Sunday, November 20, 2016

Confessions of a Day form an Introverted Single Parent

Didn’t go to sleep until three am.
Limbs stripped of liquid wax from hundred-degree yoga Friday night
Cleanse of a week contemplating too many shadows
Woke at nine Saturday toe movements

Ingest water and an overripe banana
Scrolling a message returned from family in the ongoing conversation
Of how eighty percent of them voted for Trump and
How this conclusion was reached with a poet in the clan

Spiting up bloody book pages and science
They tell me why can’t you be simple; stop asking questions
Go get laid; quit worrying
I am not curious and I would hardly know how to do research

Privilege insulates you when you are not the one affected
To not risk getting called out or maybe losing the little you have
Because you held a mirror up to the person with more power
To let them see their ugliness

Parked at the library exchanged governmental music
Drove beyond the spillway, up fifty-five
Into the maw of the detention camp porch and the train horn  
Hadn’t seen my daughter since September

Longest I have gone in my lifetime
Drains away into this casual acceptance of what normal is
Space taking and the knock on a door that goes unanswered
Requires three minutes, repeated knock knowing the cosmogony

Hear a piano like a replicated doorbell of her twelve-year-old fingers playing long
Reaching out in silent voice and wanting to make sure I heard
Like fawn was in position, knowing buck was approaching
Her mother holding baby three

Ask kid if she wants to bring a soccer ball so we can kick it in the park
Tells me she won a juggling and skills competition including the boys
And Paul was there
Car to sushi because the girl likes snow crab and chopsticks

And daddy has no teeth again, can’t bite, remove, fold temporary into napkin
She has to look away, ask, are they out yet?
Talks about the public or the Catholic high school
Visits, decision in two years, I mention expanding world, perspective

Mirror how good public junior high was for me
How to live her life, bold, and take on uncomfortable and novel
She tells me about reading The Once and Future King
Of Lancelot and Guinevere, I mention the word bad-boy and she blushes

Ride talks about Ave Maria in school piano during Christmas mass
Girlfriends might sing while she plays, says I probably would not want to come
Sniffing father’s atheism and I say, “If it’s on a school day I would probably have to work, but I would want to come.  It is good to get in front of a crowd and be brave like that.  I am proud of you.”
I que a Slingshot Dakota CD, to tell her about a female piano playing punk lead singer

To the park, autumn winds, juggling on knees, ball up and sideways
Race her across long, win by a few lengths, but she is gaining
Sprint and show her a downward dog jumping into crow pose
Catching my body on my knees laughing at the sky

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Movie, pulled our Gryffindor robes from some Halloween ago
Watch the hesitancy in her eyes for a split between tween
And reading her the novels in first grade head on my chest at bed time

Finishing in countless car rides audio book commutes from Friday to weekends
Debates then agrees to robe, we fly in style, tell her others may look at you
And you may feel like the only one, but they are happy and a bit jealous
That you are alive, not afraid to stand out and be you and play

That sometimes you don’t walk, but you twist in the air
For no reason but you felt it in the moment and you leap
Never be afraid to jump or ask the waitress for an extra set of chopsticks
To use as wands to watch 3D wizards, we banter as if magic is real

Time ticks into return and she wants me to borrow The Once and Future King
So we can talk about it next time, probably when the next Star Wars comes out at this rate
Smile and I hug her and tell her I will always love you
No matter what I am here, even when I am not here, you are in my heart

I suck in the other man she calls dad
The way her mom makes a point to say it as much as possible in front of me
The doing what is best for another human being and making one’s ego
Like a rabbit in a hat

Drive back south to LSU Florida traffic full of disgruntled tail lights
Sounding to Ramones and the Clash wanting to hear punk
Fast and pressed even if the lane is trudging gator bait
Pull into the house to another Trump message

Rock the Kasbah Bill Murray on DVD on the side, eat a sweet potato
Write a bit, and get ready to head out to Urban South Brewery
To Shotgun Cinema and watch the Talking Heads Stop Making Sense
On a big screen in the dark, drinking ale

With a herd of slippery people making flippy floppy
To David Byrne’s big suit
Why do I do all this yoga; for tireless thighs that bend and gyrate
To every song after Heaven, moving with the crowd alone

Feeling breath and darkness that cold pit of late November
In a warehouse, letting go to the speed of talking
Into being in a moment burning down the house
Of this is how I find myself

Hands in the air jumping, film strip drum beat base line
Clapping as if this is real
Watching the conversations in a place where nothing ever happens
Credits, lights, walk to car, iPod rotate playlist I put on when daughter is in-car

This is not my house, this is not my beautiful wife
Same as it ever was behind the wheel of a large automobile
Tchoupitoulas next to the Mississippi River
Same as it ever was, Same as it ever was, letting the days go by

Yawping a punk anthem in Bhakti heartbeat bouncing independent toes
That do not give a fuck what anyone thinks being me
Like a rouge wolf howling at the harvest moon 

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