Saturday, January 31, 2015

In the Belly of a Black Star

I wanted to explore, to dive, to know
The urge to risk because I felt a place to go
I thought we both saw that

You put a god damn wall behind my body
As if my wants confined what you had to be
Easier to limit and suffocate the fire
Asphyxiate the oxygen than let it burn

To see what stays lit
When there are so few new discoveries
That are not made together
Because all the old ones have no place to hide

So little darkness to sequester
A safe zone where another does not know
What we have done, where we have been
The sins and graces stand in the center of the room

Like goblets tasted
And we might stare at each other like ravished fools
Asking is this what we dare  
This vulnerable, nude, awake

Where are the caves to cling to the walls
Like a vampire bat and beat wings in the blind
Hiding behind a shadow of the sun
Dancing in false allegories to convince ourselves

That this was less palpable in the context
Like that poetry of my tongue and motion of your hips 
Did not scream to the gods a bloody symphony
Awaited for like a witch’s cauldron tempting time

To give us this, offer this window
For the whole damn system to be put into question
Like a rippling orifice to let the fucking zoo run through
Escaping tortoises and scorpions in cold-blood-rush

Finding escape into the sun’s lick like the heat was a blessing
To be cherished rather than cursed
I just do not dream like that. 
My life has shown me the opposite and fuck

I am so damn afraid I will never feel like that again
Not that tender template into the gods of peace and war
Telling me to bed with the most intimate part of humanity
And dare attempt to ascend, because that was not love, but the universe

To feel no counterweight when the pulse slipped off the scale
Catapulted me into the nothing and the something
I am god damn destroyed
Wondering like an ecstasy junkie searching again for the rush of the first high

Knowing there is only one spirit who ever gave me that
Thinking of you like a gutted fool split and huffing
For the death knell to sound
Your silence feels like the universe closing in on itself

Like I dared to ride a rocket to stare that much closer into a star
I slipped past the event horizon and I am gone
The me that was is now stretched in this death that makes minutes
Into eons where my toes to my shins to my knees

Stretch like taffy as I can see it all, as my spirit keeps this emaciation of soul
Alive to watch my faith rack me into layers of self
Falling deeper into the center of the gravity of what I felt
This whole god damn game to be

You, me, and this universe, the theater, all of it
Stretching out like empanada dough rolled in hope
That this fire will make us into a body that might feed the hungry
We could be something like supernovas

If you wanted it
And you don’t
And I’m dying

Stretched out
When my head will ever be crushed
In the star my body found

So very long ago 

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