Friday, July 8, 2016

Black smoke Echoing Oswald in Red Bullets 20160707

Humans are sniper shooting agents of the state; cultivating riotous anarchy, the festering inflicted ancient wound of racism gargling blood from punctured lungs through ghostly trigger fingers; there is no solace in terrorism, systematic injustice emboldened in fascist badges.  None is love in the deafness of empathy’s pall.  Love is recognition of truth that systematic racism is a plague engineered by the powerful to pit the masses in a melee to sustain at least I am not him; at least I am not her.  In this lowest denominator we reduce ourselves to blood spilled, draining, clipped of wing, muted ravens awaiting our self-extinction. 

No matter the reasoning in the cortex of those who would elect to murder police at a protest, the naked root is to prompt frustration of the angry mob to eat inward from its polarities.  Red white America blue lives matter extolling an image of the angry black man rotating barrels upon the overseer.  Blue black America black lives matter peacefully objecting to the continued systematic government sanction of disproportionate violation of civil rights, arrest, sentencing, and consequence in the presence of toned melanin.  The Dallas sniper like Oswald before is intended to change the thought pattern of those who would both march in the streets and adorn the badge to protect the marcher’s rights to do so.  We are inspired to fear to not show up, to not speak, to label by polarity and gravitate not towards a common love, but to rush into the thicket of judgment that the preponderance of our collective is prone.  We are tempted to ride the entropy of fear divesting our humanity in fleeing blood.  For we are not this, we are the better angels  beating the wind of intrepid imperiled wings raucously audacious.  The bias of the state is a foul vermin we shall rout.  We will do so with the vigor of the love snipers of terror wish to snuff.  We are better than reptilian bullets; our eyes focus not in the vibration of entropy dividing consciousness, but spreading sober with candid love acknowledging our frailties.   

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