Saturday, January 31, 2015

Waiting for Krewe Du Vieux January 31, 2015

Fleshing out the purple-haired marvels of gaunt Mexican wrestling masks
Amongst the gruff tow-truck drivers of Decatur
Cleaning the way for Krewe Du Vieux

Flashing yellows kneel on the corner of Governor Nichols in front of Angeli’s
Rickshaw trike rolls passenger-less
Rollick in the filling balconies
Nawlinz Where yat cab evacuating honk of the pre-traffic

EMS paramedics in an ASAP black and gold tiny hero
Porkpie hats and skull shirts
Viking helmets pierce the draining sunlight as six thirty p.m. approaches
Beginning of the beginning of the satirical walk-walk parade of Mardi Gras 

Bicycles chained to a lamp post, I am seated in a sea with my notebook
Girl guitarist in red and white checkered yoga pants strums
Bodies pace as twenty-something frat-boys yell at NOPD po-po
Tiger-striped trench coat in a cowboy hat

S.U.V. with 25 inch rims blaring Phil Anselmo’s Walk
Smoked out Cheech-van with blackened windows pasted peace stickers
City tow-truck with the authority of a vulture
Minivan from Minnesota passenger seat marmish blonde with fingers over her lips

Vaping genderless dandelion tokes
Pink feather headdress in pink leggings and a gray top chugs NOLA blonde ale
Ignatius-Reilly mustache king pedals a bike in camouflage
Hipster in black eyeglasses paces a stereotype almost too trite to write

Plastic sword bearing Texan bachelor party-attendee sits next to me on the curb
Asks, “What time this gets started? Somebody told me they throw dildos.”
Rainbow Brite in drag bellows an, “Arrggh therrr!”

Ronald-McDonald haircut septuagenarian mama slowly alone in refined bewilderment
Gutter-punk totes a broom handle with a rope tied to a two foot wide tub
Like a twenty-something Huck Finn a few blocks from the Missisip

Guitarist in blue flowered skirt and a trucker hat unloads a wooden stool,
Two dogs, two guitar cases from a navy Ford pick up

Glistening pancake makeup painted-on mask with a lion’s tail
A Jew-fro holding a plastic cup draft beer skateboards
Dragging sight from left to right monitoring the fill-in

White feathered cowboy hat in blue and red sequined jacket
Two black NOPD officers whoop whoop da sound of the police
A NORMI: National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors pickup follows
Cheers from the balcony fratboys in beads

Blonde dreadlocks in need of a shower leashed to a Catahoula
Grandma smacking gum in passenger seat of a Lincoln
Handle bars high to a silver disco-suit with a porn-stash smoking a cigar
Chicago Bears Urlacher jersey

Quasimodo no-neck lurching in flannel
Silver-haired Euro’s holding a hotel-lobby map in tight-shaved German locks
Bachelor party guy’s friend has finger-less skeleton gloves, fedora with blinking penises
Chant of “USA, USA” storms for fifteen seconds

Red, white, black, and yellow squared clown man in a green beard
Stands as the bear to his yellow licked partner with a rubber-chicken shafted parasol
Shoes have bulges near the toes, sparkling silver straps across laces

Gray-haired tobacco veteran paces Gandolf-like with a carved wooden cane

Domestic vendor rolls a mobile digital picture-printing cart
Parks next to my squatted curbside escritoire
Pulls out a camera to start shopping photographs

“Watch out butterfly!” is yelled to a roller skating hatched caterpillar in glitter wings
Two African angels float together holding hands
Fuchsia wigged pig tails in an Acura
Gray pants in splattered house-paint forms a prism of finger prints

Herd of tall men in non-costumes looks too sober for the pussy they will hunt later
Two Harley Davidsons blare Beyoncé in club-leather jackets on matching maroon
“Amy, Amy, Heh!”
Green suspender cigar yells, “Eric, Eric, That is where everybody is though..”

Wheelchair smokes a cigarette in a black malt liquor bike helmet
Mouthing red-faced to a too-nice Fugazi shirt thirty-something
Holding her saggy-tit Golden Retriever’s leash
Wheels grunts, “Go, Go, eh, go yuh,” as canine starts to bark

“Keep a helmet on,” chimes from the bachelor party,
The besotted rolls
Sailor captain hat asks to have the entrepreneur take his picture
With trench coat princess in golden buttons and a Gucci scarf

Air is colder, thinking about pulling an Abita Purple Haze can from my backpack
Might need to piss, I don’t want to have to piss in this
It is all too beautiful

Bicycle rolls lined with blue stream of lights across the frame
Kabuki full-face paint in white girl dreads on a cell phone
A double-beer can hat in front of Fiorella’s Café with six-feet of bodies
The first under-ten minor in an hour passes as the stench of urine wafts

My lips begin to shiver over the Bukowski “Love is a Dog from Hell” book
I am using to balance my notebook
Wearing my, “Only New Orleans is real. The rest is done with mirrors.” T-shirt
My brother gave me, he’s doing a show at One-Eyed Jacks tonight
Think I’ve been around too many people already today, not sure if I can muster

Camera man rolls away his cart from the open trash bag next to my lamp post
Hear a walking drum beat and a horn like grasshopper leg rubs of the French Quarter
Superman socks with little calf-capes in an America shirt and matching head band
Pull my hood up as the breeze rises

Burger-King crown in full golden-applied glitter adorns a grandmother’s cranium
Gutter-punks in bed-roll backpacks, leather boots past scuffing, water-flask and a banjo
Vampire couple crosses in front of a Brother mouthing that too-loud volume
Of seeing too-many tourists snapping cellphone pics

I think I might be the only seated human in several football fields of street
Most seemed paired with either alcohol or a conversationalist’s balancing weight

Puppy dog pajamas blue mask orange stocking cap from Utah
Six-foot five Panda in flowing red cape with a Superman triangle on his chest
“USA, USA, USA” chant versus “CAN-A-DA” rages in the corner
“Shut-up Canada” ends the tussle in a whimper with a Coors light can

Here it comes a purple gorilla on a tricycle with mobile E.D.M.
My legs are starting to cramp
Fawkes mask in a Pat O’Brien’s hat

Don’t tread on Me flag waves, “USA, USA” returns
From steampunk Hermes in a wing-eared cowl with ear flaps
Brown goggles with black rims holding a spear
Green afro puffs in sprinkle glitter eye shadow sounds

Krewe Du Vieux is arriving with a Bamboula rhythm, stand, close the pages
Except for floats of note

Krewe Du Vieux Begs for Change
Kama Sutra Twister with Kali sodomizing a dog-male
Dick-starter campaign
Seeds of Decline
Dr. Aiken’s GMO organisms with bulbous testicles filled appendages
Spermatozoa on hand held poles that Joe said looked like Snork heads
Hobo Sex
Penetrate Cuba
Ass Extinction
Common Whore Curriculum
Common Hard Core featuring the Simpsons and McDonough 69
Broke from Change on the national debt
Freak-show American Whore Story
50 States of Gay with a rainbow map of U.S. and a carousel of Supreme Court Justices

Happy Mardi Gras 2015

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