Saturday, August 27, 2016

Circular Logical and Depressed

Tide is high and air in turtle lungs depleted
Pulse slowed undulating in throbs of numb
Echo approaching distortion of death’s debasement
To eliminate contemplation of the mathematics

Forgetting what one is to appease a denominator
Reduction of the compound for a memory swipe
The hard drive evisceration in a bloody Tuesday morning
Country music radio station two cubicles away

Twanging Jesus’ drawl slide and snare
The fluorescent ceiling light hum
Computer wires and blue highlighter bank clearings
Yellow post it notes and unlisted telephone directory

Here or not, retirement contribution does not begin until
A revolution of the planet around the star
The packed sandwiches and grade school repetitive lesson
Of cows and pigs marching to the jungle chop house

Breathing in the dulled light tasting copper on the tongue
Wanting to drift into the long sleep
Walk into the line with the bovines and porcine cleansing
The draught of commuter rotation

Body wake scurry toil scurry faceless abode insomnia
Inventing stimulation in books and audio files
Thrumming the monotonous stomach acids
Chemically cognizant of hunger and the plastic diet

Mortgage and garbage day, grass cutting, and Zika virus
Spoiled rib eye steaks and tequila shot bottom ups
Exhausted from the can’t one just pay a psychologist to handle this weight
Apply funds from the toil of isolation to pay another human

To portray investment for a fifty minute hour
Prescribe a drug to beguile a brain to alter the mathematics
Of stimuli and receptors flush with the happy
To be one that can ride the illusion of dulled in the convex to this concave

It’s still a circle. 

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