Sunday, July 17, 2016

Red Stick 20160717

Terrorism unleashed by solitary or small groups of individuals marketed as something other than individual volition should be done cautiously and believing mass media or politicians to cultivate eyes to their media source or power base more so.  The after effects of misunderstanding the airplanes into bombs of September 11, 2001 lingers.  Militant extremists most likely funded by members of the Saudi Arabian government sought to create a religious war where the United States would lash out at many Muslims for the acts of a small number of humans.  The United States government lied to the world, openly attacked Iraq in the name of nuclear weapons bringing to fruition destabilization of the region, the deaths of thousands, and the greatest marketing boon for the objectives of the hijackers and the men who funded them.

Today we had seven officers of the state of Louisiana shot by a single individual or small group in an act of terrorism.  This act is condemned by ninety-nine point nine percent of citizens of America.  We should not ignore or manipulate this reality to allow division by political identification.

We must not confuse reality with agenda laden rhetoric about what a handful of individuals may choose to do with guns or bombs or trucks.  No matter how we argue with ourselves, what laws we pass, what the NRA does, these acts are possible at any time in any place in America.  Politicians promise walls, F-35’s, homeland security checkpoints, drones, and firm hands to garner power not absolute safety.  No one can control individual volition.

Guns are a scientific reality, a saber toothed tiger out of the bag.  The terrorist threat of religious fundamentalism is not an American spawned evil, but the terrorist threat of systematic racism born from gun barrels pointed by and towards police officers and citizens is. 

Black Lives Matter is a movement against systematic violence and injustice to reduce ignorance and cultivate understanding of our history and present day reality.  To equate any actions of a terrorist being inspired by a peaceful protest creates a falsehood.  One self-adorns blinders when one retorts systematic injustice with reactionary over simplification as understanding black lives matters implies all lives or police lives do not matter.  This is nonsense.  When a marginalized population asserts space in a modern internet paradigm the empowered are threatened.  The propagation of ignorance in the masses utilized to wield power over the masses is an industry older than slavery.  

Pleas for peace, prayers, and understanding are part of the equation.  However consciousness is a precursor to systematic change that certain acts in the anomaly: police officers murdering citizens or citizens murdering police officers need to be condemned in equal reprimand.  Racial bias correlated with the ills of slavery against blacks is empirically valid and must end.  America must see justice and acknowledgement. 

The root of our ignorance is born not in our differences, but in our common complacency.  Our lethargy to shed atavistic allegiances, our sheep mentality to defer our volition for the maws of political wolves, and our avarice to think of bank account before the capital of our species is our mirrored extinction.  We must find equanimity in times of terrorism to understand how to change addressing the ignorance born in our history to cultivate a future based on facts, ration, and consciousness.  It is the best chance we have to employ an evolution of empathy to combat the global climate crisis and the petty racial, religious, ethnic, and national squabbles which have mired human progress in egotistic immaturity. 

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