Saturday, January 31, 2015

My Sunset Year

I want to forget you so bad; I want to have never met you
When I look in the mirror of the ending of this year I know

Hopefulness for me has been like drinking gasoline
Meeting you felt like I could fuel two thousand miles 
If I could get just one tear out of you 
Before you got one out of me
The hope split the tank for a parallel parked fireball

I am just not a body meant for hope
Hope is old slow food from a disintegrated scroll recipe; 

It’s like a man out of A.A. having god hand him a drink at the track
All your horses won today; just listen to Billie sing “All of Me”
Take my lips I want to lose them, take my arms I’ll never use them
Pick up the Scotch, slip the ice cube and savor the sunset 
They’ll be more

Thinking he saw god surface 
Like a blue whale for five minutes during the year 
And it was the most beautiful damn sight he’s seen in his life 
And he can’t forget it, just won’t shake him like a flower garden on a back 
But she never turns, and her face, and her chest and her heart fade 

Because she makes him feel like time just stopped and the year from that moment 
Just sank like she took the heavens with her, just breathed it all in and rooms went flat 
No clouds, soil just plateaued three sixty nothing to see 

Irony in the path of St. Claude in the Marigny of not wanting loud 
She has history and he is making his in bar theaters behind a microphone
On the same stages she spoke of dancing and he feels her spirit 
In the Shadowbox, the Allways, Istanbul, and Siberia when Dan P came back 

I want the ghost of you to fuck up and be plain
Obliterate illusions with something trite, common, and obnoxiously plastic 
To zap the art like a mosquito drawn to the light like one of millions floating 
Annoying for skin not so soft and would cease to bring comfortable in a bottle 

No spray, no alcohol, no ice chest, no cucumber, no Italian folktales 
No effort to offer comfort, just Scotch and a sunset of forget 
Washing me in like an old fashioned orange spit out before it hits the horizon 
Because hope is the elixir of madmen seeing things that are not there 

Acting like all people do
Wanting that which we think is that just bit better than we deserve, just out of reach 
Leaves the whole world grasping, empty handed and heartbroken
Staring at the sky for fireworks 

Thinking that sizzling flash just might jump in my eye and set me ablaze 
I might be on fire tonight 
I might explode; this, this feeling right here 
That’s a decade of detours explained sipping soul music on a freshly painted porch 

And the mosquitoes are not out in New Orleans
No machines, no lotions, no chemicals, just natural 
And the breath is just 

Sheer gravity of thought smoked eons out skin
Is just whoosh

Into the scratching film around a body 
Motioning through a cinematic divide of iterated respiration 
Is just 

Individualistic devils occupying and exiting upon in and exhalation 
The world seems to want men to be so hopeful 
All it takes is the courage to breathe
And this year I did, I sucked up a courage I never thought I had 

Hopefulness that hard when the world tells a man
The fireworks are already gone by the time you see them
The mosquito is just biding time before draining blood
The tank will run out before you find a station to refuel
You’ll just get yourself lost with all that poetic nonsense 

Like a labyrinth until forgetfulness becomes the fleece you’re searching 

And intimacy dies in a shadow of a corner of a man talking himself to sleep 

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