Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Human Mirror

The root of the myth of white supremacy is the economic exploitation of lowest common denominator labor founded through global imperialism.  European countries organized the systematic conquering of the indigenous peoples renaming the Americas continents as owned through superior firearm and war technology.  America’s obsession with guns is founded in this sin. The audacious sublimation of collective consciousness to enslave, murder, rape, and repress people of color to substantiate the entitlement to conquer through imperialism is the cognitive dissonance that bleeds into our modern times through white skinned guilt and black, yellow, red, and brown skinned red blood.

The globe is functionally occupied, labeled, and legalized through the notion of nationhood to communicate the lines of control to legalize the enslavement, murder, repression, and submission that people based on gender, age, skin color, ethnicity, religion, or nationality must obey or suffer repercussions.  The Syrian, the Zimbabwean, the Irish, the South African, the Malian, the Kurdish, the Mexican, the Sioux, the Iranian, the Iraqi, the Palestinian, the Aboriginal, the Argentinian, the Tibetan, and the black American etc. are well documented in baubles of understanding.  Rarely would you ever find a white South African or American preferring to trade her or his present treatment for that of the present treatment of a black counterpart in recorded history.  In this simple resistance to transposition the crucible of truth is revealed.

The white world knows under cognitive dissonance the historical systematic path to the present that seeps into the trails of how the global capitalist system is founded on the sweat and blood of lowest common denominator labor which the vast preponderance is comprised of people of color.  The American Civil War was fought because the Confederacy had more capital wealth that all of Europe in the currency of black bodies.  This cannot be argued with or dismissed as anything but the fulcrum of America’s perch upon the world’s economic pedestal.  America exploited agricultural slave labor to harvest unprecedented wealth after nearly exterminating natives as European imperialist did to build naval empires none of which compared to the crown jewel of what became the United States.

Time’s cascade has created class divisions based on the disempowerment of labor in favor of firms extending reach beyond American shores to select lowest common labor denominators anywhere on the planet to create profit.  The Earth itself under this global capitalist system is misallocated on balance sheets as an asset rather than collective capital.  In doing so the depletion of the planet’s limited water, soil fertility, minerals, stored carbon fuels, land, and air are considered infinite rather than recognizing in a collective reality individual firm actions threaten the limited capital our species and our fellow species actually own.  Lowest common denominator labor is similarly treated.  To repress the masses cuts off the circulation of value and shrinks the talent, treasure, and capacity of our species’ ability to stave extinction.

When firms in a market drain an aquifer that would take thousands of years to replenish, when Lake Mead or Lake Chad is dry the spigot does not go from 100 to 80 to 40 to zero, it goes from water to nothing equaling starvation deaths.  When governments allow labor to toil in systematic exploitation so that the base human needs are incapable of being met on the minimum wages of firms, taxpayers are required to supplement housing, food, clothing, and most importantly the emotional damage to self-dignity to people who dedicate personal energy to the capitalist labor ideal and yet yield not enough to meet these basic needs for one’s person and family. When one grinds at this toil perpetually seeing I am still a slave through terrorist public spectacle lynching, through Jim Crow castes, through the systematic higher rates of being pulled over, arrested, charged, sentenced longer in every statistical category based on skin color in America and then attempts to ascend economic class seeing the ancient judgment of less than permeating an economic system built on repressing the lie of how it was built on a global level one confronts the true psychological issue of our present times.  In Philando Castile’s filmed execution the world saw a man compliant, law abiding ascending class to be a permit holder and still murdered in front of child and lover in his black skin. 

It is the cognitive dissonance to repress what the world is, for white people to claim post racial or I don’t see color or the Civil War or the 1960’s were before me, don’t blame me, or I worked hard for everything I have; you need to just work hard, or I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do or silence and fear of I don’t want to speak because I might get noticed or lose crumbs of what I have; it is in these blankets of comfort systematic racism hibernates.  Acknowledgment that the economic system of America and globe must change to rout the root.  Primarily white male owners of firms wishing to continue to exploit lowest common denominator labor and deplete the planet’s natural resources for short term profit without consequences through functional control of the world’s governments is the root of systematic racism.  These firms have long designed media and legal systems of racial division and repression of people of color in disparate effect to continue to harvest wealth without uprising or accountability to the harm produced in labor or to the long term sustainability of our species on Earth in order to control how humans think and view each other. 

Only now in a smart-phone internet global society can the murder of black people by white police officers be viewed so openly to the masses to expose the deep roots of what the act really is.  These are not isolated incidents only about black people and police, this is about the very survival of our species on our ticking Earth, who we are, and who is in control of democracy on this planet.  The American congress is long dysfunctional most so when the American people repressed labor ended defined benefit retirement systems in favor of taking the average middle class citizen to personally identify with global national corporations through ticker symbols in her or his defined contribution 401k plan by providing them capital rather than being their debt holders.  The later repressed interest rates through the Federal Reserve after 9/11 to enrich these firms at the expense of low risk investments which would have greater stabilized and controlled the growth of gargantuan global national economic beasts. Instead the taxpayers bail out too big to fail. 

This functionally sparked under Reagan in the 1980's after 1970's stagflation and under the Gramm Leach Bliley Act in 1999 in private employment ushering in the dot com era.  These same companies control television and have long been the mouthpiece instructing the Baby Boomers and Seniors on how to divide, vote, and misunderstand the reality of global capitalism’s impact on lowest common denominator labor, the planet, or even themselves.  Therefore people vote against their own interest in masses in favor of wedge issues that have little functional relevance to better their lives because corporate interests have engineered a global society of divide, conquer, and exploit for that to occur.  That manipulation transcends class, but the proliferation of the internet has transcended the reach of the distorted glasses previous generations were taught to see the world. 

So we are here in a world of a global terror war, of drone bombs on poor people of color, of police gun barrels statistically more ready to trigger on black bodies immune from prosecution, of primarily male legislative bodies commandeering a woman’s rights to her body during a population crisis, of criminalization of sun-based drugs of marijuana, cocaine, and heroin used to commandeer Central and South America and Afghanistan, American and specifically Alton Sterling's Louisiana have the highest per capita incarcerated population on the planet and one asks why. 

It all comes back to the old tale, the myth of white supremacy, the role of superior war technology, the varied views to categorize the clamor over a dead body, and what it means to earn a dollar.  How that dollar travels through banks and builds power through wealth.  How that power is allocated, and the lies to sustain that power so that the masses comply.  The aquifer running towards no more drip out the faucet.  No more food on the grocer’s shelf because not enough grows.  The four degrees of heat of mass species extinction.  The slipping balance abided by ice caps melting to sustain planetary temperature in a habitat conducive to human survival as the Earth’s atmospheric temperature ascends from radiant heat trapped through carbon emissions.

This is either recognized as the collective rallying cry to fundamentally take back our democracy from corporate firms prioritizing the current quarter’s market projections re-engineering the priority of raising the lowest common denominator to do everything in the human genome to evolve towards the empathy required to alter our economic systems to choose survival or we will go extinct. 

If you cannot see that road, that path we have disproportionately trod in heavy foot to this point in time, to understand why people are marching across the globe, why recognizing the truth and where the cognitive dissonance generates, then in your blindness you cannot say that was not me, there is nothing I can do.  While due to your current age you may not be around to witness, this is the crucible of our species’ extinction staring back at us in the anarchy in the fires of Iraq, the rubble of Syria, the burnt Nigerian bodies of Boko Haram, the Saudi public executions, the Mexican drug cartel decapitations, the oil in the bodies of Louisiana shrimp, Jerusalem rocks in the palms of Palestinians, the fingers of Foxconn workers, and the blood of Alton Sterling…

What can you do: be actively anti-racist, acknowledge white supremacy is a myth and that systematic racial injustice is real understand why and how it exists in your family and community. Communicate. Vote with your dollars to invest in companies that support sustainability and the direction of our future species survival.  Educate yourself on the basic science of our planet. Demand justice through trials of police officers who violate the law in killing citizens.  

Vote with your ballet to elect progressive leadership who share these values to change the way Wall Street controls our democracy.  Conserve natural resources in your daily life.  Eat less meat.  Know where your food comes from and support plant-based diets in your community.  Cook for you and your family based on these principles.  

Be actively anti-war.  Understand the difference between fear and love is on a human level to relinquish the assumption of control in the American identity which causes the nation to be as Blane Salamoni and Howie Lake holding down yet still firing a gun into the body of Alton Sterling rather than thinking through alternative solutions to conflict and ignorance.   

Demand universal healthcare for the United States, an adequate increase in the federal minimum wage, and fundamental change of Wall Street’s stranglehold on our democracy through campaign finance reform and lobbying laws. Encourage environmentalism through renewable energy investment, carbon credits cap and trade and carbon taxes to correct the massive error in accountancy that exploits lowest common denominator labor and Earth’s limited natural resources through a global tax on capital redirected to bring the poorest nations of the world to the table to work together to raise living standards, women’s rights including access to governmental leadership and healthcare to curb population growth, expand internet access to abolish ignorance all in order to foster the communal empathy to not only extend human survival but evolve into the ultimate goal of our spiritual awakening. 

We can each choose to do this in our multiplicity of tiny daily decisions or we can hibernate in the fear and willful ignorance of our extinction staring at us in the human mirror. 

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