Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Floodgates Opening Soon 2017 - 20161116

One of the other things I see happening in the early months of a Trump presidency is, after America realizes what the age of Republican Congressional obstructionism was, we will see the policies of states like Indiana under Mike Pence, Louisiana under Bobby Jindal, Wisconsin under Scott Walker, Michigan under Rick Snyder, and the no place like Kansas under Sam Browback.  Citizens in these states know each other’s pain, but not each other, but keep voting Republican and that seems a dangerous economic lesson we as a nation are about to repeat.  Supply side economics has brought each of these states budget deficits and losses in social services. 

How Louisiana cannot connect the dots of what is going on in Louisiana in terms of a budget crisis and loss of services right now directly related to Bobby Jindal’s decisions and boyish run for President and still overwhelmingly vote for the same exact polices for our nation and Congressional representation is testament to short term memory or just willful ignorance.  The Republican Congress has been foaming at the mouth for eight years blaming everything on Obama in hopes to repeat Reaganomics.  Trump shares a lot of the spokes model nature of Reagan.  He smiles politely acting like he cares, then will likely do things like driving up the debt for generations, exploding the size of the military, support tyrants around the globe for a neoliberal agenda, giving Wall Street free reign, ignoring the Aids crisis and other human rights abuses and utter ambivalence to human suffering because social services are just an unnecessary expense as a token effort to balance the books. 

Republicans rant about reducing the deficit, but supply side economics do the exact opposite.  I challenge anyone to show empirical evidence to the opposite on a macro level trend.  Republicans borrow from the future to pay today, take the money into the private sector, then get voted out and typically leave Democrats in the executive branch to deal with the mess.  See Governor John Bel Edwards Democrat from Louisiana as an example.  How the hell do you get a Democratic governor in red state Louisiana in 2016?  Well Bobby Jindal was hated that much and the other nominee in the runoff was caught in a prostitution scandal with moral ineptitude according to many voters.  Apparently America, Louisiana included, cares less about moral behavior when we already know that moral Christian values newspeak was all posturing to begin with, you can just go ahead and grab the pussy.

So what I see happening after the flood gates opening in January 2017 is federal tax rates being cut on a significant level to top individual earners and corporations.  I see most of the loop holes on the corporate side that Republicans ignore mentioning when you hear intentionally misleading facts like America has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.  Most industries never come close to that, just google effective tax rates on publicly traded companies or go to 

After those tax rates go down Trump’s agenda is probably going to be the beneficiary of a flood of cash held overseas by corporations that remained untaxed and unused in the economy for this exact potential moment.  Corporations were waiting for the lowest possible tax rate window to bring this cash back on shore.  That will stimulate the economy, which sounds like a good thing, but America is basically saying thank you for fucking us over corporate America.  Firms have engineered elaborate systems lobbying and manipulating governments across the globe to pay as little taxes as possible and they are about to get a big high five and middle finger to America by getting exactly what they wanted.  What will we do, probably smile and thank them. 

Meanwhile social services will be slashed.  Medicaid, Medicare, aid to working parents in head of house hold tax rates and credits will be cut, food assistance, educational supplements for college and pre-K, housing assistance, on and on.  People living pay check to pay check will be suffering. This Congress will not care or even really notice.  There will likely be massive protests and riots once people put two and two together.  Poor white America who just voted this in will see a tangible realization of voting against your economic self interests once again.  Will poor white America wake up, my guess is probably not. 

That lack of care will cover up the rate at which the debt increases to some degree, but that debt is going to continue to explode as federal revenues from cuts in capital gains and income taxes on individuals and corporations decrease and the very wealthy keep the preponderance of that difference.  The consolidation of wealth will continue while issues like addressing climate change will go backwards and the supply of potable water on this planet threatens the globe’s stability on economic, military, and biological levels.  

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