Saturday, January 31, 2015

Ovule Like the Crucible

The breach of your petals folding back
The placement of time like seeds
Illuminating a woman in constant bloom
Dancing in redolent garb

Calling to me in midnights of the public tease burlesque
Of the steps for them and the standing still for me
I sense the silence in the stream like a drip
I could once savor

A bead upon the tongue like a capsule of eternal
Captive as the whole god damn universe swirling in a single moment
Lingering in the distance of your eyes upon that stage
To me seated here as if the audience split the clouds

Between the bodies and me, nothing and the compass needle
I felt like a lightning rod magnetized clock stroke of heaven
Vibrating through your legs tilted up in heels adorned in feathers
Pasties and tigresses strut 

As if bare skin disguised you better than any Scheherazade fabric
Swirling in a pensive dervish where your thoughts pull me in
Like a centripetal hurricane wanting to be at the center of the destruction you cause
For I know

The wooden beams strewn and levies breached
The mud lines of selfish calling that make your voice
More siren than mermaid calling men into rocks
I am at the mercy of your flower bristling my lips in nectar’s sip

My hands cupping the curves of your tidal pull away and in
I see death coming and I don’t care
Kill me; gnash me in the harbors of your sweet petals
And I will gasp to swallow heaven in my last

Seeing you dive back into darkness
Telltale fluttering mask upon mask, I did bask
In the sanctum of your personhood, your humanity did trace her fingers
Upon my biceps gripping firmness into softness

Starting the melting of a man like re-evaluated clay
That this was the kiln of what could be
Your ovule like the crucible of love’s deconstruction
To see the unlimited of what you are beyond the stage-name

Into the girl, into the woman
Into my bedroom like a fire lit
Seeing it all


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