Monday, July 25, 2016

First Night of the DNC 20160725

The political business of incorporating major progressive pieces of Bernie Sanders agenda into the Democratic platform is significant: the public healthcare option, $15 minimum wage, ending citizens united, ending private prisons, adding free public university tuition for families making under $125,000 annually, and opposition to the TPP.  There is also a similar pro-choice, equal pay for equal work, closing the gun show loophole for background checks, and Supreme Court appointment agenda.  How Clinton got the nomination and the funds for her campaign are part of the corruption of the one-party system the Democrats co-participate.  Everything in Clinton’s history points to a calculating, highly intelligent, manipulative politician.  There are valid reasons to question whether that platform will remain close to its form post-election day.

Will Clinton propose as stringent restrictions on the banks and Wall Street in the 21st Century version of Glass Steagall mentioned?  Will Clinton address systematic racism as voraciously and honestly as Sanders may have?  Will Clinton end the drone bomb, anti-Palestine, keep the Saudi’s happy, homeland security money waste?  Will Clinton strive for proper environmental standards to address climate change given her connections with business? Will Clinton address the income tax and lack of taxes on capital Sanders would have?  I would imagine in each case probably not.  However the real question is what legislation can get passed in Congress? 

Can the Democrats and the Progressives unite to take the House of Representatives and the Senate away from the Republicans?  The only way this is possible is through a coalition and high voter turnout in a pragmatic recognition of what democracy is.  America needs divergent view points and balance, but the Republican Party is dying under its own dead weight and inability to evolve.  

The Republicans chose and continue to choose to cease to be a functional party by electing obstructionism over suggesting policy based in research, science, or recognition of reality.  Republicans suggest a xenophobic, nationalistic, fear-based agenda that is not fiscally accurate nor governance.  The Republican tax policy produces debt, recession, and a perpetuation of mathematical ignorance about how the global and national economy operates.  Republicans know if Texas ever turns blue Republicans will never win another national election.  Why is a wall proposed?  There are only eleven states in play now and statistically the Republicans have to win at least eight or nine of those eleven to even have a chance.  The other 39 states have voted the same in every presidential election since Reagan save two. 

Props to Bernie for his humble strength and thinking of the citizens of this country.  We need only look at Ted Cruz’s example last week for how stark a juvenile and uncivil alternative the other party offers.   If you are mad about the corruption of the Democratic primary, everyone should be.  If seeing the underbelly of major politics operates surface disgusts you, it should.  However that same game allowed Sanders to shift Clinton further left at the time of nomination all historical precedent would have her shifting further right.  That is one hundred percent Sanders, his voter’s revolution, and the power of the people’s vote understanding the progressive agenda is not going away.  The people have seen further behind the curtain.  The speeches tonight and the platform matter.  In contrast to the Trump alternative this is North compared to South Korea. 

If you think the pieces of Sanders’ platform which are now part of the Democratic platform are irrelevant or that Sanders is the only person capable of changing this country then you are putting a political celebrity in front of the path that has the best chance of improving the lives of the American people.  Democracy is not about politicians or party; it is about a living participating humanity discussing and implementing ideas.  Washington has sought to repress that; the Sanders campaign has fought very hard to bring that back.  I was cautiously proud to hope for that tonight.  

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