Monday, July 18, 2016

RNC and Open Carry: a modern Jim Crow

The RNC bans open carry in an open carry state. The RNC platform on guns states "We also oppose any effort to deprive individuals of their right to keep and bear arms without due process of law." The hypocrisy and pandering of votes to exploit fear is obvious in a nation bereft of facing the modern conundrum: police are shooting citizens in part because citizens have guns in places we are legally permitted to have firearms.
Police are more endangered because military rifles are available to the public on top of handguns and hunting rifles. Should police be found guilty of manslaughter for using 'I saw him with a gun and I feared for my safety so I shot the adult or minor citizen" ? To me if we in a living democracy are going to legalize owning open carry guns then police should not be surprised or afraid if citizens are in public openly carrying guns. The RNC cannot have it both ways. Acknowledge the double standard and quit talking nonsense. Although it appears to me open carry operates as a modern Jim Crow. It is a law, but that law functions differently in the judgment of the police depending on what neighborhood you are in and what you look like.
The list of black lives gunned down by police is well documented. The issue transcends, but is disproportionately born by the legacy of the police officer as overseer in America. Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke spoke tonight reeking of Uncle Tom ignoring the realities of this hypocrisy to an ocean of white chastising and marginalizing Black Lives Matters.
There are modern answers to high powered assault rifles to legally put those weapons only in the hands of police and our military. The RNC cannot both praise the military and the police under flag fellatio and then market an NRA gun manufacturer porn bullet hoarding for when the government instills tyranny and comes to take our guns or apocalyptic hell scape promoting a Chinese invasion or ISIS terror or American racial war. It is fear mongering full of cognitive dissonance.
There is a functional gap in the standards of policing in failing to arrest officers for shooting citizens for openly carrying a gun and even more when being shot when alternative non lethal options are on the table per those standards. Being 'afraid' cannot be a legal excuse under the law. Police in such situations should be held to a higher standard than the general public, not lower. Police if convicted of violating this higher standard should be sentenced to prison with revoked pensions, not forced to resign and retain pensions.
Does this put police officers in an almost impossible situation; I believe in many cases it does and that is part of why our country is suffering from the deaths of both citizens and police officers. Here is the RNC worshiping police officers and ensuring through staunch union with the NRA to oppose common sense laws that are statistically proven to reduce gun violence in other countries.
Maybe it is because the RNC views the world in an Us and Them with divergent interpretations of the law. The Us has the gun for defense. The Them has the gun for offense. There is no them, only us, only one human us. Until legislation is intelligently designed with ration, logic, and trust under transparent justice Congress will continue to consider itself an Us and ninety nine percent of citizens will be the Them and we will be pitted against each other in a marketing campaign that leaves us less safe blaming the wrong target.
Some common sense reforms would be to change police pensions to defined contribution in order to pay cops more while on active duty, allowing police departments to get rid of bad cops without the biggest administrative hurdle and paying the cops putting their lives on the line the most we can while police are performing that service not when they are retired and taking tax dollars away from cops on the street. Retiring at 50 and claiming to being underpaid is a government accounting anomaly that has real world implications. We need to attract good cops and get rid of bad ones unwilling to make the 21st century policing changes necessary. Changing the pension system is the top way to motivate this change. This should be done as part of a broad movement to put governmental employees in the same retirement risk status as the American people. The insulation of governmental employees from the risks Congress and state legislatures take with the average American's retirement by allowing Wall Street lobbyist to control campaign funding and boiler plate policy must be equally born. Only in this common vulnerability will empathy be wrought in the government machine.
America needs to end the gun show loop hole and ban high powered assault rifles. We will never get rid of handguns, but the type of assault rifles make everyone who is not holding the trigger nervous and fearful. I trust a cop with one; I don't want someone at the bus stop holding one next to me. I don't want them to have a rocket propelled grenade or a tank either.
We need to increase the penalties for being a corrupt public servant. This should include shooting a citizen under video. I can understand verbal rationalizations being believed to give officers the benefit of the doubt. Despite the massive systematic racism evident, the police are in a difficult position, but the truth is too many have committed crimes and gotten away with the crimes because of exploiting that position.
Bad cops frame citizens, assault citizens, murder citizens, take pay offs from criminals to abide drug territories, legally confiscate assets of those unjustifiably convicted based on falsified charges. All of these happen and disproportionately to black and brown citizens. These are realities while not convenient are at the heart of our current American trauma. Modern cellphones have put these crimes on camera and still few if any convictions and few if any sentences commensurate with that of the average citizen, when as a standard of honor should be more lengthy not less. Until America stares into that pallid mirror and organizations like the RNC can openly acknowledge this reality then we are in an Orwellian theater awaiting our cage of rats.

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