Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Standing Rock 20161029

Empowered humans command a machine to remove those who refuse to obey, repeat, comply with the difference between right and legal. Natural mysticism, planet, spirit, those are symbols of the innate consciousness of our elemental and atomic linkage paramount of which is the water in our bodies. Climate change is denied as a front for fundamentalist theism. God will not allow the Earth to be uninhabitable for humans and if the planet does become so there is a perverse lust for an apocalyptical partitioning of the wheat and the chaff. Politicians use the manipulation of atavistic fundamentalism correlated with these belief systems to control ignorant populations to wield power and hoard resources accelerating our inevitable extinction. This is the American Taliban and neoliberalism.
Pepper spray and firearms in the hands of governmental employees removing indigenous Americans to make way for the will of commerce faces one side against the other. This is the foundation of the American ethos. One side is attempting to perpetuate our species based on science another based on avarice and willful ignorance to the systematic interdependencies of our existence. Which side are you on?

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