Friday, October 10, 2014

The Blood Moon

I feel the universe is telling me it is time to let this letter fly
If you ever change your mind about leaving me behind
Sam Cooke sing, bring it to me like a tide rolling in
The undulating balance

I have ruminated my mind and meditated into a flow
Swaying loving grace has tried its authentic plea
Witness and paint a portrait of a soul
The bird gerhl and the dancer attempting to fly

One wing vibrant, the other in its pinion of grief
Each suffers as the whole is torn asunder exhausting an emotive passion
I saw her like the blood moon drenched in shadow
Hoping I could be the light and she could be the mirror

Dreaming in the world of spirits
Waiting like her animus and his anima to settle the beauty and the beast
Unconsciously awakened contemplating release
I have given my flight to faith to leap into the undefined darkness

Knowing not destination or reaction
Only truth however thick the night I hope in moonlight
As if I am the sun and she is the moon and

In this distance she has been speaking in the silence  

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