Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Digesting Flipped America 11/9

Digesting waking up November ninth I was at a loss.  I asked myself, "Who are we?"  I reflected in economics, science, psychology, and the human heart to try to answer that question in the lens of this historical juncture.  Prior to the election I felt like I understood Trump's appeal, but I did not think America was that short sighted.  Sometimes the optimum solution to one's quandary is unavailable.  I felt like the majority of Americans were not excited about either nominee.  At the root I felt a massive amount of pain in the citizenry from both sides of the aisle of humans wanting to feel heard and seen.  The candidate with the most votes was I abstain.  

I try not to get into hyperbole with government.  I try to look at heart and mathematics.   A Trump presidency signals American insular nationalism that threatens to collapse the global economic system, instigate war with China as climate change threatens global food supply while America burrows further into science denial under the temperament of an ill-prepared insecure open misogynist liar who has never held public office who promises to retard human rights.  Trump is an equivalent to an American Brexit.  

In basic human terms this makes me think of playing a sport and all the big talented players gang up on one team.  Think of the American Dream Team in basketball.  We take on all the smaller countries with fewer resources and dominate the day.  This Brexit-like perspective is myopic and ignores the interrelationships of our humanity on a small planet.  This is not a game.  While in the short term Britain and the United States may see financial gains, in the long we and the world will suffer.  A lot of people do not care.  They are older and nearsighted planning to die before that becomes their problem.  

Will those what-if-worst-case scenarios happen?  I do not know, but the idea that they are more likely extending out beyond four years frightens me at this moment in history when the improbable has occurred in the world's highest office.  

Climate change is a human (animal/plant) issue.  The planet will still be here.  We at some point will not.  The Earth has broken highest record average temperatures basically every month of 2016 with the exception of one, which I think was higher in 2015.  That trend is a warming planet of melting ice caps temporarily stabilizing oceanic currents to cool while radiant heat is trapped in Earth's atmosphere due to carbon emissions.  This exponentially evaporates water and dries soils.  We are depleting aquifers and natural resources at unsustainable rates.  When the ice caps are gone the process accelerates.  Deserts expand.  No water equals no food.  Military conflict for people running countries of starving people seem probable and is occurring now in the African Sahara region.  One would think this would be commonly accepted knowledge, but apparently  the men we just elected as president and vice president do not.  

Anthroprogenic climate change is real.  Science proves it and Wall Street and the global economic system have externalized this ultimate expense for our species outside their accounting.  Many people might take it on faith that his or her concept of God would not allow human extinction to occur or if it did said human extinction was providence.  Why is this relevant to the election?

Externalizing the cost of carbon emissions from Wall Street income statements mirrors owner's of capital denying labor living wages to circulate resources around the global economy in a reasonable correlation with firm profits.  This simply put is very rich people thinking I can keep more money if I cheat and take advantage of the weak.  There probably has been no political figure in American presidential history who embodies this sentiment more than Donald Trump. 

When companies control governments through politicians and lobbyist to make and keep massive profits the damages to our planet and labor forces have to be born by taxpayers.  This results in health consequences, higher prices, public assistance programs, and desperation.  That desperation is at the heart of this election. 

We have inner city poverty on the Left and rural poverty on the Right.  The factory, the mine, the farm, no longer hire labor.  A machine does that.  Mexicans on both sides of the border work for less cost to the global firm often doing jobs white Americans shun: hotel housekeeping, picking fields, roofing houses, assembling textiles, etc.  No healthcare coverage.  Drug costs are exorbitant.  Local, state, and the federal governments are broke.  

Neoliberalism has cut the taxes on the owners of capital.  Those owners have full dominion over the globe due to the digital marketplace and ease of transport of goods.  Wealth shared with labor has been reduced to its lowest common denominator found in places like Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Guatemala etc.  American workers feel lost in cities and in towns eerily sounding like a Woody Guthrie 21st Century American dust bowl.  

What happened in the stock market in 2008 was about greed.  It mirrors 1929 and if we are not careful 2020 to 2025 could be a massive market crash as Baby Boomers exit the workforce.

Trump gives every indication he will be more concerned with himself than humanity.  The arrogance that he felt he was worthy or qualified for the office is the biggest indicator of his misplaced priorities.  The fact that the majority of voters in enough states to swing 290 Electoral College votes support his qualification is to me an indictment of the irresponsibility and cynicism of the American people.  Some number close to the majority thought he is qualified and the best candidate America could muster.  People are disaffected, hurt, alienated, and lost from the the government's status quo, but believing that Trump is competent to function in government or that his promises actually address the root of our pain rather than pandering to tell us our symptoms to me is short sighted.  

I imagine faith in Trump primarily comes from the desperation.  Unfortunately it leaves Americans more vulnerable to those ills in the 21st Century American dust bowl.  Trump's election signals instability for sleeping tigers to attack a paper one over-leveraged in debt with war fatigue. 

More striking is the reflection of the ego and lack of empathy in the American people for the rest of the world and our planet.  Trump seeks to fortify America as a strong island immigrants will no longer access, foreign nations will sell less to weakening their domestic populations, and our military will not seek to protect our allies and the world's most vulnerable in their dire hours as often.  We will seek to horde what we have accumulated for short term prosperity weakening our species and our Earth.   

Our best hope is a three branch system, which unfortunately Trump's party is set to unanimously control.  This is a man who likely keeps an enemies list.  Putin murders people who dissent.  Where is the line?  Major issues will be ignored and token personal agendas may become center stages at the circus.  Putin pulled Trump in because he knows it makes America weaker and is better for Russia's oil and natural gas markets that renewable energy be postponed as long as possible.  Putin knows that Trump is more likely to allow Russia to keep Assad in power, stay in Crimea, and continue his human rights abuses.  Trump is likely to escalate conflict with Iran by reimposing sanctions, further persecute Palestinians, abandon the Syrian people to Assad, deteriorate our relationship with Mexico and Central America, and alienate Africa allowing China's grip on the continent to tighten.   

Any global tax on capital in a potential future progressive American agenda as part of international consensus threatens Russian and American oligarchs.  The number one thing humanity could do to address climate change is redirecting a portion of a global tax on capital to key energy infrastructures to reduce carbon emissions and support reforestation while also supporting women's health to put population growth under the control of women.  That is the complete opposite of right wing supply side economic and women's health policies and of what Putin wants.   

Billions of lives are affected by the temperament of the American president.  Under Trump I can imagine that his uninformed unprepared lack of judgment will lead to hasty unintelligent decisions that will cost this nation in tax dollars, time, and human lives.  I would project that some of the best talent in government will distance from government service and Trump's cabinet will be less qualified yes-men who have avoided his enemies list.  At least Bush had Cheney and Rumsfeld who although flawed war hawks have experience going back to at least the Nixon administration.  

Trump has an evangelical pro gay-conversion therapy climate change denier two term congressman, one term governor and apparently a few of his children.  The very idea that he thinks allowing his children to take any part in his administration is a good idea shows how unprepared and sensitive he is to criticism and unwelcome he is to opposing points of view foreign to his bubble. 

Trump's lack of experience in government and in particular Washington D.C. leaves him open to seeking advice from the very people he campaigned to combat: lobbyists, special interests, and  the swamp of cronyism along with his inner circle who already tells the narcissist how great he is.  One arrogant orange wrecking ball is likely to confront strident bulwarks of human infrastructure refusing to allow him access and more likely converting whatever political and personal agenda into the very pay-to-play back-scratching gang-bang that America despises from both sides of the aisle.  

Trump is unprepared and probably never counted on winning. In that gap I see Trump seeking assistance from rather than "draining the swamp."  Trump probably liked the idea of running for president.  He liked the idea of his name on the ballet, the accolades, and validation.  A nominee never has to actually do anything, serve anyone, or muster humility until after election day. 

Trump was a man promising America anything to grab our pussy.  Once he tastes our pussy his brain will get distracted by other shiny things.  He does not want to marry us.  The fun part for him just ended.  Sure he may stay a little while and try a few things, but he has hotels, golf courses, and casinos to run.  This is not a focused man for a full time job.  Donald is the kind of guy you see at the club, maybe that lumpy rich tangerine looks sexy in moonlight, but  after the honeymoon we can see what is coming.  America is about to wake up hungover staring at a bulbous flaccid chubby-bellied orange fur-ball grabbing the nightstand for Tic Tacs, Flomax, and his iPhone to check his press clippings and how his businesses are doing.  The Donald is not marriage material and his divorce record with women and business reflects that.  

Clinton has been in the Washington gladiator pit for over thirty years with a law practice, international experience, and a former president as a life partner.  If she can make that marriage survive for forty years I am sure she could have handled four in the White House.   Clinton is tough, a survivor, accustomed to criticism, and has fought through more crap than almost any male counterpart ever would have to be on that stage.  Now we have Trump who like Paul Metzler in the movie Election just decided to wake up one day and run for president fed with a silver spoon from his father.  Clinton has been working for the public good for four decades.  

Hopes, idealism, and passion are hardened into steely pragmatism in Hillary's veins.  Clinton knows how to play at the no limit table and get results.  That is why Democrats nominated her.  What she has done to stay at that table has not always been admirable, but we live in a darker world than most of us would like to admit.  Sometimes we do not want to know, but whatever financial arrangements, blackmailing, lies, and crookedness Hillary and Bill have engaged over their years in politics they get results for citizens.  They try to fight in the arena humanity has created.  

The Clinton's are not alone in being flawed. Thinking a few emails, Whitewater, or taking some money for speeches are grounds for Trump that Bitch, as a voter you are blind to the solution to your objection.  Trump has no public service record.  His business record is deplorable.  Many people were not happy that these were our two functional choices, but given the options on the November eighth ballot abstaining or anarchistic destroy the system voting is self detrimental. 

There are plenty of claims of Trump screwing over vendors, customers, and employees, but his businesses under perform the market.  When we are handing the economy over to the man and his business empire is his only record, his losses, lawsuits, and bankruptcies become functionally relevant.  When he bragged about not paying taxes because of losses, that is a giant red flag especially for the first candidate ever to refuse to release his tax returns.  Let's see if the returnes come out when that "audit is over."  His arrogance is a cover for insecurity.  

How many narcissists do you know who frequently brag about themselves?  If you are really competent, successful, and comfortable in your own skin do you need to keep reminding people how great you are?  Trump ran for president, not to serve the people, but for the boon to his ego to wield the title to his legacy, stature, and personal power.  One might say if he didn’t care Trump would have just stayed home; well I don’t think he ever planned on having to do the work of being President.  I think Trump planned on building a brand, losing as close as possible to look big league, then transition his voters into an audience for a cable news network to rival Fox News and make billions in advertising revenue. 

Narcissists throw tantrums and initiate vendettas.  Does Trump sound like a seventy year old version of a spoiled petulant privileged child to you?  These are dangerous practices with nuclear weapons and the U.S. military at one's disposal.  

Trump will likely support sending troops into conflict to appear tough when prompted by foreign actors.  Trump's knowledge of and respect for the U.S. Constitution and government in general is suspect.  Awkward can-a-President-do-that moments will likely be debated between levels of government and in our civil liberties.  The Patriot Act may look like soft serve ice cream when more domestic terrorism occurs.  A mall shooting, a bomb at a federal office building, hell if defacing the photos of Trump becomes a public act of rebellion you could see crackdowns of people tracked through social media and arrested for trumped up charges because this insecure narcissist wants to look big league. 

The reality for many people is families will be torn apart through deportation, women are more likely to get sexually assaulted and commanded what to do with their bodies, and potential trade wars could start military conflict with our largest foreign debt holder.  Trump may initiate detention camps for previously deported Mexicans caught trying to get back into the country.  He wants five-year prison sentences in that scenario according to his platform.  The ideals of Standing Rock may be met with military force and it is likely riots could start across this country as Trump’s climate change denial meets what indigenous environmentalism actually is. 

The W.A.S.P. pinnacle of white supremacy inside these mathematics playing out creates massive harm to equality and has startled my faith in basic human consciousness that we can overcome what America has elected in time before climate change creates irreversible lost Earthen homeostasis for humans.  Even if only four years, those are four years lost on a ticking planet.  It scares me as a poet, an accountant, and a biological organism contemplating my daughter’s future not in Trump as an individual, but in the dangers in the ignorance, irresponsibility, and lack of empathy of the masses. 

In this post-citizens United election, the media was miraculously no longer controlled by a political party, but by the public’s web clicks to gawk at political disaster porn.  We elected a reality television star because of the psychic pain of modern life.  The Neilson pawns have revolted.  The bishops (church), the knights (police), the rooks (business), kings (billionaires), and queens (old political families) were forced to go along with Trump after the pawns (the 35 percent poor whites of the Republican base) hijacked the primary.  Progressive Democrats could not redirect the DNC’s agenda.  We get vilified Clinton as the establishment candidate against a con-artist. 

In the modern world it does not matter if a news article or Facebook post is true.  It only matters if people pay attention to it.  Empirically researched, properly sourced, vetted, or peer reviewed have become boring Idiocracy eye rolls in tldr responses.  Manufactured click-bait becomes a cleavage shot in a Donald tweet.  We would rather be entertained by staring at the plane crash than watch a knowledgeable experienced pilot operate the vehicle to its destination.  This apparently is true even if we are the passengers. 

On some level American voters want a president to be reality television.  We want to be entertained rather than soberly dwell on the functional pragmatism of the position.  We obsess over the job application, but have little interest in the job.  We are the only country to make a presidential election a two year must-see event.  Trump understands this.  What do I expect Trump to do as president; on some level to put on a reality show from the White House. 

Trump was born with money and made his bankroll in real estate, not people, finance, science, or law.  He was given capital and collected rents manipulating the system to avoid taxes and make money for Donald. He learned that from his father.  There is nothing wrong with an entrepreneur profiting in business with balanced business ethics, but Trump's track record is a field day of excess and self-interest.  (Business ethics is an actual course in business school.  That wasn't a euphemism.  It has to do with environmental consequences, and responsibilities to different stakeholders like employees, customers, community residents, governments etc.)  

Running for President might be the first time Trump ever had to apply for a job.  Many of his outside businesses and branding have been bankruptcies.  What is he successful at; getting people to stare at him.  That is what he did on the Apprentice, tower signs, the campaign, and I expect the same in the White House.  His tweets will be big league. 

He will invite himself to entertain us, because in some part of America that is what we want and the best thing Trump knows how to do. We want a traffic accident to gawk at.  We will post on social media, "Did you hear what he said? click here."  This is what we have become through television, a nation who would choose as its top representative to the world a man who cheats on his sexual partners, brags about sexually assaulting women, threatens violence and banning an entire religion from immigrating.  

Trump was born with a huge lead, squandered much of the money, but learned one thing really well.  Puff your chest and chin out as an animal and use money to make people yield so that no matter what you say or do you never concede, admit fault, and always maintain aggression. If they insult you remember, take revenge, sue, discredit, and take what you want.  This is a type-A alpha male doing arrogant stupid things and getting praised for his undisciplined rants, body language, and showmanship.  He mused he could stand in the street and shoot someone and no one could stop him.  Now he can do that to whole countries behind the mask of the state.  

To a repressed white man who lost his job, flooded in internet porn, McDonald's, Viagra, pickup truck and beer ads, taught that he has to listen to a black president who is coming for his guns, insulting his Jesus telling him he has to accept gays and black lives matter, he feels alienated and blamed.  He feels lost from his father's America and wants a return to the W.A.S.P. alpha male after politically correct culture has said he is the problem for so many of the world's ills.  Donald Trump projects alpha male on television with his model wife, money, and power.  A vote for Trump makes a poor man rich.  Except as Springsteen sung rich man want to be king and he ain't satisfied until he rules everything.  

Trump voters and many non-Trump voters understand the system is crooked. Trump voters are not in majority racist.  Even inside racism, most of what gets blanketed as racism is learned implicit bias and not overt racism or sexism.  America gets into this war of extremes of calling all Trump voters part of AmeriKKKa, wife beaters,  gay bashers etc.  They clearly are not.  Yes, those assholes are definitely in Trump's camp, but they are not forty-seven percent of the popular vote.  

The implicit bias for the most part reinterprets reality convenient to the individual to accept those aspects of Trump as minimally important compared to others. There is implicit bias contained in that world view, but racism like almost anything else cannot be solely all or nothing.  None of the candidates are perfect and to millions of people Clinton's  documented neoliberalism and political history of party politics alienated the majority of that lot.  Clinton has taken money over the years from many sources that worry many voters including Bernie Sanders.  This includes Wall Street firms and powerful people in foreign nations. 

There is a huge number of white people exhausted from feeling blamed for everything inside a perceived avalanche of political correctness criticizing the sphere of W.A.S.P.  The issue of using the words radical Islam and calling something what it is, is part of the flip side of over sensitivity inside the political correctness bubble. Blaming poor and middle class white people for what wealthy white people like Trump have accrued under W.A.S.P.-pinnacle America comes across as inapplicable over kill to many white Americas.  Many feel like they have had to bust their ass to work for the little they have and fail to see the step stool their white skin has been and is.   

As long as America is based on catch phrases and polarized confirmation bias media, rather than fact-based, America will struggle to delineate specifics inside the discussions of racial, religious, and ethnic groups; because none of these are one size fits all topics. Catch-phrase identity-politics intentionally attempts to homogenize identity with causation.  Grouping all white Trump voters as racist or all Muslims as terrorists, blacks as thugs, Mexicans as rapist criminals etc. allows each party to fit complex ideas into hyperbolic cast nets of untruth capitalizing the energy of each side's base in opposition to being labeled.  

The biggest difference is the American criminal justice system has continued to engage in institutionalized racism from inception.  This country was founded on slavery, limiting voting to white male property owners, and Jim Crow.  That limitation is at the cotton pith of why the Electoral College even exists so that one citizen does not equal one equally weighted vote for America's only nationally elected office.  America's history plainly shows the founding white male property owning fathers thought some people's lives mattered more than others. 

Al Gore and Hillary Clinton both won the popular vote and lost the presidency. The Electoral College was not genius by the founders it was a concession to state's rights due to institutions like slavery to create a union and limit the power of large states. The Electoral College makes millions of Americans first abstain from voting, because they feel their vote does not matter and secondly remain less engaged in our government.  

A Constitutional amendment for a compromise hybrid system where the popular vote winner gets bonus votes of twenty, thirty, or fifty etc. would make the popular vote matter.  A presidential election is the only time where the entire country votes as individual citizens.  We live in states like California or Mississippi where one may feel one's vote is irrelevant.  Adding a pool of bonus votes keeps smaller states weighted more heavily than a popular vote only, but also empowers all citizens.   In this election around forty-seven percent of eligible voters abstained.  

Republicans blast the myth of voter fraud despite those millions of people who do not even bother to vote. Keep watch on the difference between what attorney generals Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch did compared to whomever Trump nominates in regards to how easy it is to vote.  Institutionalized racism in the criminal justice system and the drug war links felonies to the largest disenfranchisement of voters in America.  This along with anti-immigration polices are engineered to reduce Democrat votes for the W.A.S.P. pinnacle.  Voter ID laws, reducing polling locations, insisting the election is on a Tuesday and not a holiday or a Saturday all make it more difficult for working class people of any color to vote.  Republicans want long lines on a day you have to work and fit voting in so that you say fuck it, my vote doesn't matter anyway, I'm just going to go home and turn on the television.  This is not healthy for our democracy.  

While the majority of white male Trump voters are not racist, this over reach of labeling with race is a false equivalency.  The burden in reality is not equitable.  Inside the Fox News confirmation bias bubble Trump's words to combat political correctness may appear on par defending whiteness to some voters.  They are not and never will be on par with the effect of institutional and individual racism affecting the lives of people of color.  Trump's words are relevant, but not of equal weight or concern to the total population.  Thus we have this giant cognitive debate of what black lives and all lives matter mean to each American that goes back to the foundation of this country.    

There is also an age gap where much of that criticism appears on social media through millennial voices who have not had enough time or access to the economy to contribute commensurate work to build the country as forty-year-old-plus Americans.  Millennials are likely more highly formally educated with university degrees, but have paid few taxes.  Millennials have paid millions in interest on college debt attempting to participate in an economy Baby Boomers and Seniors control.  Floridian retirement communities and older unemployed workers in the fossil fuel industry for Trump decided this election.  To many of these voters a Brexit worry about today and not tomorrow voting strategy was probably appealing due to age and desperation.  

America has a neoliberal one-party system designed into opposing red and blue to balance designed stagnation so that the status quo persists and each side blames the other as American helplessness pervades the citizenry.  The majority of Republicans and Democrats both see it.  The vast majority of Americas agree party politics stink, but people still keep re-electing their same Senator or Congressman, because the group sucks, everybody else sucks, but my local name I know has tenure and I can't sacrifice that spot in line or take the time to learn about a new candidate.  

Well a lot of people saw Trump as the anti-status quo.  Trump campaigned a Constitutional amendment to term limit Congress that has zero chance of passing.  Trump acted like a battering ram to those tenure lines without needing the standard donors because he could manufacture his media time with is big mouth, orange skin, windswept toupee and giant eyebrows barking sound bites, but after election day it takes political skills, knowledge of government, daily drive, humility, deep thought, and a systematic understanding of the problems America and the globe face to fix the system.  Trump has zero political experience and many of the policies he proposes will make it worse or are so infeasible, lack detail, or erratic that trusting him is unconscionable given what is at stake.  This is not a television show.  This is real.    

Enough people said fuck the system after watching fake news for eight years of Obama, but also watching the Republicans and Democrats continue Beltway politics.  The confirmation bias of Fox News airing story after story of click bait screen crawls under the leadership of a serial abuser of women Roger Aisles was designed to confirm a W.A.S.P. pinnacle worldview into millions of angry alienated white Americans trying to comprehend the modern world.  Fox News gets better ratings than CNN, MSNBC, and several other news channels combined.  This is why in the primary they tried to repress Trump, because Aisles could see Trump as a rival for that advertising revenue.  After the nomination Fox had to support Trump hoping he would either win or lose horribly.  A horrible loss would reduce the likelihood of a rival conservative news network.  A win would prevent it originating through Trump.  

That confirmation bias capitalizes on the implicit bias against women, minorities, homosexuals, and any part of the non-W.A.S.P. rainbow coalition to redirect angst and cynicism into votes.  Despite the long neoliberal section of her resume Clinton was better prepared, educated, and qualified for the globe’s highest office with a sound platform for human rights, equality, healthcare, and the environment than almost any historical first time presidential candidate.  Her challenger was unquestionably the least.  

The result was an irrational false equivalency as Clinton allowed the campaign to be about Trump’s pussy grabbing, misogyny, xenophobia, and racism rather than his gapping black void of political inexperience.  To Clinton's defense, no major party nominee has ever had to combat the misogyny of the American people. Clinton was criticized to an exorbitant degree compared to Bush, Romney, McCain, Gore, or Kerry etc.  Humans are more critical of women.  Implicit bias against women is real even in women against women.  The image of a white male doing whatever the fuck he wants was irresistible to a horde of repressed angry poor white men wanting the small illusion of power post WWII America taught them before political correctness, the civil rights act, and the birth control pill. 

Millions of poor whites in this country are struggling economically.  Many misunderstand Trump’s wealth as a sign of a surrogate god symbolized in the idea of an employer.  When Trump says he can create jobs many believe him. The idea of how Trump obtained his wealth and success is irrelevant to the sight of gold leaf penthouses.  Desperate people play the lottery.  Many have little understanding of supply side macroeconomics and what happens when firms just keep the under-taxed profit.  Many in the rust belt, oil, coal, natural gas America (Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Texas) voted for Trump because acknowledging climate change is real recognizes that the factory and smoke stack age is dying.  If not, humanity will.  

Every human needs to feel he or she has a purpose.  How do you give hope to an unemployed man who has worked in a fossil fuel industry his whole career without a college education in a town falling apart who has to face his wife and kids when there is not enough food to put on the table when daddy does not know what to do?  

Trump promises to cut regulations and increase domestic fossil fuel energy production to bring back jobs.  He promises to get rid of N.A.F.T.A. to bring back jobs. Bill Clinton signed N.A.F.T.A. with higher Republican than Democratic votes in both the House and Senate, but that does not matter.  Voters hear a Clinton caused this.  Any large trade agreement like NAFTA gives firms access to cheaper labor and shifts wealth to capital.  Bill Clinton and Obama both support trade agreements like N.A.F.T.A. and  the Trans Pacific Partnership (T.P.P.) because they are neoliberals.  Republicans like Bush and Reagan supported them too.  Bernie Sanders never has.  Trump pounced on that idea when Sanders was out of the race and Hillary flip flopped to try to get elected.  Truth is everyone, but Sanders is actually for them.  Trump was just saying shit to get elected.  Trump neck ties are still not made in America.  

Trump wants to revert energy policy and dismantle the E.P.A.  Renewable energy through technological advancements will be cheaper than fossil fuels eventually.  The main reasons it is not now is because the true cost of carbon emissions are externalized from the price at the pump and on electric bills, along with Saudi Arabia dumping oil on the market through O.P.E.C.  Why is Saudi Arabia doing this; Saudi-Aramco and the men who profit from it understand that living in 130 degree average temperatures is not sustainable for humans in the region.  Potable water will run out before oil does in a region soaked in fossil fuels.  It is better for the Saudi Arabian economy to dump oil now even at these low prices than to get to an electric car norm in Europe, the United States, and possibly China. 

The true cost for the United States comes when Lake Mead dries up or the California aquifers are pumped dry and orchards die or when Miami is underwater.  The true cost for the world is looking at Shanghai, Dubai, Tehran, Riyadh, Calcutta, and everywhere highly subject to either drought or flood.  The path forward is a hybrid approach that shifts more and more towards, not away from renewables, but uses mathematics of supply to meet demand, not rhetoric and climate change denial.  Trump does not want to talk about the empirically proven causation of  anthropogenic climate change.  Trump says climate change is a Chinese conspiracy and voters believe him, because he uses the words believe me and terrific after he says such nonsense and he can encapsulate an argument into a sound bite and train the public via jingoistic operant conditioning.      

There are good reasons the Environmental Protection Agency has regulations.  While Louisiana oil and gas workers and West Virginia coal miners are struggling, no politician can change science or the very real financial and health consequences facing humanity.  That is the adult no-limit table Hillary has sat at while Trump was watching beauty contests at his casino or acting on the Apprentice.  The solution to our problems is intelligent discussion based on empirical evidence about economics and science, not a theater of sound bites or misunderstanding the roots of the basic question, "Why can't I find a job?"   

The neoliberal agenda birthed in the 1950’s under Eisenhower when Christianity was mated with capitalism to create a false war against secularism and Communism.  This trained America to obey government and employers across every subsequent Republican and Democratic presidency and disempower labor.  This has ballooned Wall Street and shifted most of the world's wealth from labor to capital as technology automates labor or seeks lowest common denominator human labor in the global marketplace wherever possible.  The taxes on the companies and high income individuals doing and owning this are too low or never charged because of international tax shelters.  Those taxes are typically only on income and not capital where the massive wealth exists.  This is the main reason why you can't find a job and governments across the Earth are broke.  Furthermore these companies encourage foreign wars to drive up debt, because the banks make money off the interest and all the other war expenditures.  Poor people get killed and unless you work for the military, defense contractor, or oil company fueling jets you are still out of a job.    

Clinton would have continued this neoliberal pro-war agenda too, albeit less so than say Reagan.  Maybe some of her concessions to Sanders after the primary might have helped mitigate that if she actually could get any of it passed.  The Left must acknowledge Obama and Bill Clinton bombed poor people like the Bush family did while in office. We have assisted in coups throughout our history.  Obama basically gets a pass by the Left and Bush is vilified as a war monger compared to Hitler.  Tell that to the mother of a dead son in Yemen.  Tell that to the thousands of lives saved by U.S. bombs in recorded history. Trump bears a similar effigy ready to burn and salute.  All Americans need to openly acknowledge the spectrum of what the U.S. bombs we vote for do to our global community on both human and economic levels.  This is not the domain for a man worried about grabbing pussy.  

Americans benefit and suffer in both parties and so do citizens in foreign nations because of the American military.  The DNC's inability to swallow Sanders' secular Judaism and stance as an anti-war dove is a major factor in why he is not president of the United States.  Americans are afraid the rest of the world will seek retribution for history if we show weakness.  We are an insecure people afraid to acknowledge the truth of our military history and the duality of bullets.  Our elected leadership reflects us.  Some government has to be the alpha dog on the planet.  Since WWII America has been the new Roman Empire.   

The God question was the unspoken key to this election.  Trump is clearly not an evangelical and the sight of preachers laying hands on him or Trump's mitts on a Bible look staged for a man who appears to have few moral compunctions when it comes to sexually abusing women, committing fraud, lying, threatening violence, avarice, or not forgiving people.  The Christian values voters in America overwhelmingly voted for Trump.  We all know why.  Clinton is a Christian woman married to the same man for forty years with the public well aware of her husband's well documented adulteries. Bernie Sanders represented the largest silent majority in American politics, secularists.  

Millions of Americans are agnostics, atheists, pantheists,  or spiritual, but not religious and are afraid to let others know in certain environments.  I would imagine on a lie detector test Trump and Sanders along with many Congress people are secularists of some form.  Many Americans do not want Jesus or Allah in government. This also includes a large number of theists.  Christian fundamentalist laws and judges reinterpreting the Constitution to consider Biblical laws violates the first amendment.  Non-belief in many polls ranks as one of the least desirable traits of a potential political candidate for Americans.  Maybe the only thing worse is saying you are a socialist.  Bernie Sanders is a secular Jewish democratic socialist.  

The path out of where we are has to do with consciousness.  Consciousness is typically a byproduct from each person's path through ideas like God, spirituality and asking what are we; what is this?  No one knows on God, but the ideas of what we are, what the universe is, what interconnection is, that is the division of the fifty / fifty American political divide. In the crux is a form of fundamentalism versus a form of open secularism.  Nationalism and specifically Christianity in American government  predominately abide in the Republican Party.  Universality of humanity on a small planet and the acceptance of secularism predominately abide in the Democratic Party.  This to me is the rarely spoken borderline in the political war.  Secularism includes religious people, but excludes religion from public policy.    

The divide sees the founders of America as white Christian property owning men of Northern European descent as the standard of being an American.  Deviations in race, ethnicity, religion, wealth, and gender are conceptually viewed as less American. Obviously laws were made by the founders to coordinate this with voting access and other beneficial privileges.  

Trump's mother and wife were not born in America.  Trump's grandparents were not born in America.  Trump's Muslim immigration ban, claim that a judge of Mexican heritage could not be unbiased in a court case involving Trump, the wall and rapists statements about Mexicans, and his choices to embrace white nationalists are racist behaviors.  The open inclusion of the Democratic party embraces all permutations of these human characteristics where the alarming portrait of the G.O.P. is so much closer to the founder's white-print.  This correlates with the closed nature of fundamentalism versus the open nature of secularism.  One can better understand and hypothesize the expected consensus opinion within each party on almost any topic based on these ideas of closed and open, conservative and liberal in context to double standards for what a citizen is allowed to do and what a firm owner or empowered individual is allowed. 

In a Republican precept the individual is closed and the firm is open.  In a Democratic precept the individual is open and the firm is closed.  We see this is in the idea of regulation.  Each is wary of the other ordained side in effectually a modern one-party system tug of war on a stagnant rope. Democrats attempt to regulate Wall Street with acts like Dodd-Frank and Glass Steagall, the E.P.A., and the S.E.C.  Republicans dub this over regulation even after 1929 and 2008 and attempt to cut the taxes on Wall Street.  Republicans attempt to regulate the individual citizen with the Patriot Act, efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade and control women's bodies, stiff immigration laws, empowering the police, military, and other watchmen of the citizenry.  

Republicans effectively raise regressive taxes rather than progressive which taxes the lower classes more.  Democrats dub these violations of civil and human rights and a dangerous consolidation of wealth that reduces consumer spending.  So in this dichotomy we can see the blurred perceptions of closed and open on firm and individual levels to understand respective approaches to the economy and one's personal life to reinterpret who each part is really talking about when it comes to freedom and liberty.  

Thousands rallied for Sanders. The DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz sabotaged Bernie and refused to support him in an equitable fashion. Clinton was in on it.  The American people found out. A major reason is the God question and a misunderstanding by the Democratic base of the differences between democratic socialism and communism.  Clinton also had way more money at the start and it took Sanders too long to catch up.  Trump emulated Sanders and spouted populist Leftist help-the-working-man go after Wall Street and the broken political system ads.  The American rust belt ate that up, but what he says and what he proposes do not line up. Lowering the top end income tax rates, ending access to healthcare for the poor, and federal regulations protecting the poor without detailed replacements or how to fund them is America failing to do our homework.  

The Democratic primary was one on one.  Sanders refused to use the issue of the emails in order to make the campaign about issues. Clearly America is not ready for issues-based campaigns or politics.  We prefer to be entertained with tabloid like plot twists, identity politics, and coddle our cynicism so we can elect a President to bitch at for everything that we think is wrong while we go about our lives treating democracy like a spectator sport or a television show we watch while munching Doritos and gulping Brawndo.  

 Trump yanked the ridiculous noose of the emails to the end.  It didn't matter that Clinton had already been cleared in Republican-hit-job Federal hearings.  Maybe it is because Trump knew what was coming on the last lap of the race.  FBI Director James Comey may have swung this election.  Millions early voted prior to the Sunday November sixth when the no evidence found news broke. 

The very idea that the FBI chose to make the additional review of emails public days before a Presidential election to me is the criminal act.  It is inexcusably irresponsible deriding democracy given the lack of substantial evidence known to the director of the FBI at the integral time in American history.  The fact that the FBI found nothing is a glaring indictment that this act was likely  a staged intentional act of political sabotage.  There is a greater than zero chance Trump knew this was his ace in the hole.  Donald knew that ace was a bluff, but it was a bluff that would legitimize the lock her up narrative he had trained America to repeat.    

If the Republicans had a one on one establishment candidate for Trump instead of the misfit crew of Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Kasich, Carson, Fiorina, etc. refusing to consolidate, then Trump probably would have been quashed by primary votes before the virus grew.  Hillary probably would have beaten any normal Republican.  America decided qualifications did not apply to Trump.  The Donald is a Trojan horse from the poor whites the Republican Party has been fucking over for decades and sadly will continue to fuck over as Trump’s policies will actually harm the working poor.  None of the other candidates would have gotten that much free TV and internet time, but the orange dumpster fire got a billion in free marketing. 

Trump acted as the character he plays on TV as if this campaign was just a movie in cell phones and screens, because modern life is so distorted.  The pawns wanted to say, "You're fired!" to the status quo in a Molotov cocktail of cynicism and desperation.  Trump acted like a movie villain to his opponents and a vigilante to his base.  His professional wrestling experience came in handy.  

To much of nerd America his election feels like the middle movie in a trilogy of the Empire striking back to rebuild the death star, Voldemort popping up after the tri-wizard tournament heading to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, President Snow in the Hunger Games, Sauron eyeing the ring, etc.   The series of events reeks of a Faustian bargain.  Although it is most likely Trump is more a buffoon Space Balls Dark Helmet than Star Wars Darth Vader, he is a dangerous egotistical buffoon whose big head will likely lead to people dying and losing hopes, safety, and livelihoods.  My fear is that the Republican Party morphs around him and Trump's path to victory becomes more mainstream as if the words coming out of his mouth are not theater for a character in a script, but people view this  gestapo-like media approach to 21st Century fascism as a new normal. 

Trump’s proposed policies risk making America more insular which leaves our allies and us vulnerable to China and Russia both economically and militarily.  One skirmish and Trump’s ready hard-on to use the military will make George W. Bush look prudent.  The U.S. GDP is enormous, but we have a spending problem.  If you look at global debt, budgeting and leveraging we are vulnerable because we use so many of the world’s resources.  We are net importers.  The rest of the world is America’s labor and natural resource farm.  Americans have been trained to be consumers first.  The reason the shelves of the stores stay stocked at the prices they do has more to do with South and Central America and Asia than domestic production.  

If we create trade wars by raising tariffs, renegotiating trade deals works both ways.  This requires shifting a finance, technology, marketing, and consumerist American economy towards manufacturing, agriculture, and textiles.  Our domestic capacity will deplete and inflation will occur.  Why haven’t we experienced deep inflation since the 1970’s; because the Federal Reserve prints money and we borrow from the future in order to over consume goods and energy we do not need in order to chase the rabbit of economic growth to attempt to validate neoliberal supply-side economics.  We get cheap labor and natural resources from foreign nations to keep inflation down.  We cut taxes on the rich and deprive cash to the poor reducing consumer spending in an endless chase for the resources sleeping in the banks of the wealthy instead of circulating in the economy.  

The consolidated wealth into oligarchs like Trump allows them to manipulate the system and leave the burden of public debt for generations to come when capital is not sufficiently taxed.  Trump pretends to be a renegade willing to one-up the larger billionaires as if he is Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack at Bushwood Country Club to prop his own ego.  Maybe he will screw over the real Bush’s a bit for show, but more likely he will just help out Trump Resorts by doing what he said he was going to do, cut taxes on people like Trump.  

Do you think Trump will support raising the federal minimum wage, taxing capital, lowering the cost of healthcare by creating a single payer option, reduce the size of the military, or making college education more affordable like Bernie Sanders proposed which would actually address neoliberalism?  Or did Trump think, "Hmm, Clinton just screwed over Sanders.  People really liked him.  I can prey on the concerns his would be swing voters have and win the election by promising them jobs and the illusion of solutions through a supply-side lens that I have no ability to deliver."   

The goal of a neoliberal system is stability to profit.  Pitting the middle class against the lower class through identity politics and above all avoiding circumspection of mathematics or fully comprehending how the system operates is intentional.  If someone does try to explain the system, their intellectualism is mocked.  Instead catch phrases and showmanship are valued for sound bites and news clips.  The people applaud getting screwed while management grins.  No one wants to read or really think because we are too busy bearing the burden of psychic trauma processing the cognitive dissonance of modern life created by the neoliberal system inside of being human in an ocean of technology that many Americans just want to sit in front of the television, not think about anything too stressful, and have a beer when they get off work.  They do not even want to contemplate how their vote may be against their economic self interest.    

The myth of white supremacy with the W.A.S.P. heterosexual cisgender pinnacle was at the foundation of Britain as the master of white imperialism and colonialism.  This passed into the United States and is the core principal of cognitive dissonance of valuing whiteness, maleness, and Christianity above blackness, femaleness, or Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Traditional Chinese beliefs, Buddhism, etc. or secularism.  Trump re-struck this chord to make America great again as making America W.A.S.P. again.  The Trump coalition was a direct response to Obama’s blackness, Clinton’s vagina, and the endless post 9/11 war with people manipulating Islamic beliefs.  The black lives matter movement and marriage equality Supreme Court decision go directly against this W.A.S.P pinnacle. 

Trump’s election leaves all derivations extending away from that W.A.S.P. cisgender male heterosexual identification as ever more marginalized and in fear for personal safety, liberty, and freedom.  To many it likely feels like being roped back into a closet, Jim Crow, or a back alley abortion as progressive political victories regress towards an unknown time warp.  Deportation, physical violence by citizens and police, reduced access to women’s healthcare, hate crimes, systematic racism, equal rights, and unequal access to education, housing, voting, and economic opportunity are all threatened to occur under the Trump agenda. 

This is a fear the male W.A.S.P. pinnacle is rarely if ever privy and is at the core of the denial that white privilege exists in an ocean of alienated poor whites trumpeting Trump.  A primary reason Trump's repugnant speech is not taken seriously by those outside Trump's base pressing his name in the voting booth on November eighth is because the color of the finger, sexual orientation or gender of the body, or bills in pocket so often make him or her immune to such concerns. 

The lack of governmental reprimand against police officers who murdered Philando Castille and other black Americans, Brock Turner’s six month sentence, and Omar Mateen all play roles in how media profiteers like Fox News helped engineer the confirmation bias of Trump’s base.  They also play a role in the valid fears of a Trump presidency of so many in that rainbow coalition Trump's agenda portents to white-wash to fulfill words like "law and order" and "Make America Great Again." 

If Obama was black America's turn for greater validation to recognize and receive the ultimate American public affirmation of the progress Americans have made in context to blackness to combat the W.A.S.P. pinnacle, then Hillary was the equivalent for women in context to femaleness.  The hidden lair is Sanders was that for secularists, the largest repressed political minority in America.   

Clinton's election would not have ended misogyny, just as Obama's did not end racism.  Her nomination like Obama's ignited the fear and fury of respective hate camps.  The lack of America's repudiation of Trump has many women despondent, particularly the four out of every ten who have suffered abuse by men. 

Does this mean that America is more misogynist than racist or that it is harder to be an American white woman than black man; no. As far as worst things in American history go slavery is unparalleled in the generational socioeconomic cascading disadvantages apportioned to blackness and advantages apportioned to whiteness.  However, the election of Trump to feminist America is deeply painful.  The idea of Elizabeth Warren's potential candidacy in 2020 is a shinning light in the morrows at the dusk of today for many Americans.  So are the thousands of other highly qualified female candidates across this country including the four new female Senators.  

There is also a very real economic fear for many who live pay check to pay check.  The earned income credit, food stamps, and disability payments are supplemental income in lack of living wages for many Americans including many of Trump's base.  The W.A.S.P. pinnacle myth creates cognitive dissonance in Reagan's black welfare queen stereotype imprinted of an us-and-them dichotomy.  The implication is that there is wealth in whiteness, a footstool in squalor of that is not me, because the implicit bias blinds many Americans to math in place of surface traits like skin color. This is part of the trick in how the minority of the mega-wealthy get a preponderance of the poor and lower middle whites to vote Republican.  It is older than Jim Crow and formerly the tool of Southern Democrats.  Most of the rest is done with a flag and Jesus.  Bill Clinton signed Welfare to Work legislation that started the escalation of Federal disability payments as states cut welfare programs.  

Trump as the presidential role model for a generation of American children and frankly many adults is embarrassing and frightening on a multitude of levels.  The grab the pussy viral video did not even change the outcome? How does a parent tell her or his daughter or son about the history and words of the president elect without censure, condemnation, or embarrassment?  Sexual assault, fraud, deceit, adultery, theft, greed, and vanity are all in that discussion.  How are these Christian values for Trump’s American Christian values voters?  Does being fake pro-life and having an ardent pro-life VP excuse everything else for Christian values voters?  We hear manipulated echoes back to when Billy Graham and Nixon were planning a new America.

There are millions of white Americans who grew up watching their parents employed in careers with living pay without a college education under the white privileges of the post WWII technology boom.  These Americans grew to be consumers believing a decent day of work for decent pay and Church on Sunday morning was standard.  For some of Trump's voters in this number, the brown man in a foreign country is to blame for working cheaper and the factory job leaving America.  The C.E.O. or stockholders are not to blame.  The dividends are not to blame.  Brown and blackness is to blame just as it was in slavery and in post-civil war Jim Crow America reverberating in the words all lives matter. 

White supremacy is a myth, but white privilege is real.  The inner islands of America’s white privilege ignorant to what has actually occurred perceive a return of familiar historical safety due to misunderstanding planetary and species interdependence.  There is no island of what happens to one that does not affect all.  There is no us and them; there is only us.  The neck of humanity’s economic head titled its gaze away from its body November eighth.  The toned limbs will atrophy as the pompous mouthpiece newspeaks us towards 1984 if we are not proactive in rebuttal.  We have placed ourselves on a path to Orwell's head cage of rats gnawing for environmental and spiritual survival. 

Art, poetry, empathy, and consciousness have been lacerated in choosing fear.  The head will starve us by speaking about making greatness while growing weakness.  We must find dominion in the art of our hearts while understanding the mathematical facts of global economics.  Let us shine out in art and action while focusing on science and empirical evidence over rhetoric.  We must as Laura Jane Grace of the band Against Me! sings, "lost in psychic dire straits, how can we heal these bitter divisions?  How can we overcome our mutual distrust?" 

Trump won by earning enough of the trust of two main camps of voters.  There is a population of scared white people marketed by an American system to farm fear.  This is the Republican base and they will vote for any Republican candidate.  The overt racists are in this number, but they are a minority.  The goal is to sell Americans products like anxiety meds, dick pills, heart medication, security systems, guns, exclusive neighborhoods, Bibles, meds for your dog or cat, flags, panic alert buttons, bigger cars and trucks, private schools, gasoline, and bigger plates at the dinner table.  The system wants you on your knees so the monsters do not come out.  The surrogate god of your employer may bless you with a job.  You will never quit or demand higher pay.  You will show up for church to tithe on Sunday.  This works on both parties, but the biggest converts tend to vote Republican.    

The second group in this election are the people fed up with the America's one-party system who do not like Hillary either.  They just wanted to blow up the whole system.  Many are so cynical that electing a clearly unqualified man from outside Washington is a big middle finger in a world where Washington is just going to do what ever it wants while the American people are ignored.  That is why Trump won, because Clinton while smarter, safer, better prepared and capable in basically every logical way felt like more of the same despite her vagina.  The second group wanted to address the elephant with the donkey's asshole in the room that fake fights with itself on the television so that nothing ever gets done so that each party blames the other.  

Americans are taught to color code in camps because of this beast, but people are hurting, desperate, and suffering on both sides of the animal.  We are incorrectly taught to believe that out of the two choices one is right and one is wrong.  Both are a reflection of us.  Ideas are right and wrong based on circumstance, fact patterns, science, math, and being a decent human being.  Assuming that because you put on a jersey of the home team that the opposing team is evil forgets that we are all just humans, naked, afraid, flawed, and seeking love in an interrelated universe. 

Many independents probably would have voted for Bernie Sanders over Trump, but in his absence you get the orange menace in the oval office.  There is no perfect candidate.  No human is probably worthy of that much power or the position, but given the two major party nominations, their likelihood to implement solutions to the core problems based on facts, math, and science and how prepared and qualified Clinton is compared to Trump, America has shown a great deal of carelessness, ignorance, and lack of empathy for our species and planet.  

This is a path to the nadir of neoliberalism as a form of global government.  The potential dawn's light is in the bottoming out of a dark mirror to the egocentric politics that have allowed events like Brexit and Donald Trump's election to occur.  The frightening descending stairs of the upcoming years may shift awakened human consciousness into a better today when we see the feckless horror of the worst.  The jewel is the awareness in who we are, why we are here, and how to shed fear and choose love.  

The greatest reason to explain Trump's victory through so many swing voters that I keep coming back to is deep psychic pain of dealing with the modern world.  The global economy creates order to respond to natural entropy as technologies advance and daily life becomes depersonalized.  We fail to see each other.  That is how a stock price is prioritized over people and a cell phone is chosen over a face or  a text over hearing a voice.  That is how BP was more concerned with profits than safety on the deep water horizon.  We need to reconnect with each other and destroy these red and blue lines.  

We must see the game played within our common global herd and we must kill the absolutism in partisanship.  For this is us choosing this for ourselves.  There is no one else, only our fears of each other.  A lack of consciousness and an aversion to intellectualism has led us here.  Let it be consciousness and antipathy for ignorance which focuses us.  In however many viable human generations we have left on this planet we must attempt to redeem our deafness and willful lethargy.  We must see each other. 

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