Friday, October 10, 2014

Understanding Redwood

The anchor to sink in, the weight
To know what the heavy of not knowing if you want love
In any elected pattern just to be left to a wavering flummox
That any iteration is equally subject to stagnation and mold

Makes one become molasses, to understand the redwood
How to respond and interpret the language of the slow growth
The phrases that rip at roots and saw branches
Like “I am looking for a life partner” or any sap of certitude

The space around trunks must remain open, uncrowded
To allow for rings, not for as if varied species become one
But that the individual remains in liberty to expand
Independent of the other’s presence

Correspondence, want, demands, expectations become threats
Constricting the limbs with underbrush is preparing for a fire
The nature of the forest will leave the redwood as the saplings scorch
So it is what one must be with the heavy anchor

Knowing one needs to be spaced out in the sparse
The occasional owl in the canopy or wren to nest,
But soon enough seasons change
The timing of a redwood, a fern, a tortoise, a planet

It is all relative and must be respected as such
Lonely, thick hubris bark, and to such an arrogant ancient

Love is such a trivial seed  

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