Saturday, January 31, 2015

Road meets Gut

I wrote until my guts bled
Split like a buck in the road way staring into head-lamps
The variations of gray scripted into failed panoply
What I felt I can no longer think of

Like 1984 and the newspeak Big Brother silence
Convinced me it was never real
A photograph manufactured images of poems unwritten
Falling out in dyslexic alphabets spelling the banality of the physical

As if that is all one has the ability to verify
The motions, the locations never to go, roped up like war zones
Kaboom! and no room, no quarter for a rejoinder
Only shush soak in the absent repartee

I am praying for someone better
That makes me feel hope the way you did
Before the hard-drive wipe in chloroform
That makes me want to stay indoors and lament

To put up permissions to seed for longer
When the clock was up and I was clueless
I wished I would have gotten to throw the meat on the fire
Before you combusted out the door, savored for a linger

The almost taste is such a bastard
It’s like it never leaves a man
As if the real thing would show its flaws so much more clearly
Rattle the tongue and allow progression

Nah this is the worst, like a dream-thing hovering
Spectral haunting of what could-be, the horror of what could-be
Hoping for a brush with cannon balls to obliterate the haze
The way reality is in cinders

The way the guts bled, the armor never existed beyond skin
Pushed and pulled injected with faith
And spilled, just spilled, pooling like a god damn run-over prayer

Sometimes those high-heeled tires weigh a ton 

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