Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Flipped 11/9

This is a surreal moment in history waking up flipped on 11/9. America has created our own world inside of iPhones, laptops, and television sets sheltered in false mathematics inebriated on rhetorical false equivalency giving a novice billions of dollars in free advertising in exchange for ratings. We clicked on the links and gawked at the traffic accident enraged and enthralled in a 48 percent double sided shit show. Intellectualism was mocked. A hand grenade with zero political experience in governing has been sent to the iron throne because something stinks in our foul neoliberal hamlet.
Humanity is interconnected across our planet. The Paris environmental treaties will likely be scrapped. We will likely escalate war in Syria coordinating with Russia to bomb civilians. The W.A.S.P. pinnacle empire in the myth of white supremacy has struck back. Most people not fitting that profile wake up in various respective steps of fear for personal and family safety based on deviations from that false standard. Words like marriage equality, black lives matter, immigrant, women’s rights are human rights have been traded to quell the fears on a ship that just blew an unnecessary hole in its hull. America detonated its own intentional bomb.
Republicans will now be asked to govern. Novice economists understand why supply side economics fail. The intellectualist in me would like to rationalize that the era of Republican obstructionism was theater for people in on an inside joke on the American people. This is not a joke. Open season is set to begin. A Trump inauguration feels for many like the W.A.S.P. pinnacle just received his hunting license. Ideas like racial profiling, overturning Roe v. Wade, stagnant wages in perpetual poverty for lowest common denominator labor, and a chain of mathematics not based in science or logic, but in a myopic avarice of the ego will serve to preserve a theater of order as money accumulates in the consolidation of wealth that threatens our extinction. The pawns have played their part. This is a sad day for our planet and our species.

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