Wednesday, July 27, 2016

To borrow a sports analogy,

To borrow a sports analogy, this presidential election is like when the 8th seed in one conference makes it to the championship and gets trounced by the other one seed. We have a man who has never held political office attempting to be president of the United States against a woman who has been discussing and designing policy since college. Hillary grew up a Republican and shifted to Democrat. She understands both sides of the aisle is prepared to decimate her opponent in the debates like an Obama drone bomb on a Pakistani civilian. While I do not agree with Clinton on a lot of issues or her methods I do respect her political game, diligence, intelligence and acumen. With Clinton there is also a ton of overlap when it comes to functional domestic policy with Sanders at last after what she 'agreed' to run on post compromise to not get booed out of her own convention like a naked Empress. Most of what I disagree with on Clinton involves her ties to Wall street and her international perpetuation of the drug war and the war on terror from both fiscal and humanitarian standpoints. Needless to say Trump would be clueless in foreign policy and I sincerely think puts America needlessly at risk.
I look forward to her whipping the Donald's ass when he actually has to discuss policy by an independent debate panel instead of the Republican wormhole where his below forty percent poll numbers won him states in a crowded field. The words low ceiling come to mind. Go ahead ask the guy the first thing about governmental accounting or budgetary procedures or having to run on a record. They are both cheats. They both lie. The American people know this is farce, but the difference between an incompetent liar and incompetent egotistic sideshow is stark. I don't see this even being close.

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