Saturday, January 31, 2015

Starving Bodies

Send me another
As if this was all interconnected
This yearning, this absence
This hunger, this sustenance

The image of a face like a phantom in the waves
Glistening scales in all this salt
Tasting the spit of piscine bodies run through
Rotating over fired wood

Biting in and a mouth gushes with sand
The grit wrestles between gums
Teeth gnash the inedible splatter
Reckoning in the tide washing up ghosts

I am left with a hunger
Want for a being that does not exist
Flickering like a mermaid tail lashing ribbons of hope
Wrapping like malignant seaweed dragging innards to a trench-dirge

The pull distances reality to increase the space
Between what one feels and what one accepts as figment
Craving a duality beyond the glisten, but pounding
Into hands to grasp a fat heart and pulse 

Flushing blood like a shower drenching squeezing fingers
Releasing and gripping doing the work of a body
Compressing and freeing as the moment calls
Not out of pity, but compassion

That one is whole and witnessing the divinity of another
Submitting to be so hungry to drive a heart to beat majestic
Soar in exalted glorious radiance that if one was to leap
Attempts would watch

It is in the witness the cushion to land is found
Not in the doing for what one is incapable in the self
But to grant the elixir of purpose to be for the other
Like lock into key the universe mates

Ah, I am left with a hunger
For I leapt, dreaming, not knowing the elevation
As the center of the universe is always relative to the eyes peering
Out or in, transposing identities of starving bodies 

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