Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election Night nearing midnight 20161110

Millions of Americans are voting to throw a Molotov cocktail at a system we have been schooled to not comprehend, but feel the effects. The economy, god, psychological interrelationships, scientific facts, greed, fear, love, and power swarm in our universe affecting the time frame of our species’ extinction. All I can say to the Trump agenda is that you are right about being fearful and worried, but you are wrong about the political end of the solution and the genesis.
This nuclear device threatens to take out the healthy organs of our body. The infrastructure of environmentalism, matriarchal principles, equality, living wages, access to healthcare, and most of all empathy will suffer. Fundamentalism, fear, misogyny, racism, xenophobia, endless foreign war, and anti-intellectualism create an illusion of order in blind pockets of society in exchange for comfortable numb debilitating ignorance. What you fear is the neoliberal agenda you see in the Clinton candidacy and the Romney, Bush, and Obama options before the nuclear option. What you fail to understand is the path to better.
That path would require a level of getting back to the human heart and letting go of the comfort found in your illusions. The mirror image of ISIS in the American religious right and the mythology and selfish comfort of white supremacy blind you. Acknowledge science. Neoliberalism shifts wealth to capital over labor and is at the root of most of your anger. We are in this together as one species as a planet, but your ignorance is deadly not just to this country, but the world.

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