Monday, July 4, 2016

A Fourth of July Post 20160704

The evolution of our species is releasing nationalism out of our palm. We still clutch, but the internet where the planet is headed, how much each of us needs every human we can muster to evolve or go extinct includes recognizing national borders are imaginary lines often based on geographic shorelines, rivers, or mountains, but in all is a notion of what can be considered controlled by a threshold of thought under collective obedience to a subset of understandings of what can and cannot happen on each side of a line that when pushed results in militarized conflict. This is about mental concurrence and chaos and order in facing a natural progression of entropy.
As the environmental crisis continues to approach peak everything where the demand for food, water, space, minerals, energy strain the supply systems of the planet under the girth of population and resource depletion, the old falsehoods crumble. We can no longer use nationalism as a costume of control to keep that bit of what we have so that others may supplement one’s pleasantness at the cost of another’s detriment below basic means of health, food, shelter, and clothing. This is the world of god on my side wars and history on repeat belabored etc. The book and the flag of the cavalry is a false mob perpetuating islands of illusion that what happens in one nation is not inescapably culpable and interconnected to every other and extended by being in this universe. This is the nature of existence.
Somalia and the entropy of the African continent where the decline in soil fertility, water, and the lack of women’s sexual healthcare and education led to over population, famine, and mass death There was and is no Angelic oh we will figure it out. There was and is death. You take that and look at the trends of countries like Nigeria on population growth curves comparable to China. The density and urbanization of the Earth as agriculture and employment shift. You look at Northern China. You look at India draining its aquifers with no seat on the U.N. Security council.
We look at the United States and our birth and independence and meat consumption and the department of defense budget. We look at the economic value of immigrants doing the agriculture jobs Americans refuse to do and the shaming and wall insanity, the gun-distraction to misunderstood enemies. The enemy is the financial system and the banks at its root with the security and self-identification money appears to award.
“I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” Thomas Jefferson
Bernie Sanders ran to try to point out the enemy in the global financial system that is causing most of the problems on this planet. This independence day we should call for a global tax on capital. Maybe that sounds strange as why that is the ultimate rebellion, the firecracker, the musket of our times. It is a unity to take our planet back and understand that the corporations harvesting our Earth, our labor, and building icebergs of financial capital in banks are endangering our very existence and at the root this dysfunction in commerce, religion, and yes nationalism will end us unless we as citizens of the world create change.

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