Saturday, January 31, 2015

Dec 17 - Letters to Luna

The I Word


There is a part of me that has wanted to know you understand what happened inside me despite the tautology.  These six months have been like a disturbed pond settling into tempered clarity.  Thoughts form, but are easily shattered surmise.  I keep recycling and refining circumlocutory expressions because of the intimacy involved.  I have written so many words for both of us in that pursuit, explanations scattered like dominoes not stood consecutively, but tossed as they surface from within me in a jigsaw pile of dots, because this was at the precipice of intimacy for me.  I want you to understand exactly why and what that meant to me. 

I wanted you to open up and mirror my vulnerability to help me understand your emotional and mental identity, the place you are in your life like a good bye in a more complete picture.  Almost everyone I have ever attempted to or gotten close with has wanted me to be simpler, to fit in a box.  My letters tend to ponder your complexity.  Like an island of inlets, cavities, and peninsulas as two plate-shifted earthen forms, I thought neither of us are and could never fit with simple.  We were made such.  Whether that is your truth, only you, me and time could decipher.
This letter is about as raw and open I have ever been with another human being in the written form.  I have enervated myself; do as you will.  You made your choice; I wanted you to break the tension, be human with me, and maybe speak on the same level to help me solder my openness with an alloy of kindness and depth. 

I do not know how to write a letter and break that tension.  There is no interplay.  A one man pillow fight gets old.  I can’t see your face.  I can’t flint off the vibe in the air.  I lost my time machine betting the ponies and number four has a busted metacarpus. 

I can’t go back and kill that dinosaur that sneezed and started the cascade of events that has led to this ten-car pileup.  Maybe in an alternate universe we’re both honking to clear the damn road.  You’re jonzing for coffee and I’m running out of scraps of paper in my glove compartment to scribble.  There was a meteor crash in the center of the interstate.  People are gawking.  The tweets are apocalyptic.  That guy’s head is in a tree with his eyebrows burnt off.  Look at that woman’s body the insides are scooped out like ice cream and piled in spheres on that Prius.  What the hell happened?  People have to get to work to catch up on Netflix and let the dog out to piss.  Just quit staring and go.
I write until the blood on the page dries up from the quill.  Until there is nothing left to write because I was naked as I could be like a fool on Fat Tuesday breathing in the freak show of all the cities that work molding in power suits and streets without beer cans and bead-currency thinking that is what normal is.  I laid it bare to try to find home, to be with my people in costumes that are not costumes.
I’m upset out here mid-parade feeling a woman like you exists that makes the rest taste like Catholic wafers and oatmeal sprinkled in aspartame.  I know whoever I thought you were was a dribble impression farcically incomplete, but right now nothing feels real after that, just blank games of patty-cake until the clock laughs.  Lent has started and I have this memory of you swimming through my head and the world wants me to abstain and fast. 

Your long-long hair feels like a bird’s nest.  Part of me wants to fly home, but you never were home.  You showed me a heart made of shame, leather, magic, antlers, books, irreverence, broken glass, divinity, and the intimacy of a childhood softness, pressed-the-pedal-to-the-floor gasoline running fumes through a desert, and a pump full of shrapnel fanning glitter-dusted owl eyelids flown off before we could ever know what was possible.  The glitter lingers no matter how many outfit changes. 

We spoke in soft tones.  You made me feel like I finally met a person who had been through an emotional minefield, a library, an artist’s rush, and a circle pit that could understand my native tongue.  There is a beauty in that.  I felt more kindred like I believed in God again for five minutes.  You hair smelled like the place I came from like atomic seashells, star-sprinkled jazz, a game of polysyllabic scrabble, soul and punk rock thrashing in a revolution against standing still. 
Maybe that is over complicating things, over-thinking, over-working the mind to see banality as native-complexity for a search towards verisimilitude.  I saw inner like a compass of navigation to ascertain truth and falsity in witnessing originality. 

I’ve never cared how this sounds because even if you never read my letters I am at peace with that native-complexity.  I care about what was and is.  I care about if the intimacy was real.  What you choose is autonomous.  I just want you to at least understand why. 

Why is that so important; because I am human and flawed with poetic feelings that tattoo like portraits.  I am built to emote.  I remember emotions I had at eight years old to thirty-six.  I remember writing that sentence before.  I was made with photographic emotional recall in how I felt others feel.  Whether that is reality is subjective. 

The layers are complicated.  I have been a watcher, an observer of spirit.  The veil between the tactile and the spiritual is thin for me.  When I feel another’s essence and feelings, I am drawn to trust the powerful and give everything I have as a humble intention.  With you that gift has held not in obstinacy, but in compassion as an offering. 

I wanted to be heard and recognized that I was not such an alien to you.  I hoped to care about somebody who was not going to completely run away from me like I was infectious for being who I am.  Who you care for is entirely up to you, but I wished you would have respected the place that I was based on our interactions to offer a manner of kindness that correlated with the breadth of vulnerability I exposed in your departure. 

I saw so much promise with you.  I think even the idea of trying to explain to you what I mean by promise is complicated.  The specifics of who I am and what I hoped feel hijacked.  We never got out the airport gate.  I felt judged by when you asked me what I was looking for in the bed and I mentioned something including a partner.

I feel the complexity of what that term partner means to me versus how maybe you took it is such a divide that part of me wants to offer a nonexistent conversation you never had enough interest in me to be open to clarify and request.  I have little idea of what went on inside your thoughts except for snippets.  You made me feel like you answered me with the level of effort in which you valued this as a human experience.  This was unworthy of seeing where my inner self was in the days you left, what it took for me to get to that point in my life, and where I was ready to try to be.  I felt like you had to deal with your own stuff and you just needed to check out. 

I wanted to hear the reciprocal of your human words.  I figured there must have been a hive in your mind to get to your decision.  You left in a time of grief in alcoves of your life I was not privy.  The whole experience left me a man stretching like taffy into a black hole in time’s dilation digesting past, present, and your internal deliberations. 

I wanted to experience more of the identity of the woman I grew to care about in understanding what brought her to that point even if it was written on the back of a picture I would inevitably burn in order to forget.  The silence felt like it trivialized this as a function of time rather than intimacy.  Like intimacy was a forbidden kingdom for you.  In case you never realized it, you talking so little and looking at me with the sort of blank face I once tried to describe is why I stayed so serious.  I felt like your internal cogs were always cranking.

I guessed at who you are to try to fill in that silence in part because that is what I felt I was called to do in my poetry while we shared hours.  I felt like I could be myself, all of me the writer, the accountant, the punk, the single-father, the recovering atheist, the erotic-poet, the nerd, the yogi, the music lover, and the artist, but there was so much I still hid. 

Even in all this writing I have fears and monsters I will not speak.  I hoped at a time you had enough interest to meet the mangled terrors under my sleeve I blend in with paleness.  So please do not adorn my lengths to see you in what appeared to me to be your grief in a tone of criticism or judgment when filtered by the gates of your lobes.  This has always been to bear intimacy with your humanity.  My choice of love over fear is an attempt, not an accomplishment. 

I have a forest of scary things in me I have learned to love with than try to kill.  I thought maybe you could relate to that.  It was one of the reasons I wanted to get to know you better, like a boy and a girl inside a camping tent saying, “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”  Ghosts haunt the woods; I have so many ghosts. 

Your silence to me set the tone of what you expressed you need in your life.  Your quiet sounded like you needed a place to be soft and away.  Like usually that was just you, but maybe the way I approached getting to know you made you wonder if there was an alternative outside the feline variety to spend some time with you in that quiet space.

The urge and passion to write to you to be in that space lingered like a lit fuse burning itself out.  I felt you so alive when you offered semblances of confirmation of my understanding of you in the smallest commentary on my approach. 

In the silence wrapped in what you did not say I saw a woman who wants to be in love again at some point in her journey, but wards away the intimacy to participate.  I saw a woman who has filled her life with barriers to love.  I saw a woman who acts tough, like a badass to clothe whoever she started out as ten thousand years ago. 

You strike me as sort of a nerdy-quirky quiet kid who went through some tough mess, bellowed a wildness in the fire of a pair of dancer’s legs that learned to kick the shit out of anybody that tried to get in her way to survive.  You took me as someone who has been through wars and rebellions shunning diffident movements.  Maybe you hit puberty and flaxen hair became darker in time, pelvically anfractuous, amply busted and driving men to run up trees. 

You’re obviously really smart and voraciously independent.  I find it hard to imagine you leaning on a man for support in basically any form.  Maybe you did at some point and he broke your heart and/or you wrecked his.  I still don’t know and whatever happened never mattered to me except how it affects you.   

I was offering you something as personal as it gets and you ran for the hills.  In my gut I feel like you did that more because of your past and not because of me.  When you look a man in the eyes like that, where your quiet pierces him, he doesn’t forget it.  You flopped a few sentences in my inbox and I felt like you sequestered your dark-heart forest of thoughts.

Underneath I saw a kind-kind heart that feels most emotions on the upper end of the Richter scale.  I thought of what the idea of love does to you.  I thought of the grief I guessed at and how powerfully those varying sources appeared to affect you.  Maybe you try to dissipate the quakes through the body rather than let go of control when you really care, when you’re vulnerable. 

I saw a woman who handles problems herself.  I saw a women trek across poles from below sea level hot humid swamp to mountain snow dry desert and back into the belly of jazz like a living metaphor for self-definition.  I saw a leader in her community putting the Puritan cops in their place forging her scene.  I saw a woman holding that all in and the outside gets a whirlwind that looks like a 1920’s movie star, elegant, intelligent, naughty, but not mean. 

Maybe the dancing is a counterweight for a woman on a sofa who reads books, probably lets her cat crawl up to cuddle and that is the most intimate she gets on most nights.  Maybe she talks with her best friend since thirteen.  Maybe she plays with her nieces and thinks about being a mother and thinks about love and she wrestles back into the pages of some book or a costume idea for the next adventure.  Maybe I feel the need to use third person, because I have no idea if I know who you are and maybe just a little piece of my heart got broken, because I want that to be you and I may never know.

Maybe she thinks about event after event, the places inside that never leave, and where she’s in control and not.  I felt like the luckiest man in the world sitting with you on my sofa because I thought maybe you were open to changing that, to letting me in, to letting you out. 

Of all the men that you probably could choose to invest your time with I was with you in that moment.  I attribute that to our minds.  I don’t know if my thoughts of you at home with your cat or books and what draws in your head and heart in those moments if they do happen occur.  But I do know I have sat on that sofa many times reading, wanting exactly what that felt like, a seed of intimacy.  I have searched for a mind like yours.

So much of the term partner that I used has to do with intimacy.  It has to do with the idea of a person who knows another on the deepest level reciprocates that vulnerability and participates in that person’s life with that intimacy as foundational stitching.  Each human adventures from a secure understanding of the other and the self with a dexterity and freedom to be open, free, and personal to be a complete individual complemented by the other.  Worlds become like two giant circles with a minority concentric area high in quality, but not necessarily quantity. 

I need my alone time.  I need my art, projects, and pursuits like reading, writing, yoga, public spoken word, and others which are singular in nature.  I like to go to bars alone and read books, occasionally start up conversations with random strangers, but I like to have my cushions just in case.  I keep ‘em close: headphones, a book, a notepad, a book sack, a hoodie. 

I like dancing at punk shows, headstands, notebooks, and crow poses.  I balance having to anchor as a single father, this left end artistic heart to feel the blood, this right end business mind to know the world’s machines, a desire for space to take it all in alone wanting to meet a soul capable of understanding what it is like to be inside me and share her own with a commensurate gravity. 

I have lived a very solitary life.  I was born a cactus and finding the balance between having an intense passionate partnership that affords me space with a woman who needs the same pliant breathing room and is capable of that level of mental depth and passion has been very difficult.  I have had so many failures in that search.  I need to be around people who can see through that veil between our five senses and the spiritual and not drown me with words like Jesus or karma, pretending everything happens for a reason or justice always balances, but play there with me in daily life in writing, art, comedy, and emotional connection in the true streets of fire incinerating the superficial in the bluest flame. 

When you wrote me you knew you could never be the woman I was looking for and you would only disappoint me, that you knew it would never be you, I felt preemptive judgment.  I felt like you saw a defined man trying to rein you in, make you give up your options, prompting you to change or tame who you are.  I felt like you were tossing me in a box you had logged predecessors without giving either of us a fair chance to explore the intimacy flickering.  For me it was always about intimacy. 

The idea that you could be vulnerable or intimate on an emotional level I knew was a struggle, but I saw you were doing it in where we were headed.  I was happy for it, but cognizant that you have a legion of demons I am only partially aware that call you towards extracting yourself from intimacy.

You gave up on me as a potential friend, lover, and in this sense of intimacy partner.  The smell of intimacy, the act of intimacy is the purest thing in this universe between two people.  Some confuse intimacy with love.  I don’t think you do, but to express the greater thought please bear with me.  Love is so much more than dopamine.  To me a whole love can only be a byproduct of true intimacy, but intimacy is a standalone spiritual experience of seeing a being for who that being is beyond the layers our human construct affords.  We witness where they have been, done, the tattoos, scars, and smiles, the poems and stories that document their divinity inside the shell of their journey.  Displaying the vulnerability of offering that gift to another without demand for reciprocation is the precipice of cultivating true intimacy. 

That leads to a human bond.  A traditional romantic coupling is possible, but not the point.  To me that is the best soil for love, but love itself is a choice based on logistics and practices of what works in a person’s life which is renewed based on the energies invested in how a person is treated so that choice is remade daily.  To me intimacy exists on another plane; it is the sharing of self as divine beings and gets closer to what we truly are in this universe. 

The proximity to what we are piloting these bodies is either kept as naked as we were as children or caked in cynical distraction as we age in a thicker veil.  In adulthood the daring attempt to refine understanding of that universal truth by pursing nudity through vulnerability.  To me these are the artists, the dancers, the poets, the painters, the philosophers, the musicians, the writers, the actors, and the readers in all of us creating, searching, and burrowing into our collective self for the divinity of life.  Sometimes one of these artists will connect with another and through that intimacy a piece of the magic in this universe can be revealed like a sparkling jewel.

That is the reason I took this so seriously.  I did not experience love or a launched relationship.  What I thought we experienced was the precipice of intimacy which was so much more precious to me for its rarity, potential, power, and beauty. 

People can have long-term relationships, do all the cohabitating, regurgitation of daily bullshit, motion through coitus, sign mortgages and still sometimes avoid or fail to achieve intimacy at every turn.  The yoked oxen biblical metaphor of two burdened sacks of organs waiting to die with the next forty years pre-written because art is a dead flamingo in the living room no one mentions happens.  People sign up for that in red-droves to turn their brains off, bundled up and get far from the fire-tongued essence of what we are as part of all of this.  Divorce taught me I damn sure don’t want that life; I damn sure don’t want traditional, but I also know given the right spark sometimes another soul makes that fire even bigger if you each believe in magic.

Part of that magic is the interplay of compassion in suffering.  Suffering is like an alarm clock set to awaken our beings to activate change.  The volume varies with attention to the level of our repetitive behaviors.  On a core level I felt the suffering I felt in you resonated with the suffering I have experienced in my path.  The Dali Lama described compassion as, “We have a natural instinct, bequeathed by our biological nature as animals that survive and thrive only in an environment of concern, affection, and warmheartedness—or in a single word, compassion.  The essence of compassion is a desire to alleviate the suffering of others and to promote their well-being.”

Courage translates to an active heart.  I was brave enough to open and in that awakening I saw you.  I saw your loveliness and your suffering.  Maybe the glare of that was too bright.  These letters have been my compassion presented with an imperfect tongue.  Ubuntu.  Me seeing you does not mean you or I should proceed on a common fork, but this compassion I hold for you is very real.  You may dismiss it as obsessive, arrogant, pious, lame or worse.  I have contemplated I may come across those ways.  The altruism of compassion is tainted by desire to be cared for in return.  I seek your compassion as well.

You may feel I don’t know you well enough to see you or if you may view it as such judge you; I simply witnessed what I witnessed and grew to care.  If you do not need or want that in your life than I am happy for you to be in such a place of firmness; I’m not; I’m not in that place.  I wanted to keep exploring who you are and how we interfaced.

I am happy with my life, happy with myself, but I keep growing.  I wanted you to be part of that growth.  You made me feel like if I wanted that with you that there must be something wrong with me.  You referred to yourself as all these images that hurt or scare.  At the same time in other phrases saying you were scared.

I am on a journey to see, learn, and share as much of this world as I can.  I spend every hour I can mustering to absorb and share where I can, but I have needs.  I have a font to offer, but also I am not too proud to admit my weaknesses and divulge my servant heart humble and walking to find people to exchange as student and teacher, teacher and student. 
I seek the thoroughfare of the naked soul.  I try to remember the ground’s constant support.  The aura of kindness blends in the darkness around us.  It is always there, always open.  It is our awareness that fluctuates. 

I might sound like a crazy person.  I might write, say, or do things that don’t make sense.  Some people would say oh that is sane if you had a crucifix around, but you’re mad to remove the myth and get to the core of what all this is.  To ponder how people connect as not God’s plan, not God doing a favor but simply what is flowing in everything connected through a universe that always was beating in the veins of another person is chaos to normalized plugged-in humanity.  Claiming that affected you at a root that begs you to try to understand why so many occurrences simply reduce to choices in consciousness of love or fear, of connecting or disconnecting, of paying attention or indulging in distraction is childishness to the cult of the commercial. 

Intimacy is a place of staring straight into somebody and summoning faith that this is the essence of life I am choosing to be present for in a moment.  Either you sensed beads of that with me or you didn’t.  What I think happened is that you did and you fell into a familiar quicksand.

This whole time all I wanted you to do was look me in the eyes again, let go, & face whatever feelings surfaced honestly.  I was holding my hand out; take it or not, stay in the sand with all the Princess Bride fire-swamp metaphors you want or take a chance.  That is why I wrote so much.  I wanted you to give us that moment before it decomposed in a pile of bobby pins, eraser shavings, bookmarks, cocktail ice, orange rinds, and gritty teeth. 

I knew the look I saw behind your eyes was like a weight anchoring you to where you come from and a deflecting shield like a barricade for anyone to go in there.  When you looked back I felt like you put you in me without words, because something told me you could not lean on the alphabet too hard.  Nevertheless it felt like you were communicating a greater story of your life hesitatingly, fragmentally in sparse verbalized detail, but in full bursting emotional undertones which harkened an honesty that was daringly intimate.

The intimacy I felt in the exchange we had rivets me under.  The power that I felt existed between us despite knowing so little drew me to a place I have never been.  It confronted me face first with my path as a poet, a writer, a divorced man, a father, sex, my music, this city, and so much to be the man who was sitting next to you breathing in everything you exposed to me about how you came to know my name and how I could exhale us in the poetry we created.

This poetry is not an act.  People are born with all sorts of gifts and curses, this is mine.  I feel like almost the whole damn world wants people to turn our souls off and fall in line with some program of paychecks, churches, and price tags paid in fear.  Even the outsiders sometimes are just as clueless opting out of the program by keeping minds locked in drugs, apathy, or the high-horse of complaint to avoid the responsibility of the inner.  I have fought my demons to keep my soul bright to champion the untamed spirit that flows through my lungs and explodes the layers until all that is left is the divine common essence that makes me part of this universe.  I damn sure am not perfect, unique, or a paragon, but I was born to be raw and live every day trying not to forget what is important and maybe one day write something that is worth a damn. 

My poetry and writing is centered on what we are as living beings, why we are here and connecting to the core of what I see.  Compared to everything else that intimate exchange makes the rest of life feel like a theatrical device to hide us from being too close with what we are.  Baring empathy with those we share the planet with in how we choose to live our lives through compassion, kindness, systematic structures which mitigate exploitation and instill mutual assurances to deter the corruptions of human fragilities and selfishness are functions of seeing the divinity in individuals we may never actually meet. 

However to meet another and be so close, to share the sovereignty of that personal domain is like a kiln that fires so much of what we can do and be in this world, not because the other person gives us that, but because we give ourselves the self-love and bravery to be vulnerable to expose our sanctum growing from our suffering and blessings.  That courage is the most powerful force in the universe.  It is the love of the enemy Martin and Mohandas wrote.  It is the act of lowering your weapon first in a standoff and choosing faith in love and relinquishing pride to risk the reward of being understood of being seen as a divine being worthy of empathy. 

I have aspired to be that brave, to love myself that hard, and to expose my sanctum to walk that path.  I tried to share that process with you.  To see what I thought I saw in you as what your being is capable and gives to this world I felt privileged and tremendously disappointed in losing the opportunity to share each other’s selves.

Intimacy means you are exposed.  The other person sees everything.  You have the goods on each other for life.  No matter what happens: things go well, are just for the moment, or fall apart like they usually do each person was seen.  They can speak sentences of truth other people do not have access.  You can leave on good terms, not see them in years, and set everything down to help no questions asked because when they speak you see everything around the words that is unspoken.  Sometimes you can’t help caring about that person even when they give you every reason to hate them and you no longer want them in your life and they are gone.  You do not love them the way you once did, but you want what is best for them because you have seen their core and that intimacy makes you feel a common font of this universe from which we all come. 

Sometimes it’s hard not see the former in the current opportunity.  To look at a new face you see too much of what you would rather not recur like a mirror of what lives inside us.  We run from ourselves not the ghost of the former.  You have seen the former’s rawest form.  You are linked because the intimacy shared changed what you bring forward.  Their imperfections become Godly and beautiful because you saw them raw and honest.  Even the worst of us bare a common divinity deep in there. 

The best of us shine like supernovas. You felt like one of those to me.  Not because I thought you were anywhere close to perfect.  I saw your selfishness.  I saw your fear.  I saw your self-preservation.  I saw walls I could not see behind.  I saw your mind like a vortex analyzing soaking in life.  I saw you dripping in whatever you have been through behind your silences and flashing in your exuberance.  I saw a common exploding star fueled by the power of emotion that exists in you. 

I know you got all this before you ever met me.  I am not writing this to preach.  I am not writing this to impress or implore you.  I am writing this for you to know what I saw.  However redundant, weird it may come across it is all about the intimacy. 

For me to feel so close to creating that memory with you of birthing that intimacy and seeing the details of you from what you were talking about at the top of the stairs, to what happened in the desert, to what fuels that fire of you teasing rough in bed.  For me to open up my home to you and be ready to talk about my past.  Being so close to that and sensing how beautiful it is and watching you fly back to wherever you came from tore me apart.  To know what I wanted to show you from inside me in a commensurate offering and that was so disinteresting to you just carved me out.

Do you have any idea how many times people have looked at me or responded like they did not have a damn clue on what to say in return?  Do you have any idea how many women have thrust me in this pile of ‘I don’t know what to do with a man like that; I’d rather just not say anything and walk.  Sure he sounds smart.  Upside down headstand pushups those are cool.  He looks all right, but sometimes he is just talking in a foreign language.’  Do you know what it is like to act on the faith that I felt like not only did I think you were capable of knowing what to do with me, but that my sentences were not hieroglyphics to you, that you wanted to act, to remain untamed like me and light a fire?  I was left to debate whether it was more your disinterest or your fear.  Do you know what I saw in you the first time I listened to Bird Gerhl?  Do you know how much energy it took for me to open myself to try to go down a path to burn with you? 

You may have read so little of me and me so little of you, but you lit me.  This has been me melting as you walked away from the pyre.  I saw in you a room that just kept going and going and going unlike anyone I have ever met on such a personal level.  You may scoff that I can be so audacious, repetitive, or peering, but I know what I saw.  I was attracted to that and wanted to create, dance wherever our feet might have taken us wild and pensive. 

The departure of that left me to try to fill the space of the opening I had created for you to enter trying to figure out who you were and what this was.  The metaphors, the story, the letters all came from my flawed human attempts to process that intimacy.  That may sound intense, too much, but when I search my thoughts of this of you, of what happened, that is what this was for me.  Maybe that bowled you over and you needed time to digest, maybe it looked like Nagasaki sunshine, maybe you have been through this before, either way it happened here in my space.  Your reaction is what it is. 

I do know my persistence generates from going to an intimate place that resonated with my entire life to this point in my weirdness, art, pitfalls, and little glories and wondering what the full scope of your soul is like as a reciprocal to that journey I felt.  If this was love, it would be different.  Love to me is higher up.  Intimacy is way down, deep, like it does not use normal language to communicate.  A whole love is developing both the heavens and the labyrinths.  I felt we were like two people seated quietly by candle light in a cavern just talking, watching each other’s bodies soaking in the shadows like a bath.

I felt called to be next to you in the darkness you appeared to be in and allow you to witness a compassionate inky soul who only wished for your joy.  I felt you would decide whether you wanted to exit or let a man breathe alongside you in that not necessarily bad or sad, but private-distant place or not. 

Everything you showed me told me you run.  You mask.  You are a trained enigma behind a stage light and a master’s degree in analyzing others and staying quiet.

I know what it is like to want to be close to someone and process a compulsion to push them away because you need to be in your own space.  The other becomes a variable to mind after.  They are too much around.  You can’t just do what the fuck you want.  You become obligated.  You’re under surveillance.  You feel stuck in the middle between your urge to be alone to attend to your internal and this other person who you care about, but is in so many ways a threat.  Love can become more of a punishment between freedom and infringement rather than a blessing between companionship and loneliness.  It’s like there can be three parties in the relationship and one of them always has seniority.

The balance takes a rare empathy to comprehend.  I do not know the roots of why you pushed me away, but in my guts I feel it was because you were more hopeful than hopeless.  Maybe it was that you looked at me and saw confrontation with that place inside you.  The more you care, the more intense the risk that you will lose that space to hide, that time to process in that introvert’s sanctum.  The friends and felines that supplement your family know the line to not cross.  That relationship is probably simpler than a human attempting intimacy. 

You can go out there and dance in a characterization to entwine in the loud in a mix of dear friends and applauding strangers, but what do you do in your quiet?  What are your emotions in there?  Who is permitted to care for you knowledgably and fully to see the divinity of your soul flawed and graceful, honest and bare who you will love yourself enough to let witness you in return for everything you have been through, are, and wish to be?  That is a garden of intimacy I hoped to try to explore because I need it too.  

You know what my answer is to that last question, no one.  I do not allow anyone to witness me in my garden.  This is why I asked you if you love yourself by the river, because I wanted to know if you loved yourself enough as the gate to maybe let me in and I could let you in if we went in that direction.  Self-love is the cornerstone for intimacy.  No one will ever love us more than we love ourselves.  We are our first relationship.  We always have us.  I figure others take our self-love as a guide on how to love us back.

I have hermetic tendencies.  I damn near try to do everything myself.  I have never really had people to rely on or request assistance.  I don’t rely or request.  I trust people at their intentions, but I do not count on them to come through.  I make backup plans.  I avoid situations where others are required to complete.  I make safety nets and over-analyze, because I know I at least have me.  That is why self-love is so important to me.

I am poor at letting people in to support me.  I push people away even those I care about because I cannot fathom their desire to be inside me is legitimate or achievable based on my perception of their capabilities given what I know exists within me.  I have sought and been rejected or disappointed to an extent that birthed an active ignorance to what it feels like to be fed, supported, desired, wanted, attended, nurtured, cared, acknowledged, witnessed, conversed, interacted, loved.  I have lived in this form with an imbalance between offerings to which I cultivate an intense love of the universe through the portal of the self as a component of the whole.  The lack of engagement in the consistent concern by others through either direction of rejection has left me to open bare in spiritual nudity. 

I offer.  I am open, cognizant I can only flow my volition.  I own my decisions to push others out, yet acknowledge they are not entirely absent of regret.  I love myself tremendously because I see beauty everywhere.  The most common sentiment I feel for others is compassion particularly for their suffering.  I am no savior or saint, but I brim with love.  When things do get darkest, I find love in the darkness.  I find the whole.  Wherever I am, someone else was once here.  Wherever the other is, I was once there.  In this liberty I find happiness, a pure-pure smile celebrating like a sun salutation for all that I am blessed for I am always part of a whole in this timelessness.  Om mani padme hum. 

All I could ever do is offer what I have to give.  There is always a choice.  Whatever you or I have chosen to this point, this life sits right in front of us to seal off and never speak again or lay it on the table and play.  Please if you did, do not misconstrue the depth or seriousness of my thoughts as an anchor claiming you; my intention was always an intimate and beautiful mutual exploration in the vastness.

The idea of being chained by a relationship is a struggle for me too.  It is like asking yourself, “Who am I going to give up my ‘me-time’ for?  Over and again in life I have told myself, “No, I would rather have my ‘freedom’ than you.”  One of the main reasons for this is that it is hard to find women who understand what my ‘me-time’ is, why I need it, and most of all how to balance that out without creating either resentment or incongruence.

It takes intimacy and understanding between two people to appreciate the cosmos that breathes within the other to have that deep layered inner world that is craving and cultivating growth that is not always about their ‘partner.’ 

I thought you might already know what that ‘me-time’ meant in your iteration.  The timing of Alabama working in some of that ‘me-time’ juxtaposed with what I was writing, what we were sharing, makes me feel like you felt you were going to lose that freedom as if I meant to snare you.  That is the last thing I would do.  That is the last thing I would want another to do to me. 

I have in relationships felt a fire closing in on me in my gut like there was no way out.  I felt the other person wanted me to heel like a dog or entertain her.  No one should ever feel guilty or have to feel like permission is part of the equation.  People should do what they feel is best, trust, and more than anything be secure to communicate to avoid anyone walking on eggshells. 

Each person has to want to keep growing and be a tree not too close to the other to have space to branch out.  One of my biggest fears in marriage or a long-term relationship is that I will be asked to stop growing.

I saw what you could offer and your reluctant self-permission to give.  I saw an uncommon depth across both vibrant and deliberative disciplines. It was complicated; it was intimate and all I can do is write to try to explain why while knowing that boulder always rolls back on Sisyphus.
When I speak of such things it is not hyperbole, it is not out of bounds, it is realest human endeavor I am not ashamed to say it is not a pursuit about perfection or even love, but the artistic beauty that resides within each of us finding a space to resonate with another human being.  The intimacy of that is like looking straight into the sun.  Most people are so worried about their own eyes, losing their way, putting weight in their side of the equation that they flinch their vision, they hold their words and thoughts in caverns low. 

Intimacy is simply about offering.  I am who I am.  I show you me as honestly as I can without grandeur or layers of pomp and perfumed enticement to shroud.  Intimacy offers an opening, hands spread, ready to both give and receive based on the love of the whole that reverberates in the self.  Loving the self becomes loving the whole in such magnanimity. 

Maybe you can never have a partner.  Maybe you have seen what you have done in the past when you were vulnerable and know how much destruction it caused and cannot fathom preventing a manner of sequel and avoid intimacy because of it.  I don’t know.

Nonetheless I hoped out of respect for a path to the intimacy I value most and a desire for your happiness and mine.  I know your internal introspection of the paths that lead to your happiness do not perceive my continued presence in that journey as a preferred or necessary component.  I imagine your decision to truncate matters when you did was to an extent to spare me exacerbated pains of what you felt you no longer could see yourself perpetuating.  I know this is the salted reality of the earthen crop I attempted to sow in one-sided correspondence. 

These and almost all of my words come from a humble spark in me for celebration of the place your human divinity brought me and continued to bring me even after I have no longer heard from you.  However strange that may be comes from a place that understands you do not want this, the hope I retained was in the why of that declination. 

I weighed the cruelty in your non-response to me breaking raw in my writing before you compared to the kindness and trepidations I witnessed.  This was not just about a relationship ending or continuing.  This was about human exposure of seeing who a person is to the marrow and respecting that process.  I went to a sacred place in me to write you those poems to not only share the accounts of our dates but to live them with you in preparation to write the next subscription as you put it.  That was vulnerability to an exponential degree based on faith in the woman I was witnessing in pursuit of a mutual intimacy.  Frankly it was one of the most vulnerable romantic endeavors I have ever attempted and I feel like you threw it back in my face.

You self-adorned in a shawl of selfish as if in that cloak you could internally justify staying out of reciprocating that vulnerability.  I felt mocked and kicked after I was already down, because to go to that place to visualize you in my spiritual canvas I started to care about you in a way that was attached like you put a harpoon quill in me.  I felt like a hunted-thing you didn’t even bother to eat.  You just slung the barb and left me on the beachhead.  I felt like you just walked away and cried whispering, “I can’t do this.”

I never saw cruel.  I saw injured and preoccupied.  Some things happened in your life.  I don’t know what, but I know what it is like to be hurt and to go through awful.  I imagined you like a lioness with a thorn and I might write and you might decide to pull your own thorn out. 

You deserve to know you could have come over for that dinner looked me in the eye told me your truths and I would have understood and wished you well.  This writing me what you did like I was just another digital face in your phone, I never believed it, and probably never will. 
I wrote you before to ask you to search yourself, to un-layer yourself in that intimate space and feel what the universe was speaking to you.  In the loudness maybe the quietness speaks.  Maybe that naked place resonates in your path to such a moment of doing nothing more than being open, not knowing the path forward, just to be vulnerable and dwell in a place of faith rather than attempt to control.  Maybe that happened and you felt nothing; I don’t know.

I mediate a lot; I do my yoga; I write.  Earlier this month I was in a bar in the Quarter listening to a spiritual leader in the Houma Nation sing in Mobilian.  The roots, the vibes, to me of what we are mean a hell of a lot to me.  I take it seriously.  In this year you intersected my path.  Your spirit spoke powerfully in my space.  This is why even though I do not see you; I feel a perplexing connection I would rather offer every shred of my consciousness to try to understand, share, and lay bare than ignore.

I have never met a woman who has changed her mind about a man, not once.  Most women I know get addressed or accosted by male advances, invasion of space in scattered settings so that filtering the bullshit from the slivers of welcome becomes like a hormonally-tuned four-point compass for assholes, hotness, weird, and potential.  There is just too much noise in the machine for reconsideration for what it takes to be a female.  Maybe it happens, but it’s seems like a white-buffalo.

If a woman sees a man as creepy or bad he’s just out, no shot, shut the fuck up dude, anything you say just confirms that you trying defies her and sanctifies the validity of her decision based on your lack of maleness to worry what she thinks to express feelings.  There is a display of femininity in the act of emotional outreach and typically the potential for an undercurrent of male-coercion that I gather both are rather repulsive to a heterosexual female. 

There is no going back.  There is no saving that.  No matter the reason.  No matter the point, she’s made up her mind and there is nothing more rooted than a woman who has made up her mind.
Maybe you have looked at my letters as that type of pursuit to change you, to change your mind, to tell you I know better.  None of my words have been that.  I don’t claim to know better; live your life the way you damn want to, I just thought that you deserved more information to make your decisions because this particular decision affects life in a very personal way.

My words have been to express the place meeting you took me, to peel back the flesh of my chest, bifurcate my ribs and show you my heart beating a glowing seed of this universe for who he is and how you changed him in the rarity and beauty you displayed.

Poets live like an open nerve of raw emotions.  You seemed to have so much reservation about being vulnerable.  Maybe my vulnerability shoved vulnerability in your face and it was too much.  I did not mean to do that.  In the moments when you were vulnerable with me, those were some of the most beautiful human hours of my life.  I felt the distance it took you to travel there and it resonated in my being like an awesome sun peeking over the horizon to sound dawn.  However blinding you may have intended in your defense mechanisms I stared straight.  I know what I saw.  I saw you raw.  I don’t know the story, but I know it was you.  I thought maybe I was built to help you get there like a poetic key to signal a solstice in the shifting of your season.  Maybe I was like permission to dream.

You brought me to that place, however we got there.  You did that.  I respect that.  I thought I might have been on the verge of bringing you to a similar juncture of release.  The recollection I have of the things you told, of what we did, is in spots uncanny.  I don’t know how that stuck in me to write all I did then and since.  I just know I respect the way the universe appears to work for me to pay attention to the interconnections. 

It was not a simple woman staying on the surface of casual life.  It was not a laugh and a drink and forget the sabotage-heads that get us in trouble.  It was not let us pretend what our hands and legs entwine to do is disconnected from these spirits and waves that wander our interiors.  It was not drink in a bar and combust the engine under sheets until the smoke evacuates occupants in the morning.  You and I were not occupants. 

I hoped in divergent ways; I hoped diametrically that you were capable and not capable of walking a path that might lead you to intimacy with anyone.  For in your capability I find your disinterest coupled with a joyous heart unburned by the potential manners of grief I once wrote.  Conversely in your incapability I find hope that your desire to try to grow with me lay dormant behind a greater quest to summon the vulnerability intimacy requires.  So it is in these counterweights I send a prayerful swallow to flutter upon your window in this season of giving, however shameless singing thinking of you wondering if you ever think of me.

In kindest regards,


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