer of grass blades
Unafraid to lay down and roll
While who-ever looks, because optics are partnered 
Not in juries crowded on the extremities of every word
Censuring the tendrils of your soul until their burden
Bears weight like cannon balls plummeting from a newfound distance
Bombing my world, you are free from such yokes of thought
For when you see me, you see a peace complete

Raised from the everywhere that I could never witness

Below the ocean of her maelstrom of judgment
Calmed with a slurped exit upward from all of that which is now behind me

Appreciation falls like rain on my deserted beach
Stranded and landed with other flotsam and jetsam
From out on the slopes of the cradle of placid sway

The waves grew rambunctious under her hurricane
Long held torpedoes of resentment fueled by guilt
Blasted holds in my vessel and sent me a drift

Oars and silence have brought my face upon a seashell staring at the sun
Grit and grain of time laced with a salty line
I spit her out start a fire and time

Smoke signals when I am ready to rebuild my own boat
Set sail for a mermaid and my own dreams
A clouded day but a perfect sky because no one wants to feel half way alive

A year a group of months clumped and piled on the end of
All of this, how much time is fine to know you have severed and are
Ready not to infect any new body with your old host
How do you know your fracture is set and won’t sever in the movements?
Indeterminate schedule until a foot is pushing and a lung compressed reconnects

Roadside Asphyxiation

Asphyxiated body of a marriage, breathless as a ring in a soap dish
Stranded on a countertop for a voyager on a highway
To an interstate of a life with a thump below the treads
Of the followed footsteps of a gray rover that pulled over
With red finger tips in the grip of my lungs leaving me pumping and out

She runs, hitching a ride for her time in a u-turn direction
Story teller of an escape for a better-place from a Grendel face
Of a man struggling to breathe staring at the random roadside forest
A sun and no keys to get the movements back in his shaken knees

He hears whispers from the trees on a wind of her words
Wasping back like counter attacks for a war he is not ready for
And suddenly there is an axis against him of her family trying to pretend
You broke some vow and here and now is how

I must stand, dust off my ventricles and soak in red the air to get the
Blood back to my head, out the ditch and foot the path that I must tread

Church Sight

I imagined your voice responding, your face concentrated on my lips
To ask you if you would like to reduce the width between your knowledge of me
From two pews to one, to know me in growth rather than casual sight

I had put off verbalizing anything into air, because of this hazy unknown
Sequestering my everything and then I had to look at your left hand and even
Though you sat alone, there it was like a lighthouse to shield my hull
From the inevitable jarring, a rock on a harbor I can not find port

And so I will export my thoughts to exclude the waves of your body
From my siren stitched into the fabric that I will set my sail
To go back out there and try to find that white whale, whispering on the bottom

In bubbles pelting the surface like letters strung on a hymn to a song
I fear I am growing deaf to the depths necessary to sing along
A row boat on a tidal surge undulating like bungee jumps
With worn elasticity and questionable concern over the consequences

Sadistic Intent

Heavy sledge like a thud-club mallet dragging the road’s surface
Cracking concrete forging a mini-canyon of segregation in rubble
Of a black depth divided with the extracted gray crumbled chunks
Heaved haphazardly to the left and onto the right

As if the consequences were dispersed in some sort of random reality
But no, justice would say this is not a weapon of mine,
Nor instrument of progression towards an intended outcome
This is cumbersome cubic abandonment in flat weight hurled and wielded

With devastating intent held in the hands of the rodent queen
So innocuous to public’s perception and thunderous in her private conceptions
Of reality like Raiden on hormonal swings I am scorched and reverberating the
Sizzle of segregation with steamed tears of a mistaken present
Her say affects my now every day and I don’t want it to.

Flogged Monkey

How I yearn for her arms like sheets of silk and a chest to lie upon
Like a cushion of time to hold her like cotton stitched in a towel of time
To wash away this insecurity of partiality of where the real me begins and the version
I must retort in courts of externally imposed postponed verbalization
Accuse me of being. 

To trust like a treasure trove of crystal-laced words
Of love and concern, reciprocal and symmetrical fragile and held in care
So unsure if that place will ever exist but in my own hope
And such fear of a vapid landscape to explore like a wanderer into a shadowed moor
Of crag and murk with soaked steps of regret knowing the banshee behind the shawl

With all her misplaced aggression, like I am some cursed monstrosity bellowing
At the nadir of our private moments a rage and a demand on our everyday
That her perception berates me into submission like a flogged monkey taught to fetch her playthings like prismatic chandeliers and white-painted porches with this canyon moat
To guard my entry from infecting their beauty. 
Back in the cage, and we will all be silent dictated from prissy privileged positions 

Faded Parchment

A decade to explain of where I went inside the silence
Of the parchment faded out with ink that isn’t linked to any
Varied color on the page, to leave each other with ghost like
Specters of decision to imagine where the other has been living

Inside of a movie of a present that has faded into a memory
You may never know or never show, but project up on the screen
Drive in theater of a labor of communication held out on mute
It may refute some fact we never saw all of that,

But at least I know it goes to show somewhere out in America
There is a girl on a beach on the Atlantic somewhere between
Florida and Maine, I have to train my radar of perception to detect in
To call out her fluttered name, and once a friend I’m trying to send

A reason for a crease in this emotion just a ledge upon a word
To hide a sliver of my sensation to allow for another turn
To tell you about my travels and live out where it matters
Come and grab me, come and find me or at least send a signal,

Like a flare that you are there inside a purple haze on a night sky
Sitting there by the shore line with a pinkish hue on the aura of the
Ring around the thoughts that I still exist in your stories like an
Adjunct sort of man somewhere mentioned, somewhere scripted,

But still necessary to your plan of life held out in logical equations
That to get to where you are I was a variable of need, without which
The path would fold out into a different place, a separate craft upon the path
That my words were of comfort, of friendship, of a sight that in that

Atlantic pathway hued in pink the color would not shine as bright
For my syllables had impact in a way I hoped they might, but
Alas I can not find you, the footprints of your name have washed away
I will write you in glassware, scrolled and corked and wait

Test Fire

A pass at mast held like a beacon for renegade love songs
Held out in teenage assembly high enough to ring notice
Like a newly elected cheerleader buzzing the hive of the
Hallway verb strung like a vibe between her and I

And if only I could reverberate the swarm like
A maestro on the maelstrom with the pulse in the pantheon
Of high school cock-strong and intertwined with the lines
That matter in the chatter, but all that echoes is silence

In the wave of a movement veiled in insecure protrusion
To know she notices some inflection in the way I pronounce her name
With inquiry and declarative stance simultaneous execution
Of statement in appearance in test fire just below the surface tension of the water

Firing ripples in her eye lashes like a brush of wind across the Kansas wheat fields
Like a match scrape flecks of black ignite in her iris in such a swelling sea of blue
A dilation detected and a boy abrupt enough to speak

Oral History

Anxious and full with a grunting pit bull belly
Ready to act and thrash in eloquent explanation of injustice
And ration out the retribution for false imprisonment
In lemon juice drops of sentiment peppered in memory

To draw out the ink washed into exile in her crocodile tears
On the parchment of an oral history, shared yet severed
Into a warzone with a third riche and my newfound swastika eyeballs
Barreling down on my own daughter to trample her spirit like a crazed automaton

Set on perpetuating isolation and stealing ice cream cones for sport
Hypocrisy expounds upon the annals of tempered reality
As I sit in my mummified silence waiting for a judicial appointment
To retort the asp and her twittering tongue entwined upon

The puppets of my unlawful relatives to cast me a bastard pariah
And all I want is a reprieve to have my child and see a life
In slalom of fatherhood and soloist echoed in transposition
Between the extremities of memory and the truth I know as a

Center line to guide the focus of my path upon a love for her
And all her innocence wrapped in the snow flakes of her humanity
I can not howl in vengeance or punitive movements to banish her mother
For abandoning our triad for this hybrid existence with her self-placed pedestals

To conduct the last nine months as an explanation of extradition of her soul from our marriage like a whisper on a pillow of a lover in the morning barking back death threats
In the full voice and tone of a lioness roaring for a mouthful of wide-eyed sockets of skull
To lick the blood from her lips and barge out the door to sleep in a new den

But I know my daughter needs her in her partitioned life, actress upon the stage
Saboteur and zealous sweetness icing upon the proving ground of pageantry for
Mother of the year and I will repress the albatross of resentment like an anchor
On the ankles of the fresh path that I must forge for a life anew

Basket Case

Up at the bat and it is stacked with sixteen strikes allowed for you
What is a man supposed to do when it is
One for me up at the mic and I’ve got the end in sight
Talk, talk, talk until it is time to walk to that courtroom and have

The world listen to you go on and on about what you fear
An innocent face with a bodyguard, why can’t you come in without the alarms
Going off blaring in the backgrounds, stealth fighters come in for a beat-down
Hand grenade in you pocket going to chuck it across the room

Slap in my lap, what’s wrong with you?
Destroy us all, decapitate the family, three-heads, just to constrain me
Out on a porch wrapped up in the issues, sticking to a liars nest of tissues
Crocodile, pan a smile and wipe away those cross tears

Crucify yourself to pander up false fears
You claim to have, in the net years you snared yourself
Marriage like a basket case to plant your image
Up in the vines of cables and chains, do you even have a footing to stake your claims?

That I was the boogie man.  I was the jigga-man crunching up the food supply
Crowding out any breath to survive, in this hostility fucked up humidity
You’ve got your head plastered in the clouds of a Cinderella dream
For your right to be happy, ever think a mirror had the view that needed to be slapped,

Please, thoughts on cracked, stabbed me in back with that rock of your finger,
Knocked me to the mat, Crunch me, scrunch me,
Pull your lip over your head wide enough to munch me, up in the belly of your
Asp-faced beast venom injecting to stutter my speech, Wiggle out the rigor
Brush off my shoulder, ah life in my hands you should have told her,  

Coming back from this mummy-time with my cross hairs crossed
Right left to your eyesight so look it up on the wall  
Projected up to all that the movie is playing in an Imax style
Seven-stories high with just one truth, this is when your chickens come home to roost

Squak, squak, squak, like a robot, lies you hatched have boomeranged back
I’m at peace to your passive aggressive war lingering penitentiary can’t hurt me any more
Hostility on a key ring to lock me out my own home, tell me again those vows I must have said on my own, you walked out, abandoned me and now you hold me hostage financially,

Up in the castle we built for you, sipping on a Sunday I carried you
Out of the waters of this vagabond storm, to rebuild a life on you Pa Pa’s old farm
Herd in the sheep and pin up the pigs you got mud on your dress and sin on your lips
Cuckold-a-doodle-doo, what’s wrong with you?
Did your mama every teach you how to lose?  

Keep your pupils up with the twinkle in your tiara, sight gone distracted because I think you broke some laws, huh? Legal system rules, but what about this family,
Is our daughter really going to believe you had to strand me? 
To save her little spirit lost up in the loam,
Dirt got flung on the walls of her own home,

So quick to disparage, pitch out this marriage, saying you’ve been struggling for years before the crash and why don’t’ I believe you, oh because I was there, to hear every word and carry every care in the halls of my heart like a petal on a pillow, but you burry your head like a rancid armadillo down in the dirt of a mound of hurt you’ve shit out yourself, yet deny you exert

Had to be me that took off the smiles like Mr. Potato head swapping out styles
Angry, Angry always trying to name me, Grendel-mental monster bound crescendo
Always asking, always passing the buck to me, honey why aren’t you happy?
And I tell you I am somehow in this dodo land,
Smiles never add up to the quota in your hand,

I trusted, must have, to keep my heart in park past, ten years no fears
That married life had put to rest my eyes for other skies
To go to sleep each night knowing I had found my pasture in the nape of your neck
Spoon like crescent moon holding my breath,

I had peace you’ve burned to solace of a one-sided love you’ve shredded to sawdust
Escape my caress with a Judas kiss, silver on a Bible in the living room
I know you missed the symbolism in the collision of them remnants of a life you were throwing away
Living alone in your palatial estate,

Rearrange the furniture and claim it an escape
Uh oh, he goes on through the window of time you had planned my demise
Only to see the flaws of your life out on display and now I can play out on my own and you can ramble on, but your message is starting to drone, on and on and on
Of hard times come and gone,

With my extraction you got a divisible fraction
Of one, one lady on a hill, with a pimped-out golf cart and mouth full of swill
So go play 18 holes all by yourself, get your own damn ball, because this caddy isn’t coming to help, no more dinners on a plate with a semblance of class, no breakfast in the morning or telling you your ass, isn’t that plump like truffle hunting swine,

You’ll need a little make up to get back on that line for some one to submit to all of your will to be the leader of the row boat at a stand still, How can you grow if you don’t let any body in?  How can you breathe if you blame me for all of your sins? 
Why didn’t you just tell me you wanted to leave?
Why did you have to start a war when I only wanted peace?

Bunk Port

Do you know what’s waiting a mile off the shoreline?
What ships drift without sonar or sense of when the fog will lift?
In this bunk port town with hobo flash lights burning the night
Flickering remnants of messages sent but left in floating glass

Wondering what she might have said in response if full disclosure policies
Had been implemented when concern was still in the harbor
Like a naked child bemusing herself over playthings oblivious
As Eve and America’s pie there for her taking and she mashes it in malice

And chucks the chum into the harbor with red peels straggling
Of an uncooked ready-made meal and all I needed was a hearth
And time to scintillate the structure to expose the content
As sweet and warm and comfort expounded upon lips like

The mist lifting over this town and vision extended for decades
Through a collection of mirrors that gather light permitting the direct
Observation of distant objects in her hands of my ship sailing into port
But the hour has past and the wind has severed the mast

Like a match stick cracked in a failed ignition attempt
And the harbor is in slumber and my vessel is asunder
Out here on this odyssey with no home to return to
A wet deck, a maelstrom in sway and I will wait for the sky to part


Run, run, and all the sum of these days piling up on my shoulders
Like the phantom image of you hunched over invisible but heavy
On my back like a caravan of regret and pent up mess of your legs
Entangled over my torso and asphyxiating my neck with a sadistic faceless glee

That you could stay with me despite my shakes and stutters to break the lines
Of where you and I entwined into one another as a one-of marching onward
Carrying and kicking sand frenetic to discard your dead-fish hands
Flapping against my cheeks as your skull knocks my ear lobe with nefarious placid energy glued on like a bullet lodged from time-bombed shrapnel clogged

Up in my bloodstream segregating the momentum of a completed circuit
Off I go and how I know I won’t ever get to go inside a tomb of us to exhume the
Rooted crux of why you anesthetized the body of our marriage left your half pale
And flaccid with my legs bowing out from the weight wanting me to crash it

Like a Hindenburg still deflating from where I thought you were leaving me with
A parasitic memory of a shell to contain your guilt like a moment of duplicity
And off the acacia flies exoskeleton into her southern night,
Antebellum porch retrained sipping her elixir’s deranged, she escaped this weight

Like fluttering wings and sent a solo explanation to hum the duet of a violin sting
In tune with the hum on a Louisiana summer night
From a cypress tree she was finally free
But memories are spectral and shift upon the breeze as I sped these steps to shed

The sentiment off like a crust of sawdust pulverized in time the bones of you
Remain inside your own body up on that porch stoic inside the part,
You’d rather forget, but calcify in time and broken in nine
The marrow infested with a hollow joy that an ersatz escape could not find

Magic Marker Jesus

I’ve got some false confidence bundled in a bottle
Knock it back and swallow all of that
Which makes you swell up inside to know everything is going to be all right
Tell you before you go to bed, let those dreams winter in your head

Government blanket parental arrangement
Marching in a voice of assumed production
Where is the purpose of consumption?
Give you a dead man’s name, chant the refrain
He’ll fix everything, because he’s got the magic name

Say it in consensus, wave your hands and pretend to bless
Your magic marker Jesus, speaking in permanent ink
No need to question as we’re on the brink
We’ve go magic marker Jesus, He’ll fix everything.

I’ve got some false confidence bundled in a bottle
Knock it back and swallow all of that
Which makes you swell up inside to know everything is going to be all right
Tell you before you go to bed, let those dreams winter in your head

Let the lemmings herd and roll, just tell me you’ve got it under control
Too many kids and too many bills, taxing out thoughts to quit assuming the will
Is there to overcome that collective blank stare
No body answers and no body asks
Magic marker Jesus tell me about your magical plans
In my own voice

Gorgan Mask

Convince me of an apparition
Squish my heart between your toes
With the permission of a jester in mage’s armor
Stomping off for a crusade for your father’s honor
Retaliate as if I were to commiserate the sentiment
Of your exit from pasture to battlefield

Light the fires of briars grown around your aortas
Ventricles pumping sewerage of blackened quotas
Measuring up equations of a vengeance exhorted
Upon our home, upon my name,

Paralyze my arms and put a sword in my hand
I will lay it down and pray for a divergent stand
To speak my voice and pray my task
That is not blood thirst but a broken heart
That raises my mast, on a mission of bloodied cheeks

I see your barrage.  I close my eyes and breathe
A charred smoke into my lungs, a shattered portal
For a man who has been stung by your lancing blows
Remembering who he keeps repeating he use to know

Out there on a blazing specter barreling down the bolts
To my open chest absorb it all, because I have nothing left
Martyr or pariah for my own nation, abandoned yet standing
And yet you question, if you really did hurt me

Even with the Gorgan mask, unfeeling bastion of certainty
That you are right and I am wrong
That because you could not open up, that my feelings were throngs
Of non-belief pent up in a box, false mistakes you could crush
Upon the rocks you would stone my name and face me with scribe
That you could re-write the years of our lives

With cannon balls and moon shots of fired-up charges
That my knees would buckle to your endless barrages
Of passive aggression with poisonous spines
Urchins buried in the dark corners of our life
Hoping to prick my temper abrupt to show the world
A monster corrupt, lashing out at an invented truth
I trust my patience and you will lose


Treading on liquid and looking back over the lake
I know I got here but did I walk across or have I sank
To the bottom in a hallucinogenic haze
Puzzling a past in fragments of days

I know I lived them but were they all misplaced
Until now looking in a mirror’s reflection of time on a beach
Sand and the grit of all these broken teeth
Lost ago and replaced implants

False bights too insensitive to detect what might
Be artificial sweeteners and a fractured life
Out there on the water like ice cubes bobbing
Has the solar effect melted the footing?

Lying here broken and wondering
Was there ever there something she could not live without?
Or was I always an accruement to an appendage
Dangling like a bracelet, optional for wardrobe changes?

Was there a space built forever to place a foundation
Insider her caverns of her life’s manifestation
Of a future, a home, a reliable partner to share like a bone
Of her body without which she crumbles

An organic machine grown out instead of constructed
Yet I feel like a jettisoned mechanic’s component
Replaced from a box, pumping on pistons while my
Old self continues to rot, out here on this shoreline
Without knowing the plot.

Yet I know as I stare into the impending show
Of dust and past of grains gone in miniature cyclones of sounds
Waiting on the breeze that one day with my gray hair
And one day where you are not there, but buried deep

I know my tears will not halt to weep for a part of you breathes in me
Even if it’s a place I would rather seethe in anger, bubble out and expel the stranger
Folded up inside my being interlaced with all I’ve seen

My child, my wife, the broken wings of my life
Crippled in a corner, longing for a former shoulder
To cry upon in tandem to have my words have a landing
As if there was some pebble of compassion still left in you
Of hardened love, of elemental proof that one day at one time
You loved me some place outside of mine

So in retrospect I move in sloth
To scavenge the ground for that pebble that I pretend is lost
And as my feet get rooted into this shore, I must implore

It is just another grain of sand, gone slipping through a water gloved hand
Incapable to hold because it has never known a place in real life
Our balance was imbalanced from the beginning
One girl taking and one man giving

Appreciation mystified and where was I to bellow the smoke
And hope the waves of you would wash upon my face
Refresh my faith in all the days I felt taken for granted

For a stepping stone never demands his
Day on top, and so I thought I knew you, love excused you
And know it is melted and I have felt it, your dribbled soul
That there was never much to you when I step away 

Pebbles in your pocket

Pray upon my words like breadcrumbs
That you were out there scavenging for sentiments unfolded
On hinges like a doorway properly oiled with an elixir of movement
Not contingent upon a stranger’s arrival but free

To welcome or to exit or to bolt again on whim
The lessons of yesterdays like pebbles in a pocket
Shiny, blunt or scabbed with rusty crusts of stone
Tendrils of differences wrapped like blankets of memory

Slow and polished with inexact chemistry
Potions and motions explaining purpose in movement
Unfurled like a daily desktop calendar with inked notations
Denoted expected actions and meetings

That may or may not have ever come to fruition
But there was hope, acceptance, and growth spread upon the pages
In candor and in time based in a life expounded in flesh and blood

I wish that my smile or scent had merged in a second gripped
Like magnetized inertia to capture the momentum of sane placement
Of kindness to split the silence between my knowledge of

The pebbles in your pocket like fresh marble wrappers unsheathed
In juxtaposed inquiry like napkins dried unfolded and used
To trade secrets and wipe away the fog of normal passers by

I will give you my name, my second grade year running out to recess,
My eight year old bike ride and eleventh grade prom night,
My studies and professions of lost faith and newfound solace in inner strength
With circles of glass and carnival dances unmasked
Knowing you are ready to listen with life’s discriminating balance

Assumption Combustion

Circling in supposition, hovering for a landing place
A runway amongst the traffic of honking goose-down accords
Soft in sight and commonly distant and taken
Fresh lips stuck to other moving men

An arm, a ring finger, a glance while standing alone
For a motion to the counterpart approaching
In my deaf silence with mouths undulating messages
Into smiles and welcoming kisses drenched in censure

To my approach of another shaken thought clenched
Under foot to stamp out projection into an open countryside
With a roadway and a passenger seat occupied
With the shoulder belt abreast in line to the curvature of

A sentiment expressed without sound belonging to another
But a sound heard inside my own eardrums
Bursting in connection that the radio had competition
But delayed landings continue as the weather dries out the winter’s grip
Fog shrouds the chatter hoping for a soap box
To stand before the spectators as applicants

To rip open the words inside rib cages
Like stretched plastic bags of frozen vegetables
Of concealed greens, yellows, and oranges pent beneath
The frames of commercial marketing and dietary factoids
To unleash the content of a soul’s story read out in the light of the sun’s caress

And a sorted placement could be arranged between
Strangers standing in silence to bask in such new-found nutritional content
To fulfill the famished with human knowledge of substance
Not bathed in glamour or candy-coated congealed fabricated frocks

But raw individualism stampeding outward with the tone of an open ended question
Perusing the concert halls of a previous alien’s identity
To channel Puccini and expand the embrace of a glance to entwine
The fingers of lips upon a shoulder to turn in correspondence
And welcome someone new into a life exposed

Three Days

Three Days in August and the sun melted the sky and so did I
Burst into droplets of a squished time frame
The weather dropped like an expired alarm clock
Ringing the tone of the debtor’s knell across skin and tax returns

Filings blurred across state lines, life altered in absolute collusion
Between water-logged suburban nightmares with grandmothers campaigning on rooftops
For a reallocation of governmentally dispersed orbital jetpacks
To fly right out of here with the haste of a buried assured future

Pummeled into the crater below heaped under mangled family wreckage
Of photo albums, roof shingles, and swollen purple appendages
Tied up by shoestrings to stops signs to keep the wake
From blurring the lines for gasoline and stability dribbling certainties
Over the sidewalk mapped out on Poseidon’s concrete
A trident breaching three-headed directions of family, funds and fear
In mangled nets of where to go from here

Fighting for justice from an indiscriminate enemy masked in
Insurance contract armor with molded speckled handshakes
Loneliness howls on like a Catahoula cur wandering
Beyond thunder or superdome scratching for shards of rotten
Freezer-discard under a felled magnolia with white petals floating

In drainage canals like a lotus primed for a harvest of hallucinogenic
Transportation into a Michalopoulos’ haze away from post-K
World into a second line of yesterdays marching on trumpet and snare drum swells
Of this mediocrity never fathoming the hell

Converging electrostatic storm fronts could twister
A city of families swirling down a sewer of mysterious pictures
Of our America out on display of flesh forgotten and human mistakes

Merging on a Friday evening after the fervor of the Ravens pecking the Saints
Many heard the first call to evacuate, some listened, some ignored
Waiting for morning and the call of the storm
Spread out like Armageddon riding the wind

Cramming and jamming a lifetime into truck-beds on highways
Contra-flowing into exile, a diaspora of sideways
Out into Omaha, Houston, and Camp Williams
A trailer, a prayer, and a catapult pulling decision

Flinging brothers from mothers and daughters from waters
Saturday’s gone sliding and Sunday’s done grinding
The coast of the gulf into a maelstrom of munching
Man’s housing crumbs on the Earth like crackers and fried chicken

Wood beams like toothpicks and roof shingles like napkins
To scrape the Chevrolets out her gum-lines and wipe the oil slick off her cheeks
Gulfport’s gone missing and Long Beach is long gone and
Sunday night has grown far too dark, but the City of New Orleans is still humming along

Despite the sway, the levees they stayed and in came Monday morning
A crack severed the bane of thousands of stranded in an out of the ring
Man’s failed attempts could not hold back this mosquito’s sting
And swell-up she did like a witch’s cauldron’s crab boil

The sheetrock, the groceries, and wedding albums started to spoil
Mixed in the dirty water the trees they all died
As Lakeview was renamed Oceanside
Complete with a garbage mountain five stories high
The helicopters plunked concrete back in the hole
As man tied to pump out the waters without extracting the soul

My city she lived in a million hearts
Dispersed on a cut close line in ten million parts,
Puzzles of pieces mildewed on a table
How will we reconnect a distorted face? How are we able?

To see a new future, to feel a fresh Brees
Without twinge of fear to take it with ease
That life could rebuild, with out recurrence
Of Kiltz-ing and Clorox and hammer to nail

What if the winds re-blast the sails?
What if my heart can’t make this bail
Again to expunge out the water and wait out the flood
What if my family just wants to run?

Abandon my home, my neighbors and friends
What if Dorothy has no place to come home again?
Living a lie out there in Texas
Our Lady of Prompt Succor please protect us

I pray to you now alone and a part
That reason can crawl out from under this wreckage
To shoot like a bean sprout with tendrils bearing a message
Of charity of man and trust in the stance

That the audacity of hope may map out a plan
To see human beings raw and exposed
Flaws and strengths in scars juxtaposed
White unto black and night into day

Comrade po-boys united for a collective innocent’s debt to pay
No body meant this or did this to us, but we are the owners of a heart and a love
Beaten and bruised barely conscious flopped on the ground
Gurgling the rising waters hearing the sound

Of Mahalia like a beacon marching the saints into heaven
But we have work to do before we can join them and share in
The joys of re-joining that holy choir
Now is the time to replant the flowers

My letter to Katrina

Sometimes I blame you
You inanimate twisted fcuk
Logic tells me there is no reason to use reason
To even consider the ramifications of your arrival
In the time frame of my existence as a personal vendetta
Or even a minor inconvenience compared to the massive
Level of clustered tribulations and overall bad ass cock-sucking rampage
You have besieged all the homeless, dead, and vagabonds
Left in your wake, however as a personal matter of selfish retribution
I would like to inform you that you suck.

You suck a sewerage pipe full of donkey shit intermixed with
Strands of discarded Aids’ patient syringes and clumps of home made
Child pornography video cassettes pumping out into Puget Sound
Choking orca and baby sea lions while spawning salmon give up
There kamikaze reproduction quests at the repugnance of your rancid stench

You are the chill on the skin of goose bumps rising in unison
On a mother clutching her infant child lost in the wilderness
As she is surrounded by a pack of starving wolves
Growling and circling a step before pouncing on her jugular
And the limbs of her newborn being torn apart like a rag doll.

You are the sound of laughter of a renegade pack mentality third grade classroom
Generating the crescendo of twenty-one eight year olds detecting the
Discoloration of khaki to dampened brown in the groin area of a little boy
Ignored by his math teacher that relieved himself in his own pants
Out of imprisoned frustration, ineptitude and embarrassment of nobody
Coming to help or allowing him to help himself.

You are the texture of an ass zit on Godzilla spewing acid saliva
Foaming at the mouth to devour a bus full of school children and nuns
On a field trip to see a play about the life of Mahatma Gandhi
That explodes out puce pasty puss in dump truck loads
Leveling the rafters of an orphanage and suffocating the survivors
In a bath of steaming lizard pimple slime that
Will cover the town in Bhopal-mold for the next decade.

You are the taste of the inner spasm of a bifurcating bacteria spore
Straddling a scrap of molded appam crimped under the gutter of an open
Air human waste drain laid out in the belly of Mumbai
That six starving slum-dogs fight over to consume

You are the sound of a thousand lies to a dedicated spouse
To cover up sexual infidelities
With the fifteen year old next door neighbor and seventeen different random acquaintances across the stitch-work of a marriage
Including a waiter at T.G.I. Fridays
That has anonymously transmitted
The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Across inundated impaled blood cells in a belated re-assurance encounter
During a Sunday morning church service to cover up the flood of prior transgressions.

You are the smell of the back of a 1982 Ford Fairmont of discarded
Burger King bags and mashed cigarette buts as a fourteen-year old
Girl from Kismet Kansas loses her virginity to the thirty-nine year old
Manger of the Dairy Queen name Raymond Blanco.

You are the movement of a needle injecting Mifepristone
Prompting a botched abortion attempt
On a third trimester child that is later strangled in a biohazard bag and
Hidden on a rooftop screaming to his own death in Hialeah Florida

You are the sound of a fourteen-year old boy named George
Who snagged his scrotum in his zipper,
Opening the door to the bathroom and calling his step-mother for assistance as the rest of his family walks in the front door from soccer practice.

You are the sound of finger nails scrapping bloodied concrete
Amongst a heap of intermixed soon to be deceased
Occupants of Dachau screaming out during the process of execution
Clamoring in stutters of broken Hebrew for God’s grace
Only to be drowned out by the laughter of indoctrinated Nazi bellows.

You are the sadistic grin on a lunatic named Dick tailgating an ice cream van
Patrolling a neighborhood, lurking and pouncing at the moment
A huddle of six-year olds lunge for their first bites into mutant ninja turtle popsicles
Only to push the midgets over to steal the frosty-stick reptile-replicas
Extracting a chomp from each frozen-head and smash them into the summer concrete
Just to see little faces cry thus scarring them from ever entering a
Baskin Robbins or a PETCO.

You are the smell of smoldering flesh in Hiroshima of melting newly-made orphans
That will grow up without parents and missing limbs and mandibles that will die of incurable cancer at the age of twenty-three absent of faith in humanity and always questioning why they couldn’t have just perished in the fallout

You are the sight of a wall of water barreling down a suburban thoroughfare
Chugging like a liquid juggernaut to leap up porch steps and pop windows like eggshells
To create blocks of pure humidity to turn photo albums into toilet paper
Prompting geriatric hold-outs to hike attic ladders with hammers to hold on rooftops hoping for a blind-eyed cavalry

You are the crest of a four-story wave arching with an engulfing claw
To drag everything but the slab into oblivion
Scattering random remnants of grocery bags and pajama pants to
Settle in the branches of two-story tree canopies as the tide subsides

You are the sight of a closing door in a thousand families broken apart
Because dreams were crushed under the pressure of your alterations
And tossed into a swirling toilet bowl of a future dammed to live on the cusp
Of Sisyphus style endeavors hoping upon hope that the boulder would just crush them.

I hate you for making us move and uprooting our little life.
For forcing no win decisions and promulgating suicides in drenched living rooms
And you are just water vapor moving in concert and speed without soul
Without remorse and in the cyclical silence you disappear
In a hit and run without exchanging insurance information
So yeah, you suck.