Friday, October 10, 2014

Splint Stake

Fuel parched numb throat scratch flesh hope
The drumbeat memory night terrors
Vultures to the not quite watching upwards
Lying flat back to the Earth peering

Lord I need a reprieve from this Sisyphean heat
I need water; I need water; I
The fall from the cliff saw the femurs erupt
Splint stake impaled lung heavy since

The toll in the absent love is a terrorist act
Wishing she wanted what I had to offer
Whomever she is 
Explaining to myself acid rain volition

I saw the dancer like a harbor; Thinking I had more time
Spooked she ran into horrible poetry
Words became childish in obstinate denial

The rock returns and the pause was not long enough
The weight returns in surplus breathing a moan to God
Waiting for a chance to come falling in love with what feels real
But has never been; the return desire

I always feel like I am asking for favors
Rationalizing my own credibility, hating my bullet holes
Hoping for the time to hold out before I have to rat myself to the authorities
The lid is on again; I miss her like the wind

Praying she had feelings to bond and the universe feels like her tease
The scorpion has poisoned me and the siren has cast me into the sea
The scent of flowers sinks in my punctured lungs and drifts perdition
Why are we enemies love; I am exhausted from this poetry

The need to write is anchor gargling this salt water attempting to breathe on the surface
Cannot tread; cannot tread; I
The sink to the bottom sees the bubbles stop
Splint stake impaled lung heavy since

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