Friday, October 10, 2014

Sandy Glitter

I just needed a love affair
I felt like we were each on a plate
And I ruined it with not understanding the question
I needed to rebuild and enjoy the season

Time slipped and I cannot handle it
How close we were to tearing off the shell of every inhibition
Of adolescent speech torn and lover’s breached
The prisons I have held myself in behind all this mad poetry

She was liberation in glitter and all I had to do was keep my mouth shut
Love and not tattle on my heart wanting to fall like a portcullis
Barring me in like a cold mask from burning this ropes
God damn you God you give me an outlet and all I did was ask for love

I want another change and my body is bubbling in frustrated antiquity
Walled in and bursting in sexual frustration
I thought the moment was there on the cusp  
All these ancient seashells have slipped through my hands 

I wanted convalescence for my heart
I got a woman who mocked love teased like a chew spine
Made me feel ashamed for having feelings despite her saying she was starting to have feelings
The cruelty of ironic destinies of wanting a partner to claim me

For who I am in heart, for who I am in heart
I would have given her it all and see what stuck
Oh the disaster in the wanting;

Makes me feel like a gum wrapper buried in the beach glittering for a sea gull 

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