Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Remembering Leonard

You ask yourself what makes you happy; what makes life worth living?  The psychic pain of existing is tempered that this quest to learn, to grow, to find out what is it this layered on to see what being is.  The equation solves in understanding this path cannot be done alone.  The mathematics requires a flowing between reciprocating vessels of perception.  The ideas of the other, trust, faith, hope, want, and expectation are flush with psychic pain and brimming with energy.

How do you tell your mother or daughter you want to give up, that you would rather be dead than continue to go through this vast inability to exchange energy, muscles have atrophied and you feel like taking a pill is letting god of the hook?  Atheism washes in like the drug it is meant to be, to let the blame or anger or frustration with logic’s fantasy go.  This is all there will ever be in this form and how can one dare let that end here.  One learns the value of pain, breathing, reading and what is here to write.  Maybe nothing ever comes of garbled art, but one perception of reality. 

People desire and desist, connect in silence, blanket rejection stitched in fear’s duality.  Fear gusts the sails of so many people.  Fear is spinning a mire’s straw into love.  We hope maybe there is a purpose in words shared.  There is no convincing only seen and unseen, revealing that black pit of jet nothing ambivalent and deadly in its oblivion. 

Despondency spread an unremembered day ago in a curio of worse.  A bauble of depression is kept glasslike and gleaming in cloud.  A relationship exists with a sphere to fog the cityscape and country roads of sugarcane and kicked dirt.  Hours churn in the mist awaiting death and birth in the eyes of strangers praying today is a day of magic.  A universe can be born into the ecstasy of a turning knob to say I would like to take the time to play with you.

Vision kept of true north in dire straits of modern death floating in the wreckage of Jesus.  Hum me into infinity with your sweet lips, set thou time into me like a circuit bridged and beating the fervor of magnetic midnights.  Kiss me.  Kiss me into timelessness.  Redemption in love itself. 

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