Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Dilemma of our Divinity

There is a pit that gargles want
Plaque-coated sunlight blackened back into potential
The light that shown the outline of specificity upon a face
Detailed a key to match one’s lock

The shadows of egoism cast in a kiln of the analytic
Brightening as if the curves of this other’s body house
A soul of amalgamation with the universe
The taste of which will unravel mysterious in one’s self

Like puzzle pieces under adolescent mattresses recovered
Placed with the fortitude of mind-hive that if submitted into the gaps
Would clarify the image of time’s preceding dance
To have a life presented with such crossroads interpreting

The silences, the horrors, the pleasantries like beacons in the must
To be in the only iteration that could produce this table of now
To press this piece into this aperture to display this mural
That somehow divinity breathed in the application

Forcing the mind to contemplate
Should one let go of all input / be independent of thought
Allow no want; the immediate release of attachment
As if in the introduction preference is sorrow’s potation

One is to breathe untainted
To exist hopeless, appreciating what is to the absolute
To ask and be joyous in the declination by the beloved
For the self is perpetually attuned to the universal meter

So that no event can raise or lower joy one is muted like a laugh in the belly of the cosmos
Sparked in dispersed outer space flashing for stardust 
So is the dilemma
To be hardy whole of self impervious and transcendent

Or to

Invite the vulnerability of a frail human love

Daring to be not divine but to feel so alive as to need    

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