Saturday, January 31, 2015

Impregnable Owl

I thought about you eight hundred times in the hours
Is it always going to be like that
The different ways a soul naturally reacts
To another

I could feel your shrapnel before you ever told me
You had been to wars
I could see a common marking
In the accumulation of skin and sighs

Inflections like barbarism or conviction
When one faces crucibles in eyesight
Staring at life beyond the boundaries
The tripwires of divorce, the midnight roads thundering

I could see the deliberation like manna
I was so hungry; your hunger
Made me believe I might have found someone to eat with
To carve that marrow and swallow

Hard in the gut
Like an atomic bomb
Rebounding the demons imprisoned
In the meltdown of a thousand and one god damn stories

Ending in the start of one with you
The tipping point where faith gets personal
That this was possible, God might be more than fairy tales
You might have hoped just as hard

I might look like redemption
From ghost after ghost spawning from the scythe of your tongue
Slicing in the curves of your hips piling
In your thirst for shelter in the darkness

I was trying to be away, to not remember what you made me feel
In all the absence of that the comparisons mount
Wondering how you could so easily appear impregnable
Feeling your divinity flutter like owl wings

Away into a New Orleans darkness
That makes me feel like the hungriest bastard
In the pile  

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