Thursday, July 28, 2016

Rogers Ailes, Donald Trump, Megyn Kelly, and Misogyny

As a rather distant observer of the Roger Ailes sexual misconduct scandal at Fox News surfacing on the eve of the Republican National Convention last week the timing and the nomination of Trump triggered a few thoughts.  Megyn Kelly’s confrontational debate moderating with Donald Trump earlier in the primary season may have been ratings-based coming from Ailes’ management.  However given the background coming to light it would appear two separate roads colliding with the party of the pachyderms. 

The Republican base has never wanted Donald Trump as the nominee.  Trump is great for ratings distracting attention to a flamboyant carnival act self-absorbed shyster, but he is not and will never be a politician.  Trump created his own ratings threatening his creation of an alternative network to Fox News.  Although I have my doubts the Donald could pull it off, if there is a grand scheme to what the Donald has planned I imagine that might be it.  Gain as much attention as possible and pray to the god of his Scrooge McDuck Money Bin that he loses in November.  The man does not want to actually have to wake up and do the job of president.  He might like the nameplate or being called Mr. President on his golden pinky ring, but the grind of actually governing?  There is nothing in his personal history that would lead one to believe that he is capable or desiring for that sort of public service. 

Rupert Murdoch probably recognized the threat as Trump’s viability in poll numbers ascended within the asylum.  The Republican establishment recognized the threat to reroute and divide the angry white males of moderate to low income part of the voting coalition at the Republican base away from the traditional Bush pedigree at the dog show.  The base in modern terms is: the religious right, giant business, voters with military and firearm self-identifiers, and poor to moderate angry white people.  Trump is exposing the massive structural flaws in the party itself by showing that an incompetent man spouting nonsense could win the nomination. 

In this revelation one may ponder how very much Ken doll Mitt Romney and grizzled veteran John McCain capable of choosing Sarah Palin, and C- student George Bush were puppets for the party spouting nonsense.  The party has very few new or productive ideas on policy only the same game plan of marketing fear and investment in the military while also cutting and eliminating governmental revenue streams while the masses fend for themselves.  The party is about the private portion of the economy being as big as possible and as much wealth of that portion of the economy going to owners as possible.  The externalities of a destroyed planet and increased violence in the world can be handled by a strong military and police force to quell the inevitable problems the masses will have with not being able to make ends meet or being exploited. 

The flawed mathematics of trickledown economics and laissez faire capitalism have deteriorated the structural integrity of the American economy to enrich the top one percent so much that most of this can no longer be hidden without an increase in the massive amount of marketing into delusion rivaling Inquisition-period Catholicism or a Barry Manilow concert.  Fox News has become the 1984 talking rad-caged head for Republican Marketing.  Murdoch controls that money maker. Trump is the biggest threat to come along to take a piece of that profit.  You have Megyn Kelly and the Mattel news team instructed to go after Trump.  Ailes was managing Fox News at the helm of the whole deal.

Therein we get back to the sexual misconduct and the engineered screen shot blueprint for the blond haired Barbie body as female Fox News anchor who despite being the most intelligent anchor on the network is reduced back to that body by her employer and male coworkers.  The idea of any person being sexual harassed at work no matter if appearance was a significant factor in their selection of employment by the nature of the position is reprehensible and illegal.  The fact that the harassment went on as long as it did and male counterparts on air have been filmed engaging in repeated misogynistic comments with female anchors creates a hostile work environment.  That environment comes full tilt at the start of the convention. 

It would appear to me that the timing of the release on the information to bring down Ailes right before the convention was intentional and probably connected and done by the Trump campaign.  The image that really brings this full circle is you have the women on the most watched television bastion of American Republican values in the world in a war to not be sexually harassed in the workplace combined with a man that has been married three times and has shown himself to be a racist xenophobic misogynist to inflate the ego of the white American male frustrated that his privilege in modern America is deteriorating.  This candidate is set to run against and be beaten by a woman who is better than him in almost every category one could measure in what it constitutes actually doing the job of governance. 

The woman of America see this sexual harassment suffered on the biggest marketing tool.  They see Trump the kind of man that can easily be imagined doing such things as reducing a professional journalist like Megyn Kelly to how she looks which he has done on air multiple times.  Trump is running against a woman who even if one disagrees with politically a high number of even Fox News watching females can probably recognize the massive amount of bullshit Hillary Clinton has had to put up with for being a woman in her workplace.  This election is a like a perfect storm for having the lowest female Republican voter turnout in history.  Maybe the preponderance of this section of the population does not vote for Hillary, maybe they skip the box all together, but how many woman can stomach voting for a man who when it comes down to it probably reminds her of a sleazy married cheese ball who would try to hit on her if given the chance if that guy was her boss?  Now imagine you are pushing a button that basically makes this guy the boss of all women in America.  How the hell do you stomach that?  

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