Saturday, January 31, 2015

Droplet Soul

Every lover I have had
Every war I have fought
Has been with the universe

Body parts like a shell exculpated from culpability
In the essence is always a flow from a common whole
In which I am an equal part

Pulsing fervently numb
That any voice, hand, or scent
Was ever a separate being

The beauty and the pain
Racking me like four horses of the stars
Yanking my limbs in light beams

Stretching my awareness
That the confluence of each heart’s miscreant deeds
Has been a river’s current in the moment

Pouring not away, but shifting atomic clarity
Revolving in a sphere of what this is
Love and fear in the balance

Accepting the arbitrary costumes humanity adorns
To scarf our suppers and ballyhoo our sidewalk theater
Gene-hopping blood-trails sniff loins and armpits

Muscles and waistlines tighten for presentation purposes
Posturing masks for a common ball
Attended in the glisten of a droplet

I have loved you a thousand times
I have been at war even in the appearance of peace
As in my imperfection I am incapable of seeing

Where you end, where I or any other begins
For I believe that there is no line,
But the segmentation is beyond us

So in I love you; I fear you; I am you
All I want is the compassion I owe myself
To flow out of me through you and back
In the river of this soul 

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