Friday, October 10, 2014

The Economy of Gristle

The human condition requires that we want more
Who denies us and overlook who seeks
The rare resource like gristle, our tongues are engineered to salivate
The acorns stored, but rampage the fresh carcass

The ironic contradictions of supply and demand mastered by the golden gleam
Coal burns and diamonds last endeavors
Glimmering pebbles in a creek bed
I speak and become like pulverized ancient seashells

Foaming out my mouth in dust of Santa Fe hill timelines
Of seeing where the ocean covered the desert in faded abundance
Pondering a desire to love like a caked shackle
In the expression of want one becomes rolling thistle 

Enamored hold to see the resurrection of painted gray into colors flaring
Her blue eyes like midnights kissing the Goddess breath
Time vibrating into water for the horse at journey’s end
The reciprocation like lioness indifference to a passing antelope

Thinking of her feels like jaws crushing my hind quarters
We are drawn to pain like the challenge to become more like Jesus
Conquering the forbidden smashing dynasties with aloof indifference
The pheromone of passion calling for the rapture

God, my god; what must I do Lord?  How many prayers?
Meditative child pose on carpet weeping on a Sunday after a Saints loss
New Orleans feels like dying wanting who does not want

Like a plaything for evolution’s hand and God’s cackle

Licking up the gristle 

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