Sunday, November 20, 2016

Gates of the 21st Century Dustbowl 20161117

The monsters come behind the smile of a tangerine puppet demagogue
Promising salvation to those he plans to harm
In a pressed suit poof-haired sling blade,

It is not him; it is who he is letting in
He whispers, “It is unfair to judge so soon.  Stay calm.  You will not be the ones devoured.”
He will not be the one who eats you. 

Jim Crow’s crook nose sniffs the populace
For flecks of color to whitewash a rainbow
Snort the spectrum into a cocaine line across the oval office desk
Leaving poor white dust in a plowed parade of freedom 

White thankfulness for being spared, to have that bit better in an illusionary honey pot
To lick dry before the Earth asks, “Where have all the bees gone?” 
The monsters lurking behind the nostrils are out of hiding
Obstructionism in an octet is parlayed into fervent abandon, cookie-cutter Republicans unleashed

Paycheck to paycheck America shivers in color-coded vibrations of fear and ecstasy
Subject to similar razing, swaths of the alabaster perceive salvation
In the scent of another false prophet
Jesus wrapped in a flag crop-dusted in Cheetoes and Botox with a mashed potato chin 

Propped up as Agent Orange for change for corn fields in pain
Union towns busted and one more degree from 21st Century dust bowl
Lebanese American parents immigrating staring at a barricaded future
Palestine died today

Mexican roofer wiring pay to loved ones feeling the drip through the ceiling
Libyan migrant boats to Italy overturned in the Mediterranean
Syrian rebels left to Putin’s thumb
Oligarchs smile at online bank accounts

Thirty-five year old in St. Louis remembering a twenty-something abortion
Imagining a mirrored self overturned to no choice or a surprise forty-something uterine hijack    
Sixty-eight year old government retiree Nina on state health insurance plan
Cuts her diabetes meds sleeping alone in the god damn Mississippi woods

Colored cut lives not surprised, see the white wolf brown eyes have always seen
Blue eyes wake from Sam Browback’s Kansas
Yellow brick road crumbled when the wizard kept the gold
Lies post ballot bubble obvious as a Deep Water Horizon dawns in America

White supremacist Viagra got an old Tricky Dick hard again
The Gipper’s memory came back to fonder times of Gordon Gecko
Big Short strippers stuffed with margin call bills
Old Fashioned Kentucky whiskey

Pissing bladder on a pile of dead black bodies
Penis in one hand, iPhone tweet in the other
Staring for an updated Pfizer stock price
Don’t even look down  

Corporate coffers slept dormant set to pounce on slashed capital gains and income tax rates
To bring back cash gerrymandered overseas awaiting the lowest potential window
To commit fraud in trillion dollar increments
The American people smile in the sunlight with thankful applause to the marmalade mannequin

Pennsylvania coal miner seeing his town die, testicles folded into a disability paycheck
Wife lost her husband to fracking’s lower natural gas prices, globalization, and climate change
Promised a time machine back to the era of white whale oil
Moby Dick devouring with the machines of industry
Stuffed with steampunk innards rigged with the bones of corrupted teamsters.  

E.P.A. E.P.A. Grandpa Simpson cried at the site of the pig.  Abrahamic tradition come due
Sacrifice your first born onto me.  I will test you; give him our country
Gate to the globe, god rolling dice in a casino Mr. Burns goes to Washington
I have come here to lead, not to read.  Detention camp domes coming soon!

Caught sneaking back in after deportation or on the no-human-beings-migrate list
Lock her up!  Lock her up! Trump that Bitch! Grab that pussy!  Lynch that nigger!
Was that too harsh?  Context soft spoken, remain calm.
Put away your twitter to let the monsters do their work. 
Curb your manners to when you think the microphone is gone.

The great death star wall one can see the lack of empathy from outer space, ask Berlin or Jerusalem
A never-built symbol to the universe
Harvesting strawberries with white fingers in Neverland
Inflation in a trade war as China’s red dragon roars
Stirs over its gold itching to see cities burn. 

Climate change deniers obliterate what is real behind the idea that if the apocalypse is to be
God has chosen it, so what is there to fear? Standing rock can stand down
Welcoming the Nebraska desert with Kool-Aid and Brawndo toasts
Lake Mead and the Yongding He and Tuhai Hu in Northern China
Two of the top five most stressed river basins on the planet. 

Drinking water in Somalia, Nigeria, India, Malawi
Ticking math  
No water, no crops, no food equals war and survival of the richest

American air conditioners hum in late November cackling to the sound of Arnold Schwarzenegger
As NBC’s new apprentice.  Immigrants can be governors, but never presidents.

Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?
Which side are you on white boy?
Which side are you on?

Poets its time, time to step up
Get out of the echo chamber
Face to face conversations with the climate change denier in your life
The person who would just rather not know, who says that is all too complicated,
Who says you think too much; Talk to that person

The poison to our democracy is not the politician,
but the apathy of the masses to coddle personal ignorance
That elects the politician.
The water is rising, and all I did was stand there.  

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