Friday, October 10, 2014

A Poet’s Event Horizon

Why can not a poet be a poet?
Living audaciously in the emotive swath
Strewn across the landscape of the frenetic and the stoic intrapersonal realm
Dancing upon the banter beneath the banter

Like lily pads for his amphibian limbs
Defying the density of a tilted sensorial spectrum to be man
Allowed to feel and share

A universe dwarfed in light refracting beneath a bushel basket
Clawing for permission to exist
As the ricochets blow the core away with pellets of feelings turning inward
With no one accepting this choruses of an exploding sun

The black hole begins
As is a poet’s nature the event horizon gradually expands
With every word unrequited like legions of proposals
To sing but lines in flittering sand the oceans of atoms

Condense into an undetectable color
Painted in a mouth vocalizing but an echo
Where ever novel emission returns drawn into the force that created it
So that however much one tries to participate in love

The magnitude crumples into the tenacity of trying to escape the gravity
Of every impassioned failure in the heap
Nothing can be forgotten as time is dilated so that every second inside
A poet’s heart stretches into eons mapped in the flippant blip of those outside

That ever expanding line so that the only solution is not to feel
Not to write, not to want, to reduce in a meditative capsule
So that every notion to be a poet calling out the naked emperors

Will be snuffed into a compartment to wryly smile waving in the crowd    

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