Friday, October 10, 2014

A Prayer 1:45 a.m. 10/10/14

I remember the exact moment I lost my faith
It was a poem I lived before I wrote it
Staring up at a ceiling in Ponchatoula Louisiana 2010
Lying on a bed that had been moved four times since its initial purchase

About to be six
I remember looking at this bedroom furniture I conceived my daughter in
The first house before Katrina and the mold
I had not made time to buy curtains

I could see the forest behind the property
At night with the sound of the locomotive in the distance
I just lost my faith right there with the train
Like there was a mail net on a post in the olden days for pick up

In the morning I wrote this ten page poem of layers angry and bartering
Recounting that night, I laugh at it now like I really thought God listens
Like I really believed; I prayed hard every day
Like a golden retriever Catholic boy I thought growing up

That it mattered how many times I said it
Like I had a routine when I put my head on my pillow
Our Father, Glory Be, three Hail Marys, Our Father
And if I fucked up the words like I did at the living rosary in fourth grade

I started over because God doesn’t like flawed plaudits
That night my prayer was like a beast hunting
I asked where He was like come on you are really late for car pool dad
I understand, but I pissed on myself, and all the other kids were gone by then

But I stood in the dark with urine in my khakis
Afraid to step away from the curb
Like if I ran to the gym to find a toilet you would come and just drive off
Like you wouldn’t even look for me or know where I was

I pounded that mattress with my fists
Why does she get it all? 
Adultery-husband, money, house, time to watch our daughter grow up, a womb with a son
I don’t even hate her anymore; I hate you; rather quit trying for a while

I’ll get intellectual and read Hitchens and Dawkins and say life is about love or some shit
I’m good now and I was, for a while
She was satisfied with threatening my bankruptcy with mortgages
Until it spread to my employment

Auditing a spouse abuse clinic and they don’t want me to be their auditor anymore
Because the ex’s best friend is on the local board and he heard stories
Now my yokel boss has heard stores and it’s just better this way
In Tangipahoa Parish

God snuck back in and I fell in love with a woman that loves Jesus
Now I’ve got abortion stories and a living daughter
That looks at me like a compass
My brother wants me to keep standing because my fucking birthday is coming up

That train just keeps knocking me down
Six years, six years, before that it was Arthur Andersen and Katrina
February 2014 God you gave me a dream about a lioness eating my manhood
I grabbed that bitch by the jaws and took my junk back

I felt empowered like a Bible story hero solving crimes in reverie; the woman I got pregnant
Fours years later she had wanted to marry me and I told her no
because I knew she didn’t love me
But I also knew I needed to love you for me to feel worthy of her
Ain’t that some shit

I had that dream and I tried; she meets the man of her life in two weeks
Two weeks and she swears she’s going to marry him
But I found you God, I really believed again like not religion but that God is real
We are part of the same stuff, the good fucking stuff of the universe

I break down and buy the place, I get depressed but I have you again
We’re like old drinking buddies, except I don’t drink alone because I don’t trust myself
I meet a woman that blows the other two away
I feel like ah, I see what you did there, that plan thing
Everybody else found their dancing partner and now maybe it is my turn

I wrote the dancer poems and she could and wanted to read what I wrote,

“I see us like the sun and moon.  You are the moon; at night your outside lights up venting the inner; in day you are dark your inner goes to shadow.  I am the sun; at night I appear to vanish, but I am a constant in my dark core in an unstoppable fusion of condensing elements of the universe.  In day I blind the world with a business suit and math hiding a platypus-writer behind a right brained stereotype.  In night you tease the world with a grin fueled from distance.

The sun needs the moon to reflect what he has to offer as without her no one can ever look at his essence directly.  The moon needs the sun to be seen in her dazzling glory like the purpose of a man dancing is to let the woman show off.  He supports her like the vase to her flower or the ray to her leaf. 

Each shifts taking turns in the seen and unseen, overlapping in phases always present in what most viewers would never comprehend.  The sun nor the moon needs to be adjacent every moment.  Yes each needs to pass in phase, but each needs their alone.  The knowledge the other exists in distance brings balance.  They share their eclipses, their wax and wane in cycles of crescent and full, the tide and growth of oceans.  Each knows what the other needs to survive.

The sun will never be a moon.  The moon will never be a sun.  The balance in the never births the beauty of the Earth like a relationship both participate to breathe life, love, and equilibrium through a shared vessel.”

I was alive like a god damn forest fire, nourishing soils and charring the dead wood
And I prayed to you so thankfully like life had spun from the seed it was always meant

On the turn of a Wednesday, a death of her poor friend too young
The world spins and the carousel halts in a god damn email
My pleonastic letters and nothing, just nothing

I mediate, I try to be a good dad, I even put your name at the end of the prayers
I use with my daughter; Peace, Love, We are all interconnected through God,
Those last two words didn’t use to be there

Through you, this silence and its past one o’clock in the morning
I went to yoga again the day I started this poem
Like my new church to be in tune, to feel the vibration of all that is
I read a poem about love in a French Quarter bar
I came home to the same bed I am trying to give away in another house I am trying to sell 

I am typing and I am afraid I hear that train whistle
The hum is getting to me God
I am about to go put my head on that pillow
And I don’t know if I am going to wake up ok

So this is my prayer; I have felt sign after sign after sign
That she was my chance in this universe after all of that I gave everything my heart had left
I’m crying empty; now I can’t even look at the moon
I’m praying for a miracle, a god blessed miracle

All I ever wanted was a reciprocal love, maybe not forever, but maybe for a while?
For love has been so sparse, a few scattered weeks before disasters
You gave me this writer’s voice I used it to try to share love
The last felt like everything had prepared me for her

My letter sits like the minute before dawn; if it be your will please bring us out of this darkness
I will pay the world back in love seventy-seven fold
I just want a real chance because I don’t know how much more I can take
This heart, these lungs, this spirit just wants to feel you

Beat, beat, beat….

The Approach of Hallows Eve

I feel grief like fingernails scratching their way past my lungs
Wanting me to want, to picture, insert a face of wanting different than the nothingness
I feel the silent penitent stance, the meditative plank
Like a military readiness to stave the submission to the lethargy

Halloween approaching like a cackle wind
Blowing knowing how the playful will adorn fetishist robes
My gut wishes to dawn the masks and have skin to romp with the night
Feeling the blankness like glue sticking me into this apathy

That absent love’s bind to the universal no face resonates
No parlor tricks entertain the walk and the numb will ring the bells of Notre Dame
I will feel the defeat of a thousand years echoing back
Struggling to dare out there alone for another night, another night

To a fervent concert bar pounding music as if I were alive
Pretending the nourishment was sustainable to turn and here the woman is from Atlanta
Even then the decline for the hours present; the messages like pigeons shot in flight
The rockets that fall right out the sky

Her like the only answer flaring in the approaching haunted eve
The pulse to write everything my soul could muster in the ignominy of swallowing shame
In lakes of acreage surrendered, what have me do for you love?
I build and I know this is not your dwelling and I walk on in surrender to your whim

Stave the grief, stave the pain, and I pray it be her will genuine as a human volition
Desires that the life I describe is that which she has prayed exist from so deep within

Like Alice waking from wonderland realizing the present was ever better than her dreams 

Only Knows

God, I humbly pray this be the day that changes the winds of my life
Like a shift of fortune to see love’s kiss upon my brow
I offer this courage in the face of fear to dare leap for love’s embrace

I shed my possessions that weigh my legs like anchored grief
I cast this lead out of my life; I give these towers and screen to Jason
I offer my brethren my treasury and empathetic tone
I care not if the nightingale repays her note in legal tender

I have saved so great a love to dare write this offering
If not her as these years reflect how am I to see you Lord? 
If her and I were not made in this universe as kindred souls,
I am truly lost and cast my being at your mercy

For I know not; I know not

I have made my pleads beyond her tempered patience
To cry into the barbed field of her sanctuary
To speak as if there is this woman praying inside her for me to not abandon hope
God only you know; I pray her read my scroll and dare claim this current

Ride this with me into the undefined darkness and grow wings with me
These strangers come to bid my abode, my yoga to meditate my intention
The walks of the Quarter brick to say this tale of crow and owl
For her to call to me to wish to fly back into my midnights soft

How I pray; how I pray; to hope a poet’s soul returned
For she has it like the button in her nest as my faith’s collect

I dare say, how I say, God let this be the day 

The Morrow’s Crop

My God, my God
I hear you speaking to me through the universe at every turn
I pray upon the day of the eclipse that this be my autumn
Thunder Road take me home!

I pray this not wishful interpretation of the music of the air
The gliding revisionist peace of what things could be
Praying upon the wind like hollow reeds
I see such fire in the twilight beckoning me to dance

How I hope she has felt such a stir
Such a fire lit that she cannot help but announce
That which was her shackle is now freed and it be not
Her disinclination but repression removed

I pray upon the dawning blood of timeless shadow 
My god, my God
Please be with me as I flow in my meditative journey
That she is the love I have long been blind

To feel one not cooed in my written lawyering,
But released by that which always had the skeleton key
Grief like a labor quelled to abide in that which the power of two

Diminishes to rubble mesh for a garden of the morrow’s crop 

Revel Kiln

I have lost my shame; I bleed it here on the floor
Knowing the crab queen, the nightingale, the equestrian
And now a woman so amorphous
She is a breathing muse

Mermaid masked as siren
Owl flying back into the darkness
Doe posing with antlers
Scorpion sly stinger grin

Redwood poised timeless with magpie nests
Secret keeper stashing others tales like ribbons
Orca surfacing in midnight’s breeching spy
Flowers upon her back like the grotto of Monte Cristo

I am torn asunder feeling so alive as this is the rapture of my life
God being most present daring me for faith in these hours upon hours
To write to plead pleonastic hope that the spirit that guides my words
Will sound her voice into my life again like the reckoning of all that is worth wager

Love, oh love give me thy rapture
Bend me into the origami folds of the pain required to see her secret garden gate
Dare enter upon her praying in the solitude of darkness to see a woman
As she dare to see herself peaceful in redolent gesture

Breaking pride for the parlay of this love’s grace
Come calling home and end this odyssey of decade’s claw
Be with me in this spiritual rejoinder and I shall dedicate my being
To the holiness of love’s pinnacle gleaming like a common light in the darkness

Grasp this city tight as the quaking streets tremor to break a man’s shame
To call the naked empress to love oh love give me thy rapture
Come calling home and I shall kindle the fires of a revel kiln

Smelting the diligence to live a life authentic!

A Prayer for Moonlight

I need you to be with me right now God
I need you to hold me as close as you can
I feel hell breathing on my cheeks
Wanting me to see the finiteness of the light

I want to close my eyes and rest in the darkness
See possibility
All this drained hope that was keeping me breathing
Has drifted out the room

I try to keep for my self undulating is this parlay
That I will ever taste a reciprocated love with a soul
Deep as I can dream
Wanting to see this moment like the darkness before dawn

With her out there in the ethereal plateau
Dwelling and contemplating my words that could possibly resonate as truth
As if I could have a hand to step into the light with
Live defined for however long in the luxury of mutual choice

My heart is about to all but concede its trials to exhaustion
I know not what you expect of me Lord, but I fear falling back into the atheist’s pit
Gnawing at my skin for your love like juice in a long dried rind
I pray into her being like a temple of love itself

Knowing what I saw, feeling how the others have carried me to her waters
Sailing, sailing, sailing, feeling her harbor as home like a wish fulfilled
And she gusts, oh my she gusts in the turn of a week of death’s grief
And me I stutter in my sailed hull tormented in a tempest of doubt

Of what was real or the song of sirens haunting my dreams in flowers of taunt
Is she a mermaid lord; are we to swim these waters like felicitous liquid angels?
I dream it so; I dream it so; for in her stillness I saw the universe beat
And how I wish to have a chance for constancy

The magnetism in my compass to know that the culmination of grief is that of liberated joy
To fold into raven locks like a nest of kind solace appreciating
The lengths of empathy I bare could be like your spirit flowing through me to her
I pray you make me your conduit Lord; I submit to your will for this endeavor true

I am aching and if to be but set further adrift I pulse into but dust of a broken pirate frigate
I know not home; I know only I can no longer look at the sun or moon
For now I will only see her haunting me like the ghosts of all the men she has sent away
I was but a feather plucked drifting, hoping, praying for love  

Tub Stopper

That send button on the electronic mail is
Like pulling the drain stop on a man’s hope
The tub of pent intent begins the clocked swirl
For her response to replace the guard

Before the water is depleted into the approaching madness
Like eyes closed the undefined possibilities are infinite
Open all he can picture is the dryness of the morrows
Crusting a naked body standing in a basin

Staring down a hole pleading that there was still one drop
Left balanced on the ledge knowing what suns and moons are
Neither meant to hold water
Exploding fusion and a dusty satellite hovering out there

Every night praying for clouds to just get away for a few hours
Return to that pure darkness where anything can happen
Like the waters were coddling his ankles drenched in that supple

Meandered puzzle of belief  

Vagrant’s Melody

What shall be shall
In the sway of her volition
To see into her spirit

If attempting to play in tune
With the spiritual harmony of love’s grace
In this universe be the tune of the vagrant

Then I be but a homeless dreamer
Sailing for an island in the stars
Wanting her vulnerability

Like the proper distance from the heat
To produce sustainable life

Drinkable streams flowing, flowing, flowing 

Bring on the Moon

I am so hungry for something in my god damn life to matter
When is the happy?  When is the beyond the blip?
The false hope of the one-sided over reach
Seeing her breathe there knowing it is just a matter of time

Before she bites me like a lioness gorging on my manhood
Ripping at my gullet and gorging on my ribs until the bloody chunk is hers
I have given up trying to use this body; it always goes to the beasts
Feeling chancy like a wandering shadow

To dive to the inner and make me nothing
As soon as I got a few grains in the silo
I am so hungry for something in my god damn life to matter
Scrambling for a purpose like a parking spot anywhere near the planet

To rest in love’s grace but for rented time to sit inside the veil
As if when I looked in the mirror I knew each woman I met
Had the talents to find more meat on the bones to scarf
Crunched dust and brain stew

Want to head home from work today and drown in the depression
Just soak like a bath and let the numb takeover than feel the hope
Of wanting to try in this city, that house or this, moving again
With the signs and the wall paint, tear down the house build it again

As if the rotation made any difference, praying hope, and the hypocrisy
That I know if she called to me and said, “You’re right.  I’m sorry.  I want to try.”
I will have found faith in that trinity
Like the bellies of stars made relevant dancing, smiling, laughing

In the power of persistence, hope, and spiritual intuition
Yet the deadness cackles in the release wanting to weep in front of coworkers
Knowing I will have to avoid contact all day not to epitomize a carcass
Thinking about lunch with the boss is like a guillotine

Rather not look, or think, just pray again meditating knowing I only did it for love
All of this, this life, every step has been for love; there is no other reason
All the rest are machinations of the damned in a theater of the prideful gate
Letting boys and girls enter to morph into braying donkeys

Love is darkness; the hope in the broken heart like a time of cholera
Love is lightness the shine in the smile of the blessed like a time of harvest
I am so hungry for something in my god damn life to matter
Bring on the moon, this sun is so lonely tonight 

Morning Ale October 9, 2014

God, I feel myself swallowing the putrid lukewarm morning ale
The lament of a pleonastic letter whisked off like a bottle off deck
Registering the falseness of ever bearing the reciprocation of discourse
The words have always been sloshing worms in fallow dirt

Wriggling prayers like Mayan rain dancers
Droplets of faith parch in my tears
That this silence might ever surprise me shattering the Catholic standard
That one must discard all specified hopes

For whatever the Scottish wish is rewritten to fit the whim of the Lord
Through the mainland of those bigger, brought to together in the first
Of those allowed dreaming past oceans of self-admonishment
For wanting any peaceful grace is to obliterate its presence

One must abstain from spiritual eye contact with all desires
For whatever, whomever, whenever, wherever one wishes
Is blasphemy to the raw insecure magnanimity of the Lord
To know better so in it could never be her

To pray with clarified images is to watch the solidity of love dissipate
For if one thing God has taught me, want not, dream not, hope not
Be thankful for the isolation, grateful for the hunger of the nothingness
To feel love so in proximity is but a reminder of the absence

To push one further into the universe’s cackling indifference
The meandered human rationale inserting ego into the void
Like a penny fountain of nebula and quasars pounding on anvils
To spark the irony of dreams

To have no more words to write
This is heartache
Visited every thought into the bottle cast
Knowing the profanity of the mute retort   

Empty damn empty parched numb
Waiting on a miracle that my spirit was not meandering comfort
Truth floats like a mist in her thoughts of my essential position or irrelevance

As I cry for daylight at the thought of facing the oblivion once more