Sunday, July 3, 2016

Water a Fourth of July poem: 1978 talking to 1953 in 2016

Louisiana father phone call: the Gulf shrimp will be cheap for Fourth of July weekend
Prices are low the heat in the water algae bloom either gumbo or jumbo
Escaped last harvest or grow quickly in the hot liquid like kudzu
Fox News in the background of his voice; Fishers desperate to sell; Take advantage

Generation X bubbling heat water trying to respond over white-noise television
Audience of consistent gray-haired turnout fundraising herd
Those four degrees Anhoni sings in an equilibrium of planet
Prayers and science putting ice cubes in a boiling tea cup of starfish fingers

Attempting to explain the crossroads of how to here differences between
Economy and market of 1929 and 2008, of Gramm-Leach-Biley Act
Clintons and Bushes 911’s terrorism as the excuse to shift public money into private banks
Control poor people and the new imperialism is delivered with a drone bomb

Like a two way iPhone camera with PTSD from sights in a video game
Hacked Lockheed Martin RQ-170 by Iranians to land in Kashmar
Mirrored lens crystal clear guts stock price and extinction of defined benefit pensions
To 401k’s so that red blue white Americans feel ownership in a rigged game of drills

Out in the Gulf pumping Macondo pressurized quarter to quarter projections
Management bonuses and long term sustainability to nationless global ticker symbols
Saudis, British, Iraqis, Chinese, Libyans, Canadians, Indians, French, Brazilians
Australians, Americans, Egyptians, Mexicans, Russians, Japanese, Tunisians and on DNA

Mohamed Bouazizi was not the first to light himself on fire
He was the first to get a viral video; uprising Aljazeera
Media satellite controlled feeds suppress Iranian internet access
In democratic elections for Kentucky senators and Bashar al-Assad
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali with ninety percent of the vote

Syrian refugee daughter planned on university next year;
And the poet and the painter and far behind his rightful time
And we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing
Rumble Euphrates flooding agricultural impetus to the world’s first nations

Currency in epochs away from hunter gatherer to farmer
To industrialization machinery to printing press banned by the Ottoman Empire
English isle conquered the planet into slave trade with words pressed into homogenized products
Less bodies with guns kept the fear behind shoreline walls  

Economic paradigm standoff between U.S.S.R. and U.S.A.
Misrecognition of nationalism over uprising of anti-imperialism Ho Chi Minh
Vietnamese shrimpers trawl out of Versailles in New Orleans East
Katrina and Deep Water Horizon, bankrupt state got first $200 million July first
Plug holes in non-existent Amazon sales tax, oil prices plummeting for Saudi princes

Knowing there will not be time to sell it all before Tesla has electric vehicles as a given
One day redirected sun ray reflection satellites to solar power plants to networks charging stations
Home batteries and Duke Energy is trumped cheaper, trickle up to BP in fire water
Toyota and the gel pulled out from one Gulf to another is forced to answer the question

Why is an activity worth what the owner can charge as a profit rather than
If humans through microprocessors have made it cheaper 
To feed, house, clothe, and maintain the health of the average person
Then why is the wealth divide greater than it is ever been?
Why do so many humans live on less than a U.S. dollar a day?
No one wakes up wanting to be poor, no one.

The myth of white supremacy, Essence Fest Ashe’ Powerhouse New Orleans
Sonia Sanchez poet laureate scat about middle passage, the Maafa
The coming, the packing, the crossing, the raping, the silence, the noise
The landing, the standing on auction blocks

The price of a commodity in a derivative the bet on a bet in a tower of bonds
Fees for transactions not looking at what is being traded
Robo-signing escalation of a commitment to the idea that the structural premise
Is not a factually bankrupt global tide of mortgaged humans rising

Leaving the ninety nine percent screaming on rooftops to busted governments
Bilked in Neoliberal Norquist pledges extinction of estate taxes
Where a global capital tax is the optimum answer on a planet where Exxon is bigger than Norway
In a white linen beast of no nation dripping on Darfur from Dick Fuld to Agu

Where the breaking point was subprime to CDO’s in 2008 and in this whale’s breath of 2016
The bottleneck is water; the limitation of laissez faire capitalism is sixty percent of our bodies
Commodity is under priced drilled in California aquifers draining tomorrow for today
Saudi Arabia going prematurely dry and Israeli dates sold to Muslims for Ramadan fast breakings  

Nutrition labels and country of origin mislabeled stamp on the dirt
Mos Def and that new world water, fuck a bank I need a twenty-year water tank
Don’t, don’t, don’t believe the hype, the long term investment is water rights
Planet is an equilibrium polar caps nothing left to melt four degrees and the Damocles is dealt

Where is the market; betting on the minute oblivious to anything but the carrot
In front the mule, keeping the people fooled hour to hour instead of decade into century
How many left do you think humanity has to bleed before the veins dry
A hot and dusty road that a million feet have trod

Share cropper and a white farmer pitted against, at least I got more than him on this ship
Gumbo and the jumbo boiling in the Gulf asking what year, what day does love come to grip
Free hand capitalism has failed, a beautiful reason repressed
If we do not recognize it there will be nothing left  
The cheaper, the better, the easier to technologically produce

There is a threshold of work each human owes to the collective
To pay for the space one takes, but when the profit of toil sleeps those dollars in computer banks
Amassing mountains of nothing but industries of finance the market devours the economy
Line of desperation is pressed against neurotic humanity asking why is this all we have left?
Trillions on one sided seesaw starving balanced by currency for control so that there is not revolution

Of understanding the evolution required in democratic socialist principles of voting and sharing
Of energy, healthcare, media, education, agriculture because computers are manifesting communal assets
The secret is the robo-sourcing does not have to be a threat to the answer of where are the jobs left
The self-driving eighteen wheelers, the algorithm first year attorneys and jobless law school graduates  

The untouched minimum wage lie and don’t look behind the curtain profits of time
Stowed away and why Walmart rationalizes food to dumpsters before donation
Asking suppliers to sell to them under cost just to be on their shelves
Mafia tactics sanitized legal and lobbyist pre-writing rubber stamp Congressional laws

Laughing so that Kentucky Senator can pay for his television to angle my father
To perceive systemic issues a certain way to vote for a Trump man because he is not this other
No matter what the toupee has to say this is his raised in 1953 way
To the shrimp while they are cheap pre-boiled out in the heat

Sweltering in my eighth house move since Katrina, fired after Enron 2001 Sarbanes Oxley
Controls and auditing local water districts in Tangipahoa Louisiana utility bonds pensions
Low returns Federal Reserve cut interest rates to hide the vulnerability on the Federal debt
Subsidizing the bankers scooping profit up in the internet digital school of fish

Sharks eating us alive and we are cool with it
Because I don’t want to lose my little bit
My pile collected, maybe a paid mortgage, I might make it Boomer to the end
The rest, the planet, the system, a few stocks, what did I have to do with that?

The world is coming to that breaking point of water
If we do not tax capital on a global level, prevent dodges like Panama Papers
Make carbon emissions a priority to shift towards what companies like Tesla are doing
And see intertwined fates market and economy, ownership and labor; we will not be too big to fail

The jumbo and the tiny shrimp, the water will be too hot to grow
The radiation will not escape in a feedback loop of we asked for this because we could not share
We could not see the people living on a dollar a day were tied to Jeff Immelt’s pay package
The system of who are the they, what do the stockholders demand

To take a minute to breath stabilized temperature oxygenated air
Mediate, green grass between toes, crystal water to lips
Let the water swish around in our spit

To know that in those bubbles is the deoxyribonucleic acid
Of a myriad of generations of parents and parents of parents 
Extending into the left to right movement of provided genetic material
To say that every person transcends nationality, race, and gender

The offerings in that wet blood
Means that none of us are probably who we think we are
Anatomically the truth is in the water

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