Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sunday Morning Musings on History

Jesus was the byproduct of black Egyptians having the most advanced civilization on the planet implementing polytheism including goddesses.  Alexander and the Greeks conquered, stole, and appropriated culture.  Ptolemy stole Egyptian ideas as Greek under rule of the Roman Empire.  The Old Testament describes the ills of Egyptian slavery for Jews while circumventing history in the greater population of people of color and the roots of knowledge creators.  The New Testament is the greatest invention of whitewashing for a character imprinted as white to teach subservience to Caesar.  The Roman Empire wished to free the non-militant Messiah.  The flawed ignorant people are the ones who sent the savior to death.  The antihero taught the people not to riot, to leave all ears of officials of the state uncut, and pay to Caesar what is Caesar’s.  This dubious algebra of subsequence stemmed rebellion in an evolving modern slavery of non-questioning and acceptance of control of the employer as a surrogate for the state.  Pay your taxes.  Work to pay your taxes.

America was built on Europeans freeing the persecutions of religion conquering indigenous people of color with superior technology built on the broken backs of Egyptian and Middle Eastern fonts for mathematics and science.  After genocide over nations of the indigenous who had a power structure and threat of rebellion if given commensurate technology, the United States deported indigenous nations west of the Mississippi and imported a new nation of people of color to slave as an unrivaled free labor force to farm the massive agricultural wealth.  The founding fathers were slave owners.  The beautiful eagle-coddling lapel-pin-pricking flag 1950’s-one-nation-under-god lie smears in the ink on the Constitution. 

There was no true-white until America.  There was Irish, Italian, Greek, Polish, British, Dutch, German, translated from older tribal names etc.  Indentured servitude and the aligning interests of the poor white and enslaved or poor free black, brought about true-white privilege.  Race as a division of class for at-least-white-man-pawn-you have-that-bit-more power to repress a black.  The state was given a squadron of ignorance to turn the blasting end of the barrel at the wrong enemy. 

The American Civil war was about economics and the Confederacy having more capital wealth than all of Europe in black bodies.  This was a pecuniary calculus breaking up families, marriages where men, women, and children were split based on the character and fiduciary whim of the master.  This was rape-culture and valuation of melanin in house versus field.  This was overseer on horseback and whipped flesh scourging flesh for the audacity to hope for the slightest impudence to rebuke that the hue of that flesh did not absolve the conceptual sin of the applier of the lash. 

Christianity was preached to an illiterate congregation banned from learning to read anything but the master’s book teaching the same lesson of Caesar.  The beatitudes of God seek obedience, peaceful tones, and gratitude for the last shall come first in the placeholder of heaven.  Suicide leads to heaven.  Her body births black-skinned dollar bills.  The panacea of wealth and the injurious virus of racism comingled.

Language and books, origins and the repressed denial of the origin of the human species in the continent of Africa.  Blacks sailing before Columbus to North America and the globe.  The ignorance of the implications of the albinism in the child of two black haploid gametes and the prospect of longitudinal migration.  So it is asked when do black lives matter in the history of books and how different is the horseback overseer than Howie Lake and Blane Salmoni, “He’s got a gun, gun.  If you fucking move, I swear to God!”  Why would a black man rationalize selling compact disks as a hustle to support his family in front of a ghetto convenient store owned by Abdullah Muflahi; how does that setting come to be and the world already know and repress the answer?  All, blue, and black lives in mathematics subject to history.  Know history. 

How does America nominate Donald Trump?  Lynchings, delusion, the weaponry of mind control through books and television screens.  Denied the right of testifying in court.  Immigration walls are about the preservation of whiteness and the plurality to operate a political party devoid of color, ethnicity, non-Christians, LGBTQ citizens, or a coalition to oppose the political power of aggregated majority white Christian in a shifting majority racial population and the war against patriarchy.  The color change in America, bad economic mathematics, the inbred denial of science and history, misogyny,  and the awakening of ignorance is the Republican Party’s death.  The dysfunction, the obstructionism erupting with Obama's election is oozing in orange lava over white beaches on a stolen island.   

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hillary's Coronation Behind the Curtain

The mother of pant suited dragons has been crowned.  The voice of Shawshank voiced over Hillary’s history skipping over Whitewater, her emails, Goldman Sachs luncheons, or the DNC assisting her nomination.  There was no down in the valley section of her husband openly engaging fellatio with an intern in front of the American people, but a marriage rooted in law school kismet.  Bubba’s Pinocchio red schnoz twinkled his aw shucks we-still-have-sex grandparent-cuddle house of love. Chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo from her daughter.  The hug kind of got to me; that was a human moment: you get to hug your daughter after she introduces you to become the first major party female candidate for U.S. President running against a Hitler slot-machine robot paying out nonsense.  Until Trump suggests the first semblance of actual policy.  This is not a campaign. 

What scares me is the distraction; all the wasted time bashing the joke of Trump.  The real issues in this campaign are inside the Sanders campaign focusing on the aggregation of wealth and how the capitalist system is threatening the extinction of our species and viable democratic self-determinism.  This is not a joke; the math threatens water scarcity and budgetary health given corporate dominion over public legislatures that affects every person on this planet.  (Iraq was 130 degrees last week.) Hillary after hedging her bets in swing state Virginia with Kane, wining Florida two to one over Sanders, and Ohio is well positioned.  If Trump doesn’t win Florida he cannot win. 

The point is the real issue in this campaign is centered in two parts of Clinton’s speech first making the top earning corporations and individuals restructure the way the game operates to fund at least in part the progressive policies detailed in the first part of the speech.  Until I hear words like the United States is entering into a global coalition of countries to create a global tax on capital for corporations and individuals that have attempted to supersede residency to address climate change then I know we as a democracy have yet to see the true core of the issue.  We can talk about a million other things, but that is the major issue: how do we restructure capitalism itself to better ensure planetary inability for the survival of our species. Until then we are operating like myopic insects in the anthill awaiting gasoline rain and a match.

Do I believe Clinton will continue to drone bomb the hell out of people in the Middle East, sure do.  Do I think compromise on raising the minimum wage on a regional basis to 15 in some states and 10 in others is possible, yes.  Do I think we can close the private gun sale without background checks loophole, yes.  Do I think Clinton will push for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, I actually do because it favors Democrats so heavily.  Do I think ISIS or Mexicans are a bigger threat to our country then systematic racism against black people, no.  Do I think the major issue of Hillary’s presidency will be to see a single payer option implemented and she will fight like hell to get it and the Republicans will attempt the same obstructionism because they have no sound alternatives, yes. 

Do I think changing capitalism itself affects almost every aspect of life on this planet to a shift towards implementing renewable energy through sound science, infrastructure improvement, and focusing on what it takes to sustain our species rather than employ our species will determine the survival of two generations from now based on if we can cultivate a threshold of human empathy in the present, yes I do. 

We need to recognize why a man like Donald Trump could get nominated.  He got nominated because those that have held control over the masses for so long have lost their grip because television is dying and the internet has connected people in a way nothing ever has.  We will either adapt to acknowledge how we are running out of time for the nonsense of ignoring science and mathematics, and making fun of the nerds who read books and study facts who understand the bigger picture and as my friend Jared put it “made it through the maze and never took the cheese when they gave it.  White trash ain’t supposed to study wages.  They want us poor, drunk, dumb, and making babies hooked on sports, god, porn, and braindead.”  Until we can usurp the candy of gut feelings with sound research over a sound bite we are wasting our time over petty squabbles. 

Nation, gender, religion, political affiliation, ethnicity, sexuality, and class are illusions.  Tap your hand with your fingers in the middle of your opposite palm now find anyone else’s palm and do the same and do the same.  Look those other humans in the eye for two minutes straight.  Hold the gaze, then imagine that list of illusions.  Tell yourself what is real.  Ask yourself what is worth fighting over.  

Think of your unborn great grandchild that may never be born because your country wasted trillions of dollars to wall out brown people, build computer jets that don’t work to try to bomb other brown people, and construct plantations of corporate prisons to arrest other brown and black people on criminalized drug charges to fund a systematically corrupt corrections facility as a modern Jim Crow in a country founded in the genocide of native brown people and built with the slave labor and blood of black people.  Try to make sense of that world that spends so much money cultivating the product of fear.  Who is trying to make who fearful and why; what is the going on in the background?  Like Hillary said tonight because that’s where the money is.  

Rogers Ailes, Donald Trump, Megyn Kelly, and Misogyny

As a rather distant observer of the Roger Ailes sexual misconduct scandal at Fox News surfacing on the eve of the Republican National Convention last week the timing and the nomination of Trump triggered a few thoughts.  Megyn Kelly’s confrontational debate moderating with Donald Trump earlier in the primary season may have been ratings-based coming from Ailes’ management.  However given the background coming to light it would appear two separate roads colliding with the party of the pachyderms. 

The Republican base has never wanted Donald Trump as the nominee.  Trump is great for ratings distracting attention to a flamboyant carnival act self-absorbed shyster, but he is not and will never be a politician.  Trump created his own ratings threatening his creation of an alternative network to Fox News.  Although I have my doubts the Donald could pull it off, if there is a grand scheme to what the Donald has planned I imagine that might be it.  Gain as much attention as possible and pray to the god of his Scrooge McDuck Money Bin that he loses in November.  The man does not want to actually have to wake up and do the job of president.  He might like the nameplate or being called Mr. President on his golden pinky ring, but the grind of actually governing?  There is nothing in his personal history that would lead one to believe that he is capable or desiring for that sort of public service. 

Rupert Murdoch probably recognized the threat as Trump’s viability in poll numbers ascended within the asylum.  The Republican establishment recognized the threat to reroute and divide the angry white males of moderate to low income part of the voting coalition at the Republican base away from the traditional Bush pedigree at the dog show.  The base in modern terms is: the religious right, giant business, voters with military and firearm self-identifiers, and poor to moderate angry white people.  Trump is exposing the massive structural flaws in the party itself by showing that an incompetent man spouting nonsense could win the nomination. 

In this revelation one may ponder how very much Ken doll Mitt Romney and grizzled veteran John McCain capable of choosing Sarah Palin, and C- student George Bush were puppets for the party spouting nonsense.  The party has very few new or productive ideas on policy only the same game plan of marketing fear and investment in the military while also cutting and eliminating governmental revenue streams while the masses fend for themselves.  The party is about the private portion of the economy being as big as possible and as much wealth of that portion of the economy going to owners as possible.  The externalities of a destroyed planet and increased violence in the world can be handled by a strong military and police force to quell the inevitable problems the masses will have with not being able to make ends meet or being exploited. 

The flawed mathematics of trickledown economics and laissez faire capitalism have deteriorated the structural integrity of the American economy to enrich the top one percent so much that most of this can no longer be hidden without an increase in the massive amount of marketing into delusion rivaling Inquisition-period Catholicism or a Barry Manilow concert.  Fox News has become the 1984 talking rad-caged head for Republican Marketing.  Murdoch controls that money maker. Trump is the biggest threat to come along to take a piece of that profit.  You have Megyn Kelly and the Mattel news team instructed to go after Trump.  Ailes was managing Fox News at the helm of the whole deal.

Therein we get back to the sexual misconduct and the engineered screen shot blueprint for the blond haired Barbie body as female Fox News anchor who despite being the most intelligent anchor on the network is reduced back to that body by her employer and male coworkers.  The idea of any person being sexual harassed at work no matter if appearance was a significant factor in their selection of employment by the nature of the position is reprehensible and illegal.  The fact that the harassment went on as long as it did and male counterparts on air have been filmed engaging in repeated misogynistic comments with female anchors creates a hostile work environment.  That environment comes full tilt at the start of the convention. 

It would appear to me that the timing of the release on the information to bring down Ailes right before the convention was intentional and probably connected and done by the Trump campaign.  The image that really brings this full circle is you have the women on the most watched television bastion of American Republican values in the world in a war to not be sexually harassed in the workplace combined with a man that has been married three times and has shown himself to be a racist xenophobic misogynist to inflate the ego of the white American male frustrated that his privilege in modern America is deteriorating.  This candidate is set to run against and be beaten by a woman who is better than him in almost every category one could measure in what it constitutes actually doing the job of governance. 

The woman of America see this sexual harassment suffered on the biggest marketing tool.  They see Trump the kind of man that can easily be imagined doing such things as reducing a professional journalist like Megyn Kelly to how she looks which he has done on air multiple times.  Trump is running against a woman who even if one disagrees with politically a high number of even Fox News watching females can probably recognize the massive amount of bullshit Hillary Clinton has had to put up with for being a woman in her workplace.  This election is a like a perfect storm for having the lowest female Republican voter turnout in history.  Maybe the preponderance of this section of the population does not vote for Hillary, maybe they skip the box all together, but how many woman can stomach voting for a man who when it comes down to it probably reminds her of a sleazy married cheese ball who would try to hit on her if given the chance if that guy was her boss?  Now imagine you are pushing a button that basically makes this guy the boss of all women in America.  How the hell do you stomach that?  

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

To borrow a sports analogy,

To borrow a sports analogy, this presidential election is like when the 8th seed in one conference makes it to the championship and gets trounced by the other one seed. We have a man who has never held political office attempting to be president of the United States against a woman who has been discussing and designing policy since college. Hillary grew up a Republican and shifted to Democrat. She understands both sides of the aisle is prepared to decimate her opponent in the debates like an Obama drone bomb on a Pakistani civilian. While I do not agree with Clinton on a lot of issues or her methods I do respect her political game, diligence, intelligence and acumen. With Clinton there is also a ton of overlap when it comes to functional domestic policy with Sanders at last after what she 'agreed' to run on post compromise to not get booed out of her own convention like a naked Empress. Most of what I disagree with on Clinton involves her ties to Wall street and her international perpetuation of the drug war and the war on terror from both fiscal and humanitarian standpoints. Needless to say Trump would be clueless in foreign policy and I sincerely think puts America needlessly at risk.
I look forward to her whipping the Donald's ass when he actually has to discuss policy by an independent debate panel instead of the Republican wormhole where his below forty percent poll numbers won him states in a crowded field. The words low ceiling come to mind. Go ahead ask the guy the first thing about governmental accounting or budgetary procedures or having to run on a record. They are both cheats. They both lie. The American people know this is farce, but the difference between an incompetent liar and incompetent egotistic sideshow is stark. I don't see this even being close.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Pre Bubba’s Speech Tonight - 20160726

Any Democrats disappointed or confused in Clinton’s VP pick of Kaine instead of a more progressive Democrat, first it didn’t matter who Hillary Clinton picked Bill Clinton will be and was going to be the functional vice president in terms of a sounding board for policy no matter who was selected if Hillary is elected.  Bill has been slow rolling his place in this administration the entire campaign to avoid a spotlight on the idea of first-spouse in the American-monarchy.  We had the Adams’, the Kennedy’s, the Bush’s, the Dole’s and the Clinton’s etc.  Tonight Bubba gets to speak in the calculated language his family has perfected.  

Most progressive VP-choices understood this and rather than have conflict you get Kaine.  Kaine is a solid white male legal scholar Democrat with roots in civil action.  He stood up to the NRA after the Virginia Tech shootings and brings the issue of closing the gun show loophole to the forefront for common sense gun reform America desperately needs as a piece of the puzzle.  Ninety one percent of Americans support closing the loophole, but the gun and ammunition manufacturers that primarily fund the NRA do not.  The majority of NRA members do.  Why; because NRA members for the vast majority are responsible gun owners, paying their taxes, and getting background checks already.  Sure maybe this creates some administrative hurdles, but those hurdles if implemented in a common sense fashion will recognize the fact that the vast majority of guns used in criminal homicides of someone not living in the same home use guns obtained through the private sale loophole. 

Second, being a white male Kaine hedges the risk of American misogyny against Hillary’s gender and the latent racism so prevalent in the Obama presidency in the population of swing voters demographically most attracted to Hillary’s opponent: white males.  Hillary dominates in every other demographic of gender and race.  From purely playing the game of politics Trump’s divisiveness reduces the necessity for further diversity on the Democratic ticket.  Clinton is a shrewd politician fixated on returning to the White House.  What else would you expect? 

20160726 – To the alienated Republican voter

The Republican Party implemented a platform of obstructionism before Obama’s inauguration day.  That obstructionism has been held steadfast as the central foundation of the Party.  What innovative legislation has a Republican controlled House and Senate proposed in the last sixteen years to address the significant issues of our country during periods of majority? 

The Republican Party shifted in the 1950’s to combine nationalism and religion post WWII to assist big business interests to confuse mathematical and scientific macroeconomic realities in the American people to decrease the power of labor, dominate the globe through partnered corporate-military imperialism, and market a flag and a cross so that the vast majority of Americans vote against their economic and social best interests.  The Democratic Party soon followed along as a pro-business party as faith bedded nationalism and the money in politics started to dwarf any other issue as television became king.  This is the One Party system we live under.  Both are culpable, but at its root it started with Billy Graham, Eisenhower, and Vice President Richard Nixon after the technological advances of WWII sparked the economy.   

The Republican cult of Ronald Reagan is the ultimate modern iteration of these policies which mathematically produce national debt, increase poverty, consolidate wealth, and sacrifice long term good of the nation and our planet for the short term gains of a tiny percentage of the Earth’s population.  Post-Regan Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama have all played forms of this game, but the Progressive agenda pushing from the far left, which used to be center left in FDR’s era, has forced the Democratic Party to adapt.  Has it fully, no, but the economic policy from the Democratic side of the aisle of: a single payer option, raising the minimum wage to a living wage, ending citizens united, addressing public university tuition as a hindrance to our labor force, equal pay for equal work, ending private prisons, and the TPP are all policies to address the gargantuan problem that trickle-down economics and policies of the Eisenhower/Graham coalition are structurally flawed in their extreme implementation and are an abject failure causing the global consolidation of wealth and power.  Furthermore the One-Party system’s intentional obfuscation of what constitutes wealthy or why public tax resources are scarce and where all the wealth created over the last thirty years is hinders the American people from comprehending how such progressive policies could be funded in an economy no longer married to the interests of the wealthiest global citizens and not suffer massive inflation largely due to the advances in technology capable of meeting the basic survival needs of the average human being. 

The greatest value of the Republican Party in the counter balance is mathematical conservatism that a government cannot spend its way into solutions without interdependence with the private economy of its citizens.  The problem is that the Republican Party long ago abandoned mathematical conservatism and science based policy.  The top wealth holders have extricated their self-interest from the U.S. population.  The stagflation of the 1970’s was not cured by trickledown economics.  Stagflation was cured by advances in technology and changes in global political markets. 

What the modern economy truly needs is a global tax on capital.  The misunderstanding of how functional income tax rates work for both corporations, high income individuals, middle class, and those living in poverty is part of the big business agenda.  The One Party system does not want you to understand the math or the functional results of that math which cannot be cured after thirty plus years of implementation by shifting the burden of correction on wealth created here forward; we must also target the giant pile of wealth created during those thirty years.

Without getting too wonky, I have spent my adult life as a CPA.  I have audited publicly traded companies, large and medium sized private businesses, non profits, large and small governmental entities, prepared the tax returns for corporations, estates, and individuals, and worked as the controller of a large private company.  I have seen behind the wall of what a lot of different shades of the economic spectrum pay in employee and employer compensation in addition to understanding the tax code and governmental budgeting on a level probably beyond the average citizen.  The concise end result is that the deductions high income individuals get to utilize prior to their income ever being determined are far more pertinent to the equation than the tax rate as long as that tax rate is within its modern historical standard deviation.  The profit-based healthcare system is the largest unnecessary and dysfunctional tax the American people pay inside both the private and public economies.  The lobbying power of big business has manipulated the tax code for this to happen.  Without a coordinated global tax on capital in addition to income by the world’s superpowers while also eliminating tax shelters in countries like Ireland and Bermuda the mammoth aggregation of wealth sleeping in banks doing very little for the Earth’s population will not functionally change.  Most importantly as the leader of the globe’s economy America must lead the charge to account for the planet Earth as capital on the balance sheet of humanity rather than an asset of Wall Street to avoid the extinction of our species.  This change in accounting is a function of both generally accepted accounting principles affecting financial reporting and tax code in a conducive political habitat.

So in short: change deductions, fix profit-based healthcare, fix lobbying and citizens united, and implement a global tax on capital that recognizes the Earth as equity owned by humanity and not firms.  Those should be the pillars of how-do-we-fix-this-mess. The elected officials of the Republican Party are across the board in opposition to these solutions.  This is largely due to the fact that the elected officials of both parties have been farmed to serve business over citizens since the aforementioned shift in the 1950’s.  The average person sees the end result of but not cause of the problems, agrees across the aisle far more often than television would lead us to believe on solutions, and on each side of the aisle are disgusted with both parties.  (i.e. the popularity of Sanders and Trump)

A democracy is a living organism.  Throwing one’s hands up as I will not vote or that the only insertion of our minds into the political arena is on election day is a false understanding of democracy.  There is no us and them, there is only us.  Arguing only blue or red often in concepts engineered by both sides of the aisle as wedge issues like religion, patriotism, or nationalism is the language of alienated complacency.  Misunderstanding that in this election we have large numbers of Republicans upset Trump got the nomination by following the will of the electorate and we have large numbers of Democrats upset Clinton cheated in what appears to be a rigged primary to hinder the will of the electorate.  Both nominees are candidates of war, bombing, and business.  This is no massive victory for the proletariat. 

The One Party system seeks sheep who vote the way they are told or do not vote at all.  The best we can do is see the machine at work and fight never believing that our vote means that we one hundred percent agree with what a party stands for or that ideas become moot into a cauldron of absolutes.  Mathematics matter, ideas matter, communication matters.  Voting is the least we can do.  Republicat or Democran either way we are called to use or minds for understanding the roots of how we arrived at the moment, not to silence all discussion in frivolous rhetoric, but to evolve. 

Monday, July 25, 2016

First Night of the DNC 20160725

The political business of incorporating major progressive pieces of Bernie Sanders agenda into the Democratic platform is significant: the public healthcare option, $15 minimum wage, ending citizens united, ending private prisons, adding free public university tuition for families making under $125,000 annually, and opposition to the TPP.  There is also a similar pro-choice, equal pay for equal work, closing the gun show loophole for background checks, and Supreme Court appointment agenda.  How Clinton got the nomination and the funds for her campaign are part of the corruption of the one-party system the Democrats co-participate.  Everything in Clinton’s history points to a calculating, highly intelligent, manipulative politician.  There are valid reasons to question whether that platform will remain close to its form post-election day.

Will Clinton propose as stringent restrictions on the banks and Wall Street in the 21st Century version of Glass Steagall mentioned?  Will Clinton address systematic racism as voraciously and honestly as Sanders may have?  Will Clinton end the drone bomb, anti-Palestine, keep the Saudi’s happy, homeland security money waste?  Will Clinton strive for proper environmental standards to address climate change given her connections with business? Will Clinton address the income tax and lack of taxes on capital Sanders would have?  I would imagine in each case probably not.  However the real question is what legislation can get passed in Congress? 

Can the Democrats and the Progressives unite to take the House of Representatives and the Senate away from the Republicans?  The only way this is possible is through a coalition and high voter turnout in a pragmatic recognition of what democracy is.  America needs divergent view points and balance, but the Republican Party is dying under its own dead weight and inability to evolve.  

The Republicans chose and continue to choose to cease to be a functional party by electing obstructionism over suggesting policy based in research, science, or recognition of reality.  Republicans suggest a xenophobic, nationalistic, fear-based agenda that is not fiscally accurate nor governance.  The Republican tax policy produces debt, recession, and a perpetuation of mathematical ignorance about how the global and national economy operates.  Republicans know if Texas ever turns blue Republicans will never win another national election.  Why is a wall proposed?  There are only eleven states in play now and statistically the Republicans have to win at least eight or nine of those eleven to even have a chance.  The other 39 states have voted the same in every presidential election since Reagan save two. 

Props to Bernie for his humble strength and thinking of the citizens of this country.  We need only look at Ted Cruz’s example last week for how stark a juvenile and uncivil alternative the other party offers.   If you are mad about the corruption of the Democratic primary, everyone should be.  If seeing the underbelly of major politics operates surface disgusts you, it should.  However that same game allowed Sanders to shift Clinton further left at the time of nomination all historical precedent would have her shifting further right.  That is one hundred percent Sanders, his voter’s revolution, and the power of the people’s vote understanding the progressive agenda is not going away.  The people have seen further behind the curtain.  The speeches tonight and the platform matter.  In contrast to the Trump alternative this is North compared to South Korea. 

If you think the pieces of Sanders’ platform which are now part of the Democratic platform are irrelevant or that Sanders is the only person capable of changing this country then you are putting a political celebrity in front of the path that has the best chance of improving the lives of the American people.  Democracy is not about politicians or party; it is about a living participating humanity discussing and implementing ideas.  Washington has sought to repress that; the Sanders campaign has fought very hard to bring that back.  I was cautiously proud to hope for that tonight.  

Saturday, July 23, 2016

As We Struggle to Make Sense

Current events of American police shooting innocent black men, terrorists shooting police in return, an automatic weapon at Pulse Orlando, gun manufacturer profits soaring, a juggernaut truck in Nice, a military coup raining gunfire on Turkish citizens, a US air strike raining bombs on Syrian citizens, protesters blocking Atlanta’s streets sprawling out the old south slavery up the Mississippi into the RNC in Cleveland electing a sewerage leak of vitriol and trumpery over facts, research, or policy.  The spew smelled of fascism’s paw rising from the zombie muck in a festival for a sociopath demagogue squawking cognitive dissonance and the marketing prowess of the ego.

So many people are asking why; what is going on in the world?  I am just one person trying to make sense of it too.  I don’t know, but this is what I think it might be.

The planet is underpriced in the global laisse faire capitalist system the Wall Street one party system represents.  Water, forests, oil, aggregable soil, and the time to replenish their unsustainable depletion since the dawn of the industrial revolution are approaching breaking points given global temperature rise due to trapped solar radiation caused by carbon emissions.  The ice caps are providing temporary homeostasis to stem the arc of the degree increase, but with it a time limit of ocean rise and heat before inability of the planet brings massive death.  Water should not be priced at the cost to get the second to last drop out of Lake Mead, but the price to get the one after the last.  Where is water stress highest: Northern China, India, Iran, and the Western United States.

How is this connected?  The modern economic system was founded on imperialism and the exploitation of indigenous populations and people of color to extract natural resources and labor at as cheap a price as possible to hoard pecuniary profit in banks.  The capital of the planet: that the Earth’s water or aggregable soil is finite has never been accounted for in the system.  

Banks control the money supply.  The governments of our planet are puppets based on the fiscal prowess of these firms.  The firms profit from public debt and thus war.  Firms in the last century have put unprecedented money in banks based on selling natural resources that took millions of years to create: the elements in a cell phone, the oil in a gas tank, the water to grow a CAFO lot, the trees to build a subdivision.  The system encourages us to harvest resources future generations will need in order to overproduce to make a stock price go up to meet quarterly market expectations and put money in banks now to meet a bonus calculation.  The people that politicians like Trump and Clinton represent create a false war of social ideology to both distract and control the masses to create this profit which is more difficult to mask in the age of the hive mind internet.

Fundamentalism most often marketed through religion acts like a glue of mutual belief in that which does not require factual or empirical substantiation.  This bond allows group think and cohesion into the five pillars of the Koran or the Ten Commandments of the Bible.  The texts are arbitrary mental devices mandating stamps of fundamentalism to prevent questioning that morality and security can exist in the absence of specified theism.  How could a follower retain what she or he is most genuinely attracted, the order over chaos in the bond and the solidity of core common moral behaviors in reliable predictable group social patterns?

The evidence to inject validity of the bond through stories of Muhammad or Jesus, tribe or Abraham, Jerusalem or Mecca, these are, even if substantially based in teleological historical evidential matter, each unnecessary.  The preponderance of humanity does not follow the ideology of any one religion.  Inside any one religion are multiple iterated variations speculating interpretation and with each consequences for the adherence and lack of adherence to slivers of each fundamentalist slice of spiritual reality.  Wars are fought over the superiority of these slices. 

Humans must face the European imprint of a vanilla Jesus over a chocolate socialist Jesus reality, the social control of the Bible put into the hands of Uncle Tom and the awakening of Malcolm Little using the Koran to unshackle the Bible for recognition of Africans as the original progenitors of humanity.  Cognitive dissonance produces malignant lies to deny our interconnection and evolutionary creation through natural selection.  Until the color of a man’s skin is no more pertinent than the color of his eyes or an idea of faith is no longer permitted to trump human dignity we obstruct our survival. 

The common gap in follower’s fundamentalism is absolving non-followers from perdition for non-adherence to the idiosyncratic staked ground of specific religious doctrine as long as the underlying moral application of kindness, tolerance, love, and recognition of each being as sacred is maintained.  It is in the common fear of the group ostracizing the individual in acts of violence, capriciousness, hatred, and non-recognition of sacred personal stature which is at the base of the human attraction to religion.  The same is true in China or North Korea where the state serves as the religion. 

Thus when we look at the world and see Syria, Turkey, France, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Brazil, Russia, China, India, America, and across the globe we see our species confronting order and chaos by assessing this escalation of commitment to safety to adherence to atavistic fundamentalist ideologies in the age of the internet pulling the curtain back on Oz.  We see our planet given global temperature rise and population growth threatening our extinction.  We are approaching the true test of our spirituality: will we change who the wizard of Oz really is (the economic system we have agreed to use to obtain order) or will we redesign one based on sharing more than we do?  Will we change? 

We are herd animals cognizant of safety in numbers and death in being made pariah.  The human mind as a social animal will sacrifice logic to presuppose a set of mutually agreed upon improvable social behaviors connoting order to reduce the risk of being expunged from the herd and having to fend alone.  This in part is why secularism is the most unfavorable trait in the pantheon of major candidate political identifiers in the United States and other fundamentalist countries. 

A common worship of a derivation of god is preferable to the grand revelation that god does not exist or that god need not exist to obtain morality or social order or that most dangerous of ideas that the theistic god worshiped has been an escalation of commitment earning not credits with a heavenly bank, but merely a social check on one’s fellow humans independent of divine providence. The idea of god can exist and be good without fundamentalism.  

Survival does not require abandonment of the idea of god, but of the pernicious fundamentalism born from religious social control put on top of the idea of god. Religion can continue to exist if adapted.  Survival does not require all or the majority of humans to agree on defining the idea of god, but it does on relinquishing the grip of fundamentalist mandates on global governance systems to acknowledge and cease the fundamentalist subconscious lust for the end of human civilization to entice any mass entrance into heaven for those adhering to ancient texts.  

This lust is evidenced in terrorism inside militant Islam and the anti-choice abortion movement inside Christianity.  The terrorist attempts to annihilate secularism for a Caliphate.  The anti-choicer attempts to act as a scion of god supplying words without tangible action for the fetus up until the point of birth and then nothing post birth.  The anti-choicer’s lustful obsession over birth and death is perverted in a crucible of the unknown intermixing the concepts of heaven and hell.  The anti-choicer and the terrorist participate in a form of prayer as a lobby for the ego’s entrance into paradise.  The ultimate theistic interpretation of order is heaven and of chaos is hell.   

So when we ask ourselves where does systematic racism against black people in America come from, or homophobia, or misogyny, or what is at the root of the violence of ISIS, al-Qa’ida, the Tailiban, or the American iteration in Dylann Roof or the forces hissing from the voting pits of the RNC or the quicker twitch in the trigger finger of a Miami police officer who answers “I don’t know why I shot you” to a black man with his hands up back on the ground attempting to save the life an autistic man, at the root of it is fear about chaos and order and what order means depending on the false mental crutches taught to a human being based on his or her social environment. 

With the police as a representative of government, the herd is taught to understand police produce order and criminals produce chaos.  A police officer shooting Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, or beating Rodney King can only produce order.  The context or in depth analysis of protocol where this is not the case is subject to unparalleled herd scrutiny even in the advent of video evidence.  The same is true of white supremacy in global societal construction imprinted in so many of these acts.  The human thirst for order over chaos abjures justice. 

The economic system has to shift towards a coordinated global tax on capital amongst the nations of the planet used to properly price the Earth’s natural resources with the goal of meeting the base species needs of water, housing, healthcare, clothing, energy, and food while redesigning the market sectors to funnel public ownership or management of the systems meeting those needs in sustainable paradigms maximizing on technological advances betting on Gordon Moore’s law rather than Adam Smith’s. This is an adaptation of capitalism into democratic socialism, not its abandonment.  This is not communism, but the re-engineering of what involves base social survival needs of a mandatory nature and what does not inside the global economic system in private / public coordination that accounts for the planet as capital of our species and not an asset owned by firms.   Included in this shift is a valuation on love, empathy, and understanding that our basic spiritual interconnection precedes any ancient text.  Those imperfect texts must be interpreted for their core of love rather than the fundamentalist striations which are threatening our extinction.

We already know this and the vast majority of us agree.  This is not an us and them; there is no them.  This is how does an individual alter what feels to be a gigantic intransigent machine perpetually pumping smoke to obstruct the survival instinct of those protesting in our hearts and in our streets in the face of this monstrosity we have created to feel order because we do not trust our fellow humans to choose love over fear.  How do we do this to avoid extinction? 

In short that is what I think is happening.  Whether most will chose to process or analyze the details in this way that is up to each of us.  When you hear chants of USA, USA or a prayer to specified Jesus at the head of a convention of a major party in a country with legal separation of church and state and you think of the pairing of Christian theism with nationalism in the 1950’s under Eisenhower compared to how America was actually founded, when you look at Saddam Hussein’s gangster tyrant role keeping fundamentalist forces in check and how complicated the battle between order and chaos, the either-or of it all, really is, the only path out is to obliterate the ignorance that caused its implementation and create modern systems of digital order that do not rely on such false ground. 

Through technology maybe one day verified digital voting will be possible including biometric validation that will allow one person one vote on either an actual or proxy advisory basis to our representatives on all or significant forms of legislation.  The world can change, but not without understanding that we exist to be conscious of our interconnection.  The pains and traumas we feel in our hearts are there to balance with the empathy and love of others in the countless hidden wounds in every human we see.  We are all afraid.  We have all been hurt in our silent sorrows wanting to be seen by and to see other people in the divine beings of our planet.  We are meant to balance in love.

When we breathe a breath, bite of plant, or sip of water we are imbibing the collective universe which we are part.  In the clarity of such fundamental acts, this should be our fundamentalism.  We are to witness each other.  We are to witness interdependence with our planet.  Only in this will we shed the layers of distraction we have compiled and truly address the precipice of our extinction.    

Monday, July 18, 2016

RNC and Open Carry: a modern Jim Crow

The RNC bans open carry in an open carry state. The RNC platform on guns states "We also oppose any effort to deprive individuals of their right to keep and bear arms without due process of law." The hypocrisy and pandering of votes to exploit fear is obvious in a nation bereft of facing the modern conundrum: police are shooting citizens in part because citizens have guns in places we are legally permitted to have firearms.
Police are more endangered because military rifles are available to the public on top of handguns and hunting rifles. Should police be found guilty of manslaughter for using 'I saw him with a gun and I feared for my safety so I shot the adult or minor citizen" ? To me if we in a living democracy are going to legalize owning open carry guns then police should not be surprised or afraid if citizens are in public openly carrying guns. The RNC cannot have it both ways. Acknowledge the double standard and quit talking nonsense. Although it appears to me open carry operates as a modern Jim Crow. It is a law, but that law functions differently in the judgment of the police depending on what neighborhood you are in and what you look like.
The list of black lives gunned down by police is well documented. The issue transcends, but is disproportionately born by the legacy of the police officer as overseer in America. Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke spoke tonight reeking of Uncle Tom ignoring the realities of this hypocrisy to an ocean of white chastising and marginalizing Black Lives Matters.
There are modern answers to high powered assault rifles to legally put those weapons only in the hands of police and our military. The RNC cannot both praise the military and the police under flag fellatio and then market an NRA gun manufacturer porn bullet hoarding for when the government instills tyranny and comes to take our guns or apocalyptic hell scape promoting a Chinese invasion or ISIS terror or American racial war. It is fear mongering full of cognitive dissonance.
There is a functional gap in the standards of policing in failing to arrest officers for shooting citizens for openly carrying a gun and even more when being shot when alternative non lethal options are on the table per those standards. Being 'afraid' cannot be a legal excuse under the law. Police in such situations should be held to a higher standard than the general public, not lower. Police if convicted of violating this higher standard should be sentenced to prison with revoked pensions, not forced to resign and retain pensions.
Does this put police officers in an almost impossible situation; I believe in many cases it does and that is part of why our country is suffering from the deaths of both citizens and police officers. Here is the RNC worshiping police officers and ensuring through staunch union with the NRA to oppose common sense laws that are statistically proven to reduce gun violence in other countries.
Maybe it is because the RNC views the world in an Us and Them with divergent interpretations of the law. The Us has the gun for defense. The Them has the gun for offense. There is no them, only us, only one human us. Until legislation is intelligently designed with ration, logic, and trust under transparent justice Congress will continue to consider itself an Us and ninety nine percent of citizens will be the Them and we will be pitted against each other in a marketing campaign that leaves us less safe blaming the wrong target.
Some common sense reforms would be to change police pensions to defined contribution in order to pay cops more while on active duty, allowing police departments to get rid of bad cops without the biggest administrative hurdle and paying the cops putting their lives on the line the most we can while police are performing that service not when they are retired and taking tax dollars away from cops on the street. Retiring at 50 and claiming to being underpaid is a government accounting anomaly that has real world implications. We need to attract good cops and get rid of bad ones unwilling to make the 21st century policing changes necessary. Changing the pension system is the top way to motivate this change. This should be done as part of a broad movement to put governmental employees in the same retirement risk status as the American people. The insulation of governmental employees from the risks Congress and state legislatures take with the average American's retirement by allowing Wall Street lobbyist to control campaign funding and boiler plate policy must be equally born. Only in this common vulnerability will empathy be wrought in the government machine.
America needs to end the gun show loop hole and ban high powered assault rifles. We will never get rid of handguns, but the type of assault rifles make everyone who is not holding the trigger nervous and fearful. I trust a cop with one; I don't want someone at the bus stop holding one next to me. I don't want them to have a rocket propelled grenade or a tank either.
We need to increase the penalties for being a corrupt public servant. This should include shooting a citizen under video. I can understand verbal rationalizations being believed to give officers the benefit of the doubt. Despite the massive systematic racism evident, the police are in a difficult position, but the truth is too many have committed crimes and gotten away with the crimes because of exploiting that position.
Bad cops frame citizens, assault citizens, murder citizens, take pay offs from criminals to abide drug territories, legally confiscate assets of those unjustifiably convicted based on falsified charges. All of these happen and disproportionately to black and brown citizens. These are realities while not convenient are at the heart of our current American trauma. Modern cellphones have put these crimes on camera and still few if any convictions and few if any sentences commensurate with that of the average citizen, when as a standard of honor should be more lengthy not less. Until America stares into that pallid mirror and organizations like the RNC can openly acknowledge this reality then we are in an Orwellian theater awaiting our cage of rats.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Red Stick 20160717

Terrorism unleashed by solitary or small groups of individuals marketed as something other than individual volition should be done cautiously and believing mass media or politicians to cultivate eyes to their media source or power base more so.  The after effects of misunderstanding the airplanes into bombs of September 11, 2001 lingers.  Militant extremists most likely funded by members of the Saudi Arabian government sought to create a religious war where the United States would lash out at many Muslims for the acts of a small number of humans.  The United States government lied to the world, openly attacked Iraq in the name of nuclear weapons bringing to fruition destabilization of the region, the deaths of thousands, and the greatest marketing boon for the objectives of the hijackers and the men who funded them.

Today we had seven officers of the state of Louisiana shot by a single individual or small group in an act of terrorism.  This act is condemned by ninety-nine point nine percent of citizens of America.  We should not ignore or manipulate this reality to allow division by political identification.

We must not confuse reality with agenda laden rhetoric about what a handful of individuals may choose to do with guns or bombs or trucks.  No matter how we argue with ourselves, what laws we pass, what the NRA does, these acts are possible at any time in any place in America.  Politicians promise walls, F-35’s, homeland security checkpoints, drones, and firm hands to garner power not absolute safety.  No one can control individual volition.

Guns are a scientific reality, a saber toothed tiger out of the bag.  The terrorist threat of religious fundamentalism is not an American spawned evil, but the terrorist threat of systematic racism born from gun barrels pointed by and towards police officers and citizens is. 

Black Lives Matter is a movement against systematic violence and injustice to reduce ignorance and cultivate understanding of our history and present day reality.  To equate any actions of a terrorist being inspired by a peaceful protest creates a falsehood.  One self-adorns blinders when one retorts systematic injustice with reactionary over simplification as understanding black lives matters implies all lives or police lives do not matter.  This is nonsense.  When a marginalized population asserts space in a modern internet paradigm the empowered are threatened.  The propagation of ignorance in the masses utilized to wield power over the masses is an industry older than slavery.  

Pleas for peace, prayers, and understanding are part of the equation.  However consciousness is a precursor to systematic change that certain acts in the anomaly: police officers murdering citizens or citizens murdering police officers need to be condemned in equal reprimand.  Racial bias correlated with the ills of slavery against blacks is empirically valid and must end.  America must see justice and acknowledgement. 

The root of our ignorance is born not in our differences, but in our common complacency.  Our lethargy to shed atavistic allegiances, our sheep mentality to defer our volition for the maws of political wolves, and our avarice to think of bank account before the capital of our species is our mirrored extinction.  We must find equanimity in times of terrorism to understand how to change addressing the ignorance born in our history to cultivate a future based on facts, ration, and consciousness.  It is the best chance we have to employ an evolution of empathy to combat the global climate crisis and the petty racial, religious, ethnic, and national squabbles which have mired human progress in egotistic immaturity. 

One Party System

The one party system is designed for firms to control labor. 
This is split into an elephant and a donkey joined at the anus
Braying and trumpeting from heads which never appear to see each other
Constantly stomping in opposing directions resulting in stagnation

This is intentional
Red intended to convince the middle to hate the lower
Blue intended to control the lower to avoid organization, coalescence, collectivism
In a plate of the modern menu of black lives and the police

The black represent lower independence aged into haves and have not, but still
Drenched in the idea of poverty through systematic disempowerment
The police represent the overseers of fear held by the middle

The historical humans Jesus and the apostles are based on were not white
White people came from black people
Love thy neighbor; the last shall be first is crowd control
For the man being hit with the baton to falsely view recompense in the hereafter

The cognitive dissonance required to maintain untruths
Instills dysfunction at every level of the globe
Rationalizing four hundred years of slavery, into Jim Crow,
Into sun-based drug war, into the industrial prison complex

Into cellular phones documenting the long standing game plan
Of red and blue being exposed through streaming video
Of taking control of the public narrative via usurping the medium
Of the pulpit, the state-house, and the television with the internet

The farcical charade that the color of a man’s skin is more relevant than the color of his eyes
Or the pigmentation in the left elbow more pertinent than that of her teeth
Is built into the notion of God and country and where morality and justice are constrained
If a book or ritual limits culpability and morality’s deployment

To say this is righteous or this is permissible because the skin, the faith, the citizenship, the gender
Then the current of equanimity has been gainsaid for chaos
We imbibe our extinction
The mooned ass and the crossed pachyderm will tear our limbs and arteries asunder

This notion of enemy, of leaving parties un-privy to the world’s table
And the byproduct of chaos not annihilating the ability to find order
Is only justified through testimony to these distinctions of nation, race, religion, and divergence
As justification for fear against masses as not individuals beholden to volition

But to the ideologies of pre-judgment into pantomime to herd hoofs
That past this line reality morphs
That in this hue reality morphs
That in this tongue the tale is told skewed

So in this love bleeds in self-anointed blindness
Men hurling our bodies from cliffs welcoming the maw of the ocean
Drowning in denial that these stories are believed for a comfort of discretionary order
Insulating one from the collective’s toil; a multiplicity of prisoner’s dilemmas

Finked to a non-existent jailor so that one may worship falsehoods
That dignity has a national border
That color justifies shrapnel and adherence to atavistic doctrine
Encouraged by those empowered to cultivate both passivity and aggression where convenient

This is a war on ignorance
For the basis of knowledge is not learning the totality of what our species has discovered
In the arc of human history to this moment, but
To expand the whole in recognition of all there is to know

Of science, mathematics, communication, art, and love is boundless
And in adherence to ancient scrolls and visual cues
We act as flies on feces festering in hindered evolution
So it is we must un-know, un-think, and release our individual notions of what is real 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Saudi Arabia and 9/11/01

Fifteen of the 19 hijackers were Saudi Arabian as well as Osama Bin Laden and it comes out thirteen years later that the United States government knew soon after 9/11/01 of ties between hijackers and the Saudi embassy.  There is no mention of Iraq.  Iraqi nuclear weapons sounded out of left field what the fuck does that have to do with 9/11 then and now it seems even more sad if that is somehow possible.  USA#1!!!!!!!!

Our country doesn’t even make this front page news…Turkey is in the middle of a coup due to reactions to ISIS spilling out the wrong country our government invaded destabilizing the region allowing war in Syria.  With the attention span of the public why would we demand someone answer for Iraq…?

I am not even that pissed at Bush.  Anyone with half a brain knew he was a liar, a puppet for the powers that control this world, following his family history, and facilitating a greater plan with 9/11 as an excuse.  Before anyone gets red/blue blame the other side on this, Pelosi’s signature is on the lead document in 2003 and based on Obama’s drone bombs not much has fucking changed and they all knew about this, although the true roots run right through Bush’s family on how you ignore Saudi Arabia and end up in Iraq.  That much is not difficult to figure out.  You have not heard one peep out the U.S. government about going after anyone in the Saudi Government for obvious reasons. 
Reasons being:
1) The war on terror is a lie. Not that terror is not real, but that the powers that run America and the world do not give a shit about the average U.S or European citizen’s safety and they certainly don’t give a shit about anyone in any country outside of those regions particularly people of color or non-Christians. They are kind of happy to have a terrorist event every once in a while to keep the game going as long the average person thinks they have things under a basic level of order.
2) War makes people on Wall Street billions of dollars. Defense contractors are obvious. Oil companies are obvious. The prison industrial complex feeding off the back end of the sentiments bred by warmongering is obvious. However banking makes the most by forcing the countries going to war to borrow money, buy debt and create cheap labor from desperate fearful humans. These people want us to go to war to kill people that neither group cares about in order to get rich. The Department of Homeland Security is a marketing department. Even after found massively incompetent at stopping airport guns and the petty fake security marketed we still spend billions.
3) The U.S. Government has tolerated the Saudi Government’s human rights offenses for years. Wahhabism is obvious. Oil is obvious. Saddam Hussein in Iraq was an easy target in a country the powers that be do not give a fuck about. Saddam was evil, murdered people at will, pure tyranny, but the war was bullshit and not about freedom or the Iraqi people despite the genocide. They used Iraq as an example not to teach Iraq or Saddam a lesson but to teach the American and European people a lesson to be afraid, to need your government to keep spending an insane amount of money of machines of death and debt to Wall Street companies. This is to deter local uprising and a distraction from the evolution of how power is held in a global society.
4) The powers that be encourage the fear factory of fundamentalism and xenophobia. Fundamentalism leads to human sheep who buy stupid crap no one needs in wealthy countries and leads to cheap labor and natural resources in poor countries and poor communities of wealthy countries. The right obtains a plurality through poor people voting against their economic self-interest because of a twisted idea of God that the leaders of the right don’t really give a fuck about and cuts the taxes on the rich who are running the show. The left keeps the poor from getting too riotous by giving the false belief that someone is listening. Meanwhile the left and right yell at each other in the front room and share bank accounts getting paid off by the powers that be in the back room. This is obvious to anyone paying attention.
5) The foundations of this power in an American paradigm are also obvious. From indentured servitude of primarily Europeans granted voyage for labor at the impetus, to ballooning slavery of Africans after poor whites and blacks allied in rebellion where poor whites were granted marginal privileges to create a four tiered system of rich whites, poor whites, non-black people of color, and blacks. There has also been the obvious structures of deviation from the heterosexual WASP pinnacle in regards to gender, religion, and sexuality. From slavery, to Jim Crow, to the modern drug war and massive prison industrial complex the shades of racial bias engineered by the powers of be from that heterosexual WASP pinnacle are at the crux of power.
6) This same power is why America accepts a surveillance state and the bombing of poor brown people as acceptable alternatives than addressing the true problem. The same fundamentalist American WASP pinnacle lie that produces the fundamentalism that causes most of America’s problems including the dysfunctional legislative bodies portraying a theater of red/blue absolutism has a mirror image in the distortion of Islam marketed by al-Qa’ida, the Taliban, and ISIS to exploit the frustrations of ignorant poor to control the Earth.
So when you read this shit, if you haven’t already, it is not surprising.  What is surprising is why is this coming out now and how much of it is fabricated for an ulterior motive?  You think of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden and what the United States government has done to those people.  You think of Hillary Clinton and her email server.  You think of how little respect the powers that be have for the citizens of the world that while people are scavenging for Pokémon days after some of the largest protests in years we don’t even notice that our government is openly admitting to creating a fake war leading to the deaths of thousands and intentionally failed to address the root cause of why we claimed to go to war: to make the sources of the 9/11 terrorist events pay. 

The big joke is apparently we have not even accomplished that, because if you think Osama Bin Laden was a bigger fish than the Saudi Government and the money involved in the correlated oil market you must have your head up your ass.  If you think George H. Bush Sr.’s ties to the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia dating back to his time as head of the CIA, prior U.S. involvement in wars between Iraq and Iran, and between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union, and the amount of Saudi oil money invested in companies in Texas are impertinent to this story than please exit stage left for your I’m a good American flag pin.  

So my first question is now that this public, who the fuck will have the will to push this issue on the Obama administration and the past government officials including George W Bush to answer on what has been done to pursue military action against the members of the Saudi government involved and how the fuck do you explain the giant ass wrong turn into Iraq which is maybe the greatest crime in international history given these sets of facts?  What the fuck.  You cannot ignore this.  Please answer for the deaths of our fellow citizens and the Iraqi citizens and the thousands of others around the world that have perished in the domino-like series of events caused by America’s outright decision to ignore the truth in bloodlust and greed.

What do you mean you can’t prove a direct link between specific Saudi princes or government officials and 9/11; oh is that stopping us from military conflict now?  I am pretty sure we didn’t need that in Iraq or for any number of drone bombs or in many other conflicts.  Last check in Baton Rogue and Minnesota if you are black we really don’t need that on a local level before killing citizens here either.  .  We just blew up the Texas shooter with a robot bomb before he could talk to the public. Seems par America.  Have a Budweiser and crank the television the Trump convention is about to start…

Here are a few fun excerpts from the link:

Prior to September 11th, the FBI apparently did not focus investigative resources on Saudi nationals in the United States due to Saudi Arabia’s status as an American “ally.” 

FBI files suggest that Omar al-Bayoumi provided substantial assistance to hijackers Kahlid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi after they arrived in San Diego in February 2000.  al-Bayoumi had extensive contact with Saudi government contacts in the United States and received financial support from a Saudi company affiliated with the Saudi Ministry of Defense.  That company had ties to Usama Bin Laden and al-Qa’ida.  In a review of telephone toll records, the FBI learned that al-Bayoumi called Saudi Government establishments in the United States almost 100 times between January and May of 2000.

Osama Bassnan reportedly received funding and possibly a fake passport from Saudi Government officials, a significant amount of cash from a member of the Saudi Royal Family.  FBI information indicates that Bassnan is an extremist and a supporter of Usama Bin Ladin and has been connected to the Eritrean Islamic Jihad and the Blind Shaykh.  Osama Bassnan was in telephone contact with al-Bayoumi several times a day while they were both in San Diego.  Bassnan also had contact with hijacker Omar Bakarbashat who is referred to in FBI documents as Bassman’s brother in law.  Bassnan lived in the apartment complex in San Diego across the street from hijackers Kahlid al-Minhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi.

The FBI is aware of contact between the hijackers and a close friend of Bassnan’s Khaled al-Kayed, a commercial airline pilot and certified flight instructor living in San Diego.  Al-Kayed admitted to the FBI that in May 2000, al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi contacted him about learning to fly Boeing jet aircraft.

Mohammed al-Qudhaeein was involved in a 1999 incident aboard an American West flight where he and his associate asked the flight attendants a variety of suspicicious questions, al-Qudhaeein attempted to enter the cockpit on two occasions flying to D.C. to attend a party at the Saudi Embassy with tickets both claimed were paid for by the Saudi Embassy.  The plane made an emergency landing.  Prince Bandar (the former Saudi ambassador to the U.S.) is later mentioned to be in contact with (blacked out text.)

The U.S. Government located a Virginia telephone number at an Usama Bin Laden safehouse in Pakistan.  The number subscribed to the individual stated he regularly provides services to a couple who are personal assistants to Prince Bandar. 

There is evidence that some of the September 11th hijackers were in contact with two alleged Saudi Government intelligence officers.

Both the FBI and the CIA recognized the possibility that individuals connected to the Saudi Government may be providing support to terrorists.  (Blank name) testified: So there is certainly a good, good chance that there are sympathizers or extremists, sympathizers possibly for al-Qa’ida within the security services. Abu Zubaydah said he’s confident that al-Qa’ida must have contact certainly with Saudis in the United States and that al-Qa’ida and Usama Bin Ladin are particularly—they invest significant energy in cultivating what Abu Zubaydah called good relationships with Saudis of all standing…He said Bin Laden is very pleased when Saudis in the military, those successful in business and those close to the royal family to lend active support to his cause.  He said bin Laden actively seeks out such relationships.