Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Louisiana Senate 20161104

This happened this week at Louisiana’s senatorial debate at Dillard University. Senators in America have been swallowed into the reductionism of obstruction. The polarization of a man like David Duke is an output of the Republican congressional doctrine implemented in response to Obama and to a large degree his blackness. Trump is profiteering off that doctrine and thus the breadcrumb trail to the pepper spray guarding the legitimacy of a hack Klansman in this video. The Supreme Court nomination process, the ACA repeal blank shots, and denial of how we got to where we are reside behind a false wall of order.

The police are commanded to pacify the members of the public who refuse to be docile and watch the energetic battery of our human democracy corrode into dysfunctional excess oxidation. This election is about the comfort of those in control losing their grip as the Earth warms and the internet peals ignorance over enough of us to sense our extinction in the perpetuation of the standard. The blatancy of that effort unearths space on stages for men like Trump and Duke, but the economic polices afoot match the shoes of several other white men beside him.

White supremacy, neoliberalism, unfettered capitalism, rhetoric over science, patriarchal misogyny, and the shift towards capital and away from labor are the primary roots of what humanity is experiencing across most global governments. These are the spokes in the crushing wheel of this election rolling over the American people. We can either adapt in our ideas or the mathematics will prove out the equation so many of us experience in the reductionist quotient of lowest common denominator labor.

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