Sunday, July 17, 2016

One Party System

The one party system is designed for firms to control labor. 
This is split into an elephant and a donkey joined at the anus
Braying and trumpeting from heads which never appear to see each other
Constantly stomping in opposing directions resulting in stagnation

This is intentional
Red intended to convince the middle to hate the lower
Blue intended to control the lower to avoid organization, coalescence, collectivism
In a plate of the modern menu of black lives and the police

The black represent lower independence aged into haves and have not, but still
Drenched in the idea of poverty through systematic disempowerment
The police represent the overseers of fear held by the middle

The historical humans Jesus and the apostles are based on were not white
White people came from black people
Love thy neighbor; the last shall be first is crowd control
For the man being hit with the baton to falsely view recompense in the hereafter

The cognitive dissonance required to maintain untruths
Instills dysfunction at every level of the globe
Rationalizing four hundred years of slavery, into Jim Crow,
Into sun-based drug war, into the industrial prison complex

Into cellular phones documenting the long standing game plan
Of red and blue being exposed through streaming video
Of taking control of the public narrative via usurping the medium
Of the pulpit, the state-house, and the television with the internet

The farcical charade that the color of a man’s skin is more relevant than the color of his eyes
Or the pigmentation in the left elbow more pertinent than that of her teeth
Is built into the notion of God and country and where morality and justice are constrained
If a book or ritual limits culpability and morality’s deployment

To say this is righteous or this is permissible because the skin, the faith, the citizenship, the gender
Then the current of equanimity has been gainsaid for chaos
We imbibe our extinction
The mooned ass and the crossed pachyderm will tear our limbs and arteries asunder

This notion of enemy, of leaving parties un-privy to the world’s table
And the byproduct of chaos not annihilating the ability to find order
Is only justified through testimony to these distinctions of nation, race, religion, and divergence
As justification for fear against masses as not individuals beholden to volition

But to the ideologies of pre-judgment into pantomime to herd hoofs
That past this line reality morphs
That in this hue reality morphs
That in this tongue the tale is told skewed

So in this love bleeds in self-anointed blindness
Men hurling our bodies from cliffs welcoming the maw of the ocean
Drowning in denial that these stories are believed for a comfort of discretionary order
Insulating one from the collective’s toil; a multiplicity of prisoner’s dilemmas

Finked to a non-existent jailor so that one may worship falsehoods
That dignity has a national border
That color justifies shrapnel and adherence to atavistic doctrine
Encouraged by those empowered to cultivate both passivity and aggression where convenient

This is a war on ignorance
For the basis of knowledge is not learning the totality of what our species has discovered
In the arc of human history to this moment, but
To expand the whole in recognition of all there is to know

Of science, mathematics, communication, art, and love is boundless
And in adherence to ancient scrolls and visual cues
We act as flies on feces festering in hindered evolution
So it is we must un-know, un-think, and release our individual notions of what is real 

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