Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hillary's Coronation Behind the Curtain

The mother of pant suited dragons has been crowned.  The voice of Shawshank voiced over Hillary’s history skipping over Whitewater, her emails, Goldman Sachs luncheons, or the DNC assisting her nomination.  There was no down in the valley section of her husband openly engaging fellatio with an intern in front of the American people, but a marriage rooted in law school kismet.  Bubba’s Pinocchio red schnoz twinkled his aw shucks we-still-have-sex grandparent-cuddle house of love. Chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo from her daughter.  The hug kind of got to me; that was a human moment: you get to hug your daughter after she introduces you to become the first major party female candidate for U.S. President running against a Hitler slot-machine robot paying out nonsense.  Until Trump suggests the first semblance of actual policy.  This is not a campaign. 

What scares me is the distraction; all the wasted time bashing the joke of Trump.  The real issues in this campaign are inside the Sanders campaign focusing on the aggregation of wealth and how the capitalist system is threatening the extinction of our species and viable democratic self-determinism.  This is not a joke; the math threatens water scarcity and budgetary health given corporate dominion over public legislatures that affects every person on this planet.  (Iraq was 130 degrees last week.) Hillary after hedging her bets in swing state Virginia with Kane, wining Florida two to one over Sanders, and Ohio is well positioned.  If Trump doesn’t win Florida he cannot win. 

The point is the real issue in this campaign is centered in two parts of Clinton’s speech first making the top earning corporations and individuals restructure the way the game operates to fund at least in part the progressive policies detailed in the first part of the speech.  Until I hear words like the United States is entering into a global coalition of countries to create a global tax on capital for corporations and individuals that have attempted to supersede residency to address climate change then I know we as a democracy have yet to see the true core of the issue.  We can talk about a million other things, but that is the major issue: how do we restructure capitalism itself to better ensure planetary inability for the survival of our species. Until then we are operating like myopic insects in the anthill awaiting gasoline rain and a match.

Do I believe Clinton will continue to drone bomb the hell out of people in the Middle East, sure do.  Do I think compromise on raising the minimum wage on a regional basis to 15 in some states and 10 in others is possible, yes.  Do I think we can close the private gun sale without background checks loophole, yes.  Do I think Clinton will push for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, I actually do because it favors Democrats so heavily.  Do I think ISIS or Mexicans are a bigger threat to our country then systematic racism against black people, no.  Do I think the major issue of Hillary’s presidency will be to see a single payer option implemented and she will fight like hell to get it and the Republicans will attempt the same obstructionism because they have no sound alternatives, yes. 

Do I think changing capitalism itself affects almost every aspect of life on this planet to a shift towards implementing renewable energy through sound science, infrastructure improvement, and focusing on what it takes to sustain our species rather than employ our species will determine the survival of two generations from now based on if we can cultivate a threshold of human empathy in the present, yes I do. 

We need to recognize why a man like Donald Trump could get nominated.  He got nominated because those that have held control over the masses for so long have lost their grip because television is dying and the internet has connected people in a way nothing ever has.  We will either adapt to acknowledge how we are running out of time for the nonsense of ignoring science and mathematics, and making fun of the nerds who read books and study facts who understand the bigger picture and as my friend Jared put it “made it through the maze and never took the cheese when they gave it.  White trash ain’t supposed to study wages.  They want us poor, drunk, dumb, and making babies hooked on sports, god, porn, and braindead.”  Until we can usurp the candy of gut feelings with sound research over a sound bite we are wasting our time over petty squabbles. 

Nation, gender, religion, political affiliation, ethnicity, sexuality, and class are illusions.  Tap your hand with your fingers in the middle of your opposite palm now find anyone else’s palm and do the same and do the same.  Look those other humans in the eye for two minutes straight.  Hold the gaze, then imagine that list of illusions.  Tell yourself what is real.  Ask yourself what is worth fighting over.  

Think of your unborn great grandchild that may never be born because your country wasted trillions of dollars to wall out brown people, build computer jets that don’t work to try to bomb other brown people, and construct plantations of corporate prisons to arrest other brown and black people on criminalized drug charges to fund a systematically corrupt corrections facility as a modern Jim Crow in a country founded in the genocide of native brown people and built with the slave labor and blood of black people.  Try to make sense of that world that spends so much money cultivating the product of fear.  Who is trying to make who fearful and why; what is the going on in the background?  Like Hillary said tonight because that’s where the money is.  

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