Friday, October 10, 2014

Only Knows

God, I humbly pray this be the day that changes the winds of my life
Like a shift of fortune to see love’s kiss upon my brow
I offer this courage in the face of fear to dare leap for love’s embrace

I shed my possessions that weigh my legs like anchored grief
I cast this lead out of my life; I give these towers and screen to Jason
I offer my brethren my treasury and empathetic tone
I care not if the nightingale repays her note in legal tender

I have saved so great a love to dare write this offering
If not her as these years reflect how am I to see you Lord? 
If her and I were not made in this universe as kindred souls,
I am truly lost and cast my being at your mercy

For I know not; I know not

I have made my pleads beyond her tempered patience
To cry into the barbed field of her sanctuary
To speak as if there is this woman praying inside her for me to not abandon hope
God only you know; I pray her read my scroll and dare claim this current

Ride this with me into the undefined darkness and grow wings with me
These strangers come to bid my abode, my yoga to meditate my intention
The walks of the Quarter brick to say this tale of crow and owl
For her to call to me to wish to fly back into my midnights soft

How I pray; how I pray; to hope a poet’s soul returned
For she has it like the button in her nest as my faith’s collect

I dare say, how I say, God let this be the day 

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