Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Pre Bubba’s Speech Tonight - 20160726

Any Democrats disappointed or confused in Clinton’s VP pick of Kaine instead of a more progressive Democrat, first it didn’t matter who Hillary Clinton picked Bill Clinton will be and was going to be the functional vice president in terms of a sounding board for policy no matter who was selected if Hillary is elected.  Bill has been slow rolling his place in this administration the entire campaign to avoid a spotlight on the idea of first-spouse in the American-monarchy.  We had the Adams’, the Kennedy’s, the Bush’s, the Dole’s and the Clinton’s etc.  Tonight Bubba gets to speak in the calculated language his family has perfected.  

Most progressive VP-choices understood this and rather than have conflict you get Kaine.  Kaine is a solid white male legal scholar Democrat with roots in civil action.  He stood up to the NRA after the Virginia Tech shootings and brings the issue of closing the gun show loophole to the forefront for common sense gun reform America desperately needs as a piece of the puzzle.  Ninety one percent of Americans support closing the loophole, but the gun and ammunition manufacturers that primarily fund the NRA do not.  The majority of NRA members do.  Why; because NRA members for the vast majority are responsible gun owners, paying their taxes, and getting background checks already.  Sure maybe this creates some administrative hurdles, but those hurdles if implemented in a common sense fashion will recognize the fact that the vast majority of guns used in criminal homicides of someone not living in the same home use guns obtained through the private sale loophole. 

Second, being a white male Kaine hedges the risk of American misogyny against Hillary’s gender and the latent racism so prevalent in the Obama presidency in the population of swing voters demographically most attracted to Hillary’s opponent: white males.  Hillary dominates in every other demographic of gender and race.  From purely playing the game of politics Trump’s divisiveness reduces the necessity for further diversity on the Democratic ticket.  Clinton is a shrewd politician fixated on returning to the White House.  What else would you expect? 

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