Friday, July 15, 2016

Saudi Arabia and 9/11/01

Fifteen of the 19 hijackers were Saudi Arabian as well as Osama Bin Laden and it comes out thirteen years later that the United States government knew soon after 9/11/01 of ties between hijackers and the Saudi embassy.  There is no mention of Iraq.  Iraqi nuclear weapons sounded out of left field what the fuck does that have to do with 9/11 then and now it seems even more sad if that is somehow possible.  USA#1!!!!!!!!

Our country doesn’t even make this front page news…Turkey is in the middle of a coup due to reactions to ISIS spilling out the wrong country our government invaded destabilizing the region allowing war in Syria.  With the attention span of the public why would we demand someone answer for Iraq…?

I am not even that pissed at Bush.  Anyone with half a brain knew he was a liar, a puppet for the powers that control this world, following his family history, and facilitating a greater plan with 9/11 as an excuse.  Before anyone gets red/blue blame the other side on this, Pelosi’s signature is on the lead document in 2003 and based on Obama’s drone bombs not much has fucking changed and they all knew about this, although the true roots run right through Bush’s family on how you ignore Saudi Arabia and end up in Iraq.  That much is not difficult to figure out.  You have not heard one peep out the U.S. government about going after anyone in the Saudi Government for obvious reasons. 
Reasons being:
1) The war on terror is a lie. Not that terror is not real, but that the powers that run America and the world do not give a shit about the average U.S or European citizen’s safety and they certainly don’t give a shit about anyone in any country outside of those regions particularly people of color or non-Christians. They are kind of happy to have a terrorist event every once in a while to keep the game going as long the average person thinks they have things under a basic level of order.
2) War makes people on Wall Street billions of dollars. Defense contractors are obvious. Oil companies are obvious. The prison industrial complex feeding off the back end of the sentiments bred by warmongering is obvious. However banking makes the most by forcing the countries going to war to borrow money, buy debt and create cheap labor from desperate fearful humans. These people want us to go to war to kill people that neither group cares about in order to get rich. The Department of Homeland Security is a marketing department. Even after found massively incompetent at stopping airport guns and the petty fake security marketed we still spend billions.
3) The U.S. Government has tolerated the Saudi Government’s human rights offenses for years. Wahhabism is obvious. Oil is obvious. Saddam Hussein in Iraq was an easy target in a country the powers that be do not give a fuck about. Saddam was evil, murdered people at will, pure tyranny, but the war was bullshit and not about freedom or the Iraqi people despite the genocide. They used Iraq as an example not to teach Iraq or Saddam a lesson but to teach the American and European people a lesson to be afraid, to need your government to keep spending an insane amount of money of machines of death and debt to Wall Street companies. This is to deter local uprising and a distraction from the evolution of how power is held in a global society.
4) The powers that be encourage the fear factory of fundamentalism and xenophobia. Fundamentalism leads to human sheep who buy stupid crap no one needs in wealthy countries and leads to cheap labor and natural resources in poor countries and poor communities of wealthy countries. The right obtains a plurality through poor people voting against their economic self-interest because of a twisted idea of God that the leaders of the right don’t really give a fuck about and cuts the taxes on the rich who are running the show. The left keeps the poor from getting too riotous by giving the false belief that someone is listening. Meanwhile the left and right yell at each other in the front room and share bank accounts getting paid off by the powers that be in the back room. This is obvious to anyone paying attention.
5) The foundations of this power in an American paradigm are also obvious. From indentured servitude of primarily Europeans granted voyage for labor at the impetus, to ballooning slavery of Africans after poor whites and blacks allied in rebellion where poor whites were granted marginal privileges to create a four tiered system of rich whites, poor whites, non-black people of color, and blacks. There has also been the obvious structures of deviation from the heterosexual WASP pinnacle in regards to gender, religion, and sexuality. From slavery, to Jim Crow, to the modern drug war and massive prison industrial complex the shades of racial bias engineered by the powers of be from that heterosexual WASP pinnacle are at the crux of power.
6) This same power is why America accepts a surveillance state and the bombing of poor brown people as acceptable alternatives than addressing the true problem. The same fundamentalist American WASP pinnacle lie that produces the fundamentalism that causes most of America’s problems including the dysfunctional legislative bodies portraying a theater of red/blue absolutism has a mirror image in the distortion of Islam marketed by al-Qa’ida, the Taliban, and ISIS to exploit the frustrations of ignorant poor to control the Earth.
So when you read this shit, if you haven’t already, it is not surprising.  What is surprising is why is this coming out now and how much of it is fabricated for an ulterior motive?  You think of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden and what the United States government has done to those people.  You think of Hillary Clinton and her email server.  You think of how little respect the powers that be have for the citizens of the world that while people are scavenging for Pokémon days after some of the largest protests in years we don’t even notice that our government is openly admitting to creating a fake war leading to the deaths of thousands and intentionally failed to address the root cause of why we claimed to go to war: to make the sources of the 9/11 terrorist events pay. 

The big joke is apparently we have not even accomplished that, because if you think Osama Bin Laden was a bigger fish than the Saudi Government and the money involved in the correlated oil market you must have your head up your ass.  If you think George H. Bush Sr.’s ties to the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia dating back to his time as head of the CIA, prior U.S. involvement in wars between Iraq and Iran, and between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union, and the amount of Saudi oil money invested in companies in Texas are impertinent to this story than please exit stage left for your I’m a good American flag pin.  

So my first question is now that this public, who the fuck will have the will to push this issue on the Obama administration and the past government officials including George W Bush to answer on what has been done to pursue military action against the members of the Saudi government involved and how the fuck do you explain the giant ass wrong turn into Iraq which is maybe the greatest crime in international history given these sets of facts?  What the fuck.  You cannot ignore this.  Please answer for the deaths of our fellow citizens and the Iraqi citizens and the thousands of others around the world that have perished in the domino-like series of events caused by America’s outright decision to ignore the truth in bloodlust and greed.

What do you mean you can’t prove a direct link between specific Saudi princes or government officials and 9/11; oh is that stopping us from military conflict now?  I am pretty sure we didn’t need that in Iraq or for any number of drone bombs or in many other conflicts.  Last check in Baton Rogue and Minnesota if you are black we really don’t need that on a local level before killing citizens here either.  .  We just blew up the Texas shooter with a robot bomb before he could talk to the public. Seems par America.  Have a Budweiser and crank the television the Trump convention is about to start…

Here are a few fun excerpts from the link:

Prior to September 11th, the FBI apparently did not focus investigative resources on Saudi nationals in the United States due to Saudi Arabia’s status as an American “ally.” 

FBI files suggest that Omar al-Bayoumi provided substantial assistance to hijackers Kahlid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi after they arrived in San Diego in February 2000.  al-Bayoumi had extensive contact with Saudi government contacts in the United States and received financial support from a Saudi company affiliated with the Saudi Ministry of Defense.  That company had ties to Usama Bin Laden and al-Qa’ida.  In a review of telephone toll records, the FBI learned that al-Bayoumi called Saudi Government establishments in the United States almost 100 times between January and May of 2000.

Osama Bassnan reportedly received funding and possibly a fake passport from Saudi Government officials, a significant amount of cash from a member of the Saudi Royal Family.  FBI information indicates that Bassnan is an extremist and a supporter of Usama Bin Ladin and has been connected to the Eritrean Islamic Jihad and the Blind Shaykh.  Osama Bassnan was in telephone contact with al-Bayoumi several times a day while they were both in San Diego.  Bassnan also had contact with hijacker Omar Bakarbashat who is referred to in FBI documents as Bassman’s brother in law.  Bassnan lived in the apartment complex in San Diego across the street from hijackers Kahlid al-Minhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi.

The FBI is aware of contact between the hijackers and a close friend of Bassnan’s Khaled al-Kayed, a commercial airline pilot and certified flight instructor living in San Diego.  Al-Kayed admitted to the FBI that in May 2000, al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi contacted him about learning to fly Boeing jet aircraft.

Mohammed al-Qudhaeein was involved in a 1999 incident aboard an American West flight where he and his associate asked the flight attendants a variety of suspicicious questions, al-Qudhaeein attempted to enter the cockpit on two occasions flying to D.C. to attend a party at the Saudi Embassy with tickets both claimed were paid for by the Saudi Embassy.  The plane made an emergency landing.  Prince Bandar (the former Saudi ambassador to the U.S.) is later mentioned to be in contact with (blacked out text.)

The U.S. Government located a Virginia telephone number at an Usama Bin Laden safehouse in Pakistan.  The number subscribed to the individual stated he regularly provides services to a couple who are personal assistants to Prince Bandar. 

There is evidence that some of the September 11th hijackers were in contact with two alleged Saudi Government intelligence officers.

Both the FBI and the CIA recognized the possibility that individuals connected to the Saudi Government may be providing support to terrorists.  (Blank name) testified: So there is certainly a good, good chance that there are sympathizers or extremists, sympathizers possibly for al-Qa’ida within the security services. Abu Zubaydah said he’s confident that al-Qa’ida must have contact certainly with Saudis in the United States and that al-Qa’ida and Usama Bin Ladin are particularly—they invest significant energy in cultivating what Abu Zubaydah called good relationships with Saudis of all standing…He said Bin Laden is very pleased when Saudis in the military, those successful in business and those close to the royal family to lend active support to his cause.  He said bin Laden actively seeks out such relationships.  

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