Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sunday Morning Musings on History

Jesus was the byproduct of black Egyptians having the most advanced civilization on the planet implementing polytheism including goddesses.  Alexander and the Greeks conquered, stole, and appropriated culture.  Ptolemy stole Egyptian ideas as Greek under rule of the Roman Empire.  The Old Testament describes the ills of Egyptian slavery for Jews while circumventing history in the greater population of people of color and the roots of knowledge creators.  The New Testament is the greatest invention of whitewashing for a character imprinted as white to teach subservience to Caesar.  The Roman Empire wished to free the non-militant Messiah.  The flawed ignorant people are the ones who sent the savior to death.  The antihero taught the people not to riot, to leave all ears of officials of the state uncut, and pay to Caesar what is Caesar’s.  This dubious algebra of subsequence stemmed rebellion in an evolving modern slavery of non-questioning and acceptance of control of the employer as a surrogate for the state.  Pay your taxes.  Work to pay your taxes.

America was built on Europeans freeing the persecutions of religion conquering indigenous people of color with superior technology built on the broken backs of Egyptian and Middle Eastern fonts for mathematics and science.  After genocide over nations of the indigenous who had a power structure and threat of rebellion if given commensurate technology, the United States deported indigenous nations west of the Mississippi and imported a new nation of people of color to slave as an unrivaled free labor force to farm the massive agricultural wealth.  The founding fathers were slave owners.  The beautiful eagle-coddling lapel-pin-pricking flag 1950’s-one-nation-under-god lie smears in the ink on the Constitution. 

There was no true-white until America.  There was Irish, Italian, Greek, Polish, British, Dutch, German, translated from older tribal names etc.  Indentured servitude and the aligning interests of the poor white and enslaved or poor free black, brought about true-white privilege.  Race as a division of class for at-least-white-man-pawn-you have-that-bit-more power to repress a black.  The state was given a squadron of ignorance to turn the blasting end of the barrel at the wrong enemy. 

The American Civil war was about economics and the Confederacy having more capital wealth than all of Europe in black bodies.  This was a pecuniary calculus breaking up families, marriages where men, women, and children were split based on the character and fiduciary whim of the master.  This was rape-culture and valuation of melanin in house versus field.  This was overseer on horseback and whipped flesh scourging flesh for the audacity to hope for the slightest impudence to rebuke that the hue of that flesh did not absolve the conceptual sin of the applier of the lash. 

Christianity was preached to an illiterate congregation banned from learning to read anything but the master’s book teaching the same lesson of Caesar.  The beatitudes of God seek obedience, peaceful tones, and gratitude for the last shall come first in the placeholder of heaven.  Suicide leads to heaven.  Her body births black-skinned dollar bills.  The panacea of wealth and the injurious virus of racism comingled.

Language and books, origins and the repressed denial of the origin of the human species in the continent of Africa.  Blacks sailing before Columbus to North America and the globe.  The ignorance of the implications of the albinism in the child of two black haploid gametes and the prospect of longitudinal migration.  So it is asked when do black lives matter in the history of books and how different is the horseback overseer than Howie Lake and Blane Salmoni, “He’s got a gun, gun.  If you fucking move, I swear to God!”  Why would a black man rationalize selling compact disks as a hustle to support his family in front of a ghetto convenient store owned by Abdullah Muflahi; how does that setting come to be and the world already know and repress the answer?  All, blue, and black lives in mathematics subject to history.  Know history. 

How does America nominate Donald Trump?  Lynchings, delusion, the weaponry of mind control through books and television screens.  Denied the right of testifying in court.  Immigration walls are about the preservation of whiteness and the plurality to operate a political party devoid of color, ethnicity, non-Christians, LGBTQ citizens, or a coalition to oppose the political power of aggregated majority white Christian in a shifting majority racial population and the war against patriarchy.  The color change in America, bad economic mathematics, the inbred denial of science and history, misogyny,  and the awakening of ignorance is the Republican Party’s death.  The dysfunction, the obstructionism erupting with Obama's election is oozing in orange lava over white beaches on a stolen island.   

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